Eight-bit link

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Posts posted by Eight-bit link

  1. Hey. Always good to see people returning, so welcome back.

    Ditto for arcane. Anyone knows anything else about him (Skype etc.)?

    (Double post, Bond)

  2. Eledealerhk is a spammer and made three topics chock full of sales IRL. We need a better way to catch this.

  3. RIP Jareddude's parents' dreams of grandchildren


    RIP Fierce Muffin

  4. Rika, loved how some of the people were like, 'FML, I don't want to be here.'

    Very catchy, but you're right Clark, don't watch wit people around. I got funny stares by people on the bus (watched on my phone)

  5. Let us put to rest our inactive members on Hnet.




  6. Well, obviously, you closed-source demon.

    Ehm. You could try a dedicated IRC client. I like xChat shipped with Ubuntu, but that's just my cuppa tea. YMMV.

    It's not free for Windows though. Goshdarnit.

    PS: Apple is a terrible.

  7. Yep. Happy with my n64 Right now (Oh, and my Wii) so I won't be dead set on dropping $250.

    Although, I have heard good things about the new slim. Like it doesn't desolder it's GPU. And that its quieter. Not sure if HDD is interchangeable though.

  8. I am still without an Xbox 360. Sooo, joy, price was reduced.

    Whelp. I'm back guys. My computer finally seems stable (It was having problems for the past year).

  9. Game maker doesn't allow you to make web based games. I'm in web design, and learning Flash, so I could make a few mini games when I learn a little more.

  10. My friend acquaintance has horrible breath. Whenever he's around, it smells like something died. I want him to leave me alone or at least stop talking. Is there a kind, subtle way of telling him to see a dentist and use listerine frequently? I can't stand the smell...

  11. Our school is wierd. Some things are blocked in some parts, but not others.

    EG: Cafeteria, HAVE FUN!

    Rooms during passing time, Okay...

    Rooms during class, NO INTERNET FOR YOU!!!

  12. If I might make a suggestion:

    1. Take over North Korean government

    2. Disassemble nukes

    3. use nuclear fuel to power plants like the Fermi II near my house.

    4. Keep tabs on Korea so if stuff like this happens again, we can stop it.

    No nuclear glass, but unfortunately, it does require our involvement and possible injury

  13. We are obviously in the middle of a miniature recession. People here are leaving, becoming inactive, ect.

    The situation as I see it is caused by the lack of a new zelda game. People here have nothing to write about. When people have nothing to write about, nothing is written (or at least less is written) and people become bored. Bored people leave, less people write less, more become bored, and we all fall down an infinite hole.


    1. Wait it out

    One way is to simply wait out this recession. A new Zelda game will come out, people will become interested, and activity will rise. The only thing that might happen is activity grinds to a halt, and that is unlikely to happen.

    2. Advertise

    Tell your friends, family, people you know, people you don't know, rent a billboard, rasturbate a poster of epic proportions and hang it from the empire sate building. Whatever we do, get the word out to everybody that The Legend of Zelda is cool, as is Hyrule.net


  14. It is the port that IRC servers and clients use. It could be your firewall. Then again, it could be the internet. What OS are you using?

    Try using a port checker to see if your internet allows it.

  15. Something completly random:


    That song sounds really sad/serious, but the suject is absolutly nonsensical.

  16. "Boggis, Bunce and Bean. One fat, one short, one lean. Those three crooks, so different in looks, were all equally mean."

    ...56 translations later we get:

    "Bogguzusupensu and communications programs, nerve or something. Tuesday was a very good thief."

  17. You know what? That actually makes sense. It is partially my fault, and also his. Thanks!