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Posts posted by Cirt

  1. Or just type it how Brad Pitt says it in Inglorious Basterds:

    "Natzi." Or even "Gnatzi," because "naz" is almost pronounced like "gnat."

  2. Dude, the laptop I was using flipped a doggiepoo at like 3 AM and died. So I went to sleep.

  3. Yeah, Happy New Year's guys. :>

    I didn't get too drunk...just a bit tipsy. Don't worry, it was supervised drinking :P

    Anyway, my friends/neighbors and I had fun messing around with fireworks while slightly intoxicated. We got my friend to shoot a bottle rocket out of his mouth. XD It was hilarious.

    And then we played Wii. And ate food.

  4. Yeah, I think it's a new decade. These are the years of the 2010's. Meaning that this decade is characterized by having "201-" as the first three numbers. I mean, think about it. It was a new decade in 1990 after 1989, obviously.

  5. Nono, I was in my basement. It was 12:45 AM and I didn't want to wake anyone up xD

  6. Do I have a Southern accent? >>

    Lionheart has a pretty pronounced one. But it's cute.

  7. New camera, new pictures.. :)

    Green eyes today, I guess it's cause of the white shirt?

    Also, Shiz-style picture(s) as well. xD





  8. ^ That was profound, Pheonix. XD

    The thing about sex is that it takes a huge toll on you. Emotionally and physically. I've never done it, but I've had my experiences close to it - like almost engaging in it - before changing my mind. I'm kind of a perfectionist, I don't want to puppy up by puppying someone. So if that person isn't right for me, I probably won't bring myself to do it. Sex is a commitment, especially for the first time, because there's probably nothing like it and it's a whole new experience. Although I understand that it can be solely used for pleasure (and I'm not saying that is a bad thing), I prefer to think of it as something special and very intimate. It's a decision you must be willing to live with.

  9. I didn't get anything for Christmas...yet.

    We only got to open one present. Wii Fit Plus, which is so so so so so so fun. I love it.

    But still though. Christmas was just empty. My sister gets off from her work on the 28th. That's Christmas every year for me.