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Posts posted by ZuZu

  1. i would have to say between 1-5 more games, though if i had to guess an exact number i would say 4 more games, though this guess is not counting game boy games.. they're not quite as big as TP or OOT

  2. Well, i was going to suggest you to take a break, but if you've been blocked for two months thats plenty of time for your break :P so thats not a solution for you.

    It sounds to me like you're just lacking inspiriation. If I were you, I would read / listen to / look at / admire etc. all of your favourite artists (painters, writers, musicians, whatever) to try and get some inspiration to get you writing, if that doesnt work, you could try http://www.inspireme.net/ for inspiration, its a site with 'Famous Inspirational Stories, Quotes, Poems, and Posters' and its pretty good at inspiring. hope I helped!

  3. HOW do I put a picture of some random thing in the personal picture thing of my "personal portal" thing?

    Go to 'My Controls', then, under the heading 'Personal Profile' click 'Change Personal Photo'. You can ONLY upload photo's from your computer, if you find one on the internet that you want to use as your personal picture, save the image to your computer then upload it. I THINK thats what you were asking? hope i helped.

  4. Oh yeah, Devil May Cry was also an fun game, i only ever played #3, though it was pretty fun, and also I forgot to mention the GTA series, all their games are pretty good (and violent :P)

  5. Its pretty obvious we all like zelda games, cos we're on this site, but im curious what other games do you like? Post your favourites whether they be console games, PC games or even board or card games.

    I dont have that much time for games anymore, but i still enjoy playing them occasionally when i can.

    For me, I love Starcraft personally, I've played it for about 8 years now. I also love diablo 2 & warcraft 3 though i hardly play them anymore. I also really enjoy playing my SNES roms on my PC, cos there were some really fun games on that system.

  6. Her??

    This is perhaps a job for your parents. If you can open it up, I recomend getting inside the DS and wiping the inside of the button with a slightly damp cloth, it should get rid of any sticky problems causing the button to come up slower.

    Other than that, you could try getting a professional to look at it.

  7. But your Goron Hands aree too fat to hold them.

    I wish......For a PS2 with Kingdom Hearts 2. I also wish for TP. I wish I would get them and nothing would happen to them or my family or my friends or the world or me.

    Granted. then all of a sudden, your ps2 stops working, with the kingdom hearts 2 disc inside. as your trying to get it to work, the ps2 suddenly bursts into flames, and sets fire to the case of TP as well as the entire room. you run out of the room to get some water to put out the fire, and when you come back the whole room is ablaze. you tell your family to run & you all go outside, coincidently just as your doing that, lightning hits a large tree nearby and it lands right ontop of your house. Then a german plane from WW2 flies over and drops a bomb only blowing up your house. Then the world explodes. THE END!

    I wish writing the above story didnt take so long.

  8. Yeah i had a bike accident a few weeks back on a saturday night at about 2am, lost control and sent myself and my cousin down into some ones concrete front path <_<. we both got lots of scratches and cuts on our arms and legs but we survived. :rolleyes:

    Also last night i got home pretty late, walked inside and straight away tripped on my cousin's black high heel shoes (it was dark so i didnt see them) and nearly hit my head on a table.

  9. A very nice video, and the song goes well with it.

    I'm pretty sure that the song that played in the clip is by Symphony X, it sounds like their kind of music & vocals.

  10. :unsure: Youtube and Nick.com/turbo still have the episodes.. Youtube is more reliable for this, actually. OH! And this site rocks for Zimmy stuff.


    They have stuff like the script to an episode that shoulda aired... The Mopiness of Dib! It showed that they need each other to live (in a way)... It probably would have given people the wrong message. But at the ending, it shows that they played a sort of game of chase.. I can picture it,and picture it happily.

    yeah? cool.

    thanks ill be sure to check it out.

  11. I've never been big on writing, but I am currently writing a story. It is just something I want to do & I probably wont show it to anyone else. It's just something im doing for my own pleasure. I dont suffer 'writers' block' as it were, but sometimes I just dont feel like writing, even if i have good idea's.

  12. Go to My Controls then Change Display Name. you can only do this a couple of times though.

    Am I being blind or is the 'Change Display Name' thing not in my controls? can some one point out where it is?

    And Dustin, just curious - how many times can you change it?

  13. I dont know that many, and I dont like that many either, but one of the few I do like is Evangelion.

  14. *cough* SPAM! *cough*

    You should be happy, this means she'll be on the site less.

    Though I'm happy for her because she's doing something she likes to do.

  15. hmmm.. thats interesting, though I think they will loose sales because of this.

    Alot of people go out, rent a game, love it, so they decide to buy it.

    Look at World Of Warcraft for example, i've seen heaps of places selling trial cds to the game, because they know that most of the people will go on to buy the full game.