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Profile Comments posted by QyetTV

  1. QyetTV

    Currently staring down my 3DS because it cannot travl through time. Four Swords Anniversary, I'm coming soon!
  2. QyetTV

    Does anybody know a good place to learn Twilight Princess hylian?
  3. QyetTV

    Just to ley you people know, I will stop talking exclusively about MLP soon. I just want to erase the memory of the immature child you wrote a huge theory about Arbiter's Grounds... BEING A PRISON! GASP! It is not as if that is already canon already...
    1. Fierce Muffin

      Making these sorts of comments doesn't help your popularity. Acting like a good person that people actually want to converse with will help with this. Although, what do I know, everyone hates me.

  4. QyetTV

    Weird. Does everybody still hate me? You all know you used to.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Teto

      barely remember you. Remember the name wetay but not you at all. You seem nice though so yeah <:

    3. Sahaqiel

      Two people with Rainbow Dash as their avatar right next to each other.

      This tells me something.

    4. QyetTV

      I am talking about the guy who put "Wetay does not deserve to be on hyrule.net" in his signature.

  5. QyetTV

    What's on my Mind? Ponies, duh. Oh, and Charlie Sheen winning.
    1. SilverAlchemic


    2. Sahaqiel


  6. QyetTV

    I just started uploading part 5 of my LP. SO HAPPY.
  7. QyetTV

    I'm awesome.