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Posts posted by liongurly

  1. wait if our planet only allows us to grow to a certan size and the size of the sun controls the size of the planet then if there were living things on a planet that orbits one of those stars then ....... there huge :wacko:

  2. Well if it's a fan movie it's bound to be terrible. Oh well. If it's real, I'm not watching it. I'm still dubious of this movie's authenticity though.

    they benn working on the move for 4 years is not thar bad :unsure: i hope

  3. Wow, these guys thought that the same April Fools joke would work two years in a row, eh?

    this is real u guys a real fan movie filmed in my area im no lie :n_n:

  4. Thank you, Kijiju. It's nice to know I'm appreciated by SOMEONE.

    C'mon, is there NOBODY else? YLA, you like me, right?

    lol have some karma :wacko:

  5. Okay. Another thing to debunk the existence of the fourth piece.

    Tri = 3

    Quad = Four

    It's called the Triforce. Not the Quadforce. I think that's proof enough.

    i agree the quadforce sounds retarded

    there is no fourth piece because if there was a fourth piece then ganon would have it because its evil.

    and the evil piece is wisdom because good and evil is law they cant exist with out each other :unsure: