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Profile Comments posted by Teto

  1. Teto

    Microsot E3 conference now: http://www.e3companion.com/
  2. Teto

    Microsoft E3 presentation at half past the hour: http://www.e3companion.com/
  3. Teto

    Mice President. Awesome.
  4. Teto

    And we're at that age when while on forums, drunk posting should be against the rules.
  5. Teto

    I'm pretty sure if you give life to something it's your legal right to take it away.
  6. Teto

    I guess you can't be dissatisfied with your lover if you're already dead.
  7. Teto

  8. Teto

  9. Teto

    shake that healthy butt
  10. Teto

    Back. As if any of you cunts squidding care.
  11. Teto

    at latest I'll be back on Friday sorry for not saying anything before bye
  12. Teto

    If only Saha wasn't bald
  13. Teto

    "Today, we celebrate the rebirth of a man who preached simplicity, caring, moderation, and charity by gorging ourselves on a grotesquely inhuman amount of food. Just like he would have wanted."
  14. Teto

    how do I put the = through the // so I can tage my post as swig
  15. Teto

    Rule one of fat camp is you don't talk about fat camp.
  16. Teto

    Alarm went off at 8am. Hit snooze. Proceeded to hit snooze another 25 times every 9 minutes when it went off. Got up at noon.
  17. Teto

    Shamrock shakes? More like Shamlock Holmes.
  18. Teto

    Now to fashion my About Me box as a shrine to irony and music. I think it sums up most of what I'm about.
  19. Teto

    Oh most wonderful of mornings, hello!!!! Is that enthusiastic enough..........
  20. Teto

    DB posting on Hyrule. Is this real life??