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Profile Comments posted by Teto

  1. Teto

    *puts on fedora, open trench coat reveals Pinkie Pie shirt* Ladies
  2. Teto

    I killed someone (with kindness!)
  3. Teto

    I find it funny that if I said I killed someone, none of you would believe me.
  4. Teto

  5. Teto

    OK SO I'm trying to start a new large scale forum game, Minority Rule, based on the second round of Liar Game. I'd like it a lot if people got into it, I think it could go well if people show interest.
  6. Teto

    LL get on Skype pls
  7. Teto

    everyone should use the ability to embed imgur galleries actually - you could upload whole comics to imgur or something and just embed the gallery in a thread
  8. Teto

    Chimetals currently has 420 rupees. I think the shop should have weed available to buy for 420 rupees, but it only appears in the shop when you have exactly that number of rupees. I'm a true visionary.
  9. Teto

    lately I've been putting little dashes in my posts instead of starting new sentences - I'm not sure if it's okay to do this
  10. Teto

    Took 5 years, but finally Spyro is available on PSN in the UK <: And 3 for the other two.
  11. Teto

    Goodbye Just Like 2.0.
  12. Teto

    And so upon my return, it was that Sonic Adventure 2 and Tokyo Jungle were purchased on PSN
  13. Teto

    I don't see the point in living if I can't be a reindeer.
  14. Teto

  15. Teto

    I wonder how many fans have a pet peeve of OoT/MM fanart being done in the style of Toon Link, and make a really really big deal about it.
  16. Teto

    unspoiled by the cynicism of his peers, EDA put on his fedora and thrusted onwards into a bright new day
  17. Teto

    y dont u just HOP IT mate
  18. Teto

    dork souls
  19. Teto

    if TV shows expected you to be able to recite everything that happened in the previous episode they wouldn't have those "last episode" things at the start of each episode now would they
  20. Teto

    Should I watch One Piece or Two Piece? I can't decide!
  21. Teto

    did anybody else notice how funny the word dickbag is
  22. Teto

    It's the end of the world as we know it and REM sucks
  23. Teto

    18/12/12: DAWN OF THE FIRST DAY
  24. Teto

    --. .- -.--