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Profile Comments posted by Teto

  1. Teto

    Suggesting variation on werewolf where homosexuals and transgender/transexuals are the wolves "You're the gay! Die scum!" - it would be (one of) the forum's lowest moment(s)
  2. Teto

    I wonder how many of us will have gravestones.
  3. Teto

    Thanks to Knuckle, Ammonsa, Treeto, and Shrubbers to joining the RP so far. Do remember to get back to me with your actions though. If you're not sure what to do, just say "pass" and I'll write some more for you.
  4. Teto

    Going to stream Frasier episodes http://www.twitch.tv/kolpian
  5. Teto

    Just had Game of Thrones spoiled for me. Currently more pissed at a spoiler than I ever have been. Actually just going to cut off tumblr completely until I've read past the TV series.
  6. Teto

    Searching "Teto" on Google, I only have to go to page 5 to find something of mine.
  7. Teto

    I'm 20 now, and I've been on this forum since 2008, so 5 years. I've been on Hyrule.net for 25% of my life.
  8. Teto

    Message to Cascade: I have found the anime character closest to your Mii, based on eyes alone http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/4758-954548534.png
  9. Teto

    Who else besides me was sick to death of the shiba meme "much x such y" as soon as it started. What a crock of shit.
  10. Teto

    Send a prayer to your parents who live in the alternate timeline where you died in your teens.
  11. Teto

    If you're not afraid to die then you're not living hard enough and you should sort that out. I hope we all live long enough to regret our deaths. We only get to experience a small window of human history before we check out, and it sucks that we don't get to see what happens next.
  12. Teto

    Someone hired thugs to kill me in Skyrim. The contract was apparently made by one of the children in Whiterun. Okay then.
  13. Teto

    We should try this again.
  14. Teto

    koala-tea posting
  15. Teto

    I will shank the next mothersquider who says I ain't got no swag.
  16. Teto

    Back in smelly university city ):
  17. Teto

    Since when does Facebook watch us?
  18. Teto

    Moderators should be renamed Seleção, charged with saving Hyrule.
  19. Teto

    "I remember a time before status updates and picture threads. A simpler time, that was a lot more active than it is now." implying those are the reasons this forum is inactive.
  20. Teto

    Okay. This will be my final status. From now on I'll just post every status as a thread.
  21. Teto

    Desperately clings to ankles of new members.
  22. Teto

  23. Teto

    "we need news" e3 passes by, three news threads posted.
  24. Teto

    t1g: shape up or ship out