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Posts posted by Oliver

  1. I'd take............NaviGator (but seeing NaviGator isn't a actual character) i'd take The Red Lion Boat, so i can sail home and then put a bomb on him and send him out into the middle of the ocean, XDDD :D :D

  2. want to waste money? adopt me and get me whatever i want, that'd waste your money in about a day or three

  3. Mages: we have killed the demon and now we must return to our own universe *they all agree*

    The Greater Demon: *drops a Solus 1h sword in a chest*

    NaviGator: *sense this drop and speeds off to get it* MINE *opens the chest and holds it in the air like link does*

  4. (......the mages are in lake hylia if you didn't read everything properly....)

    huh? what mages? i don't see no mages here

  5. ehh, sorrry about that, while you were doing that whatever it was, a demon was being summoned from another realm, i mean another universe, so..the ritual sort of powered it

  6. (you cannot deny my creativity, MUAHAHA)

    Mages: *they cast the most powerfulest spell ever what stops the demon from powering up from the daedric ruins* boom shakalaka *one of the mages then gets out his bassstaff and says* shall i...play the bass staff? not now suggestion mage, we're killing the greater demon

    The Greater Demon: *manical laughter* you won't get far with that *stops time in lake hylia*

  7. *the ground shakes exsplosivly and causes a great tremor to go across the land*

    Mages: what is happening?

    NaviGator: i do not know *runs to zoras domain at thrice the speed of light*

    NOO!!!! *disrupts the sages rituals*

    Mages: *they look around to see what is happening* huh? oh.....

    The Great Demon: YOU SHAL PAY!!!!

    Mages: no, you will *makes her pay*

    *then all of a sudden three triangle pillars open up from the ground and powers the demon*

  8. (if you notice, it has halo refences, i mean c'mon, it's boring with the sevral million posts what have like 1 line)

    Mages: we need you to help us find the tri-force before anyone else does

    NaviGator: what the........*a great rumble comes from the skies above* oh nayru...........RUN!!! *teleports out of lake hylia*

    Mages: we shall protect ourselves *uses their magic to create a shield over them*

  9. *gets pulled down into the water for ten days, and when he re-surfaced, he noticed something different about himself, he looked around his body and saw that he had turned back into his human form, he was wearing a stealth suit and had equipped his energy sword and assualt rilfe* AWSOME!! YARRRGGGHH!!!!! *puts his halo_theme guitar version on* oh yeah, MUAHAHAHA *runs to the door and opens it, then all of a sudden the sky turned a evil red, a laughter of evil came nearer as he approached the water, then a whole group of mages came and said to him*