Shocking Diamond Dust

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Posts posted by Shocking Diamond Dust

  1. OK, I hate using alt accounts ((I forgot to log out when I left my dad's, and an account can only be logged in on one computer at a time xDDD)) but I just thought I'd share with you an E-mail I sent containing new-found evidence fo my innocence.

    I'm pretty sure I have a valid point to defend myself after I re-gained guest access to the forums, and it involves the fact that more could have been done on the parents' part. I don't know what they defended themselves with, so I don't exactly know what to point out. I'll just point out everything - it shouldn't be that hard, I have an anal-retentive father. xD Or if you can't put me through to Wayvern, at least least forward this to her.

    First off, if they're claiming she's so young and innocent, then why did she have an avatar that said "Flying monkey's stole my icon. Damn them."??? Yeah, umm... that screams more of a "Hey, I'm a 17-year-old smart alec! =oD" than "I'm a tiny little angel. =3". >_> Second off, the parents aren't going off on Loobylou for having a pelvic thrusting avatar. >_> In my opinion, that's a bit stronger than kissing. ((Do I see a double standard against people who happen to converse with their child? Hmmmm...)) Furthermore, a LOT of romance happened between Ararne and I joined the RP that wasn't ours, and most of it was of a similar caliber, especially if you consider what was on the characters' minds.

    Second off, I know how touchy romance can be in comparison with other subjects, but I do agree the little stint of blood and gore with the character Siilthe was pretty disturbing. Again, I know I sound like I'm incriminating someone else, when I'm honestly not trying to. I'm just pointing out a pattern that seems like a double standard against me simply because I said a single word to their child.

    Now for the REALLY fun stuff. xD Ararne made it sound like she didn't know her parents didn't want her participating in romance. Bad communication that SHOULD result in, at worst, a warning because if she DID know, this wouldn't have happened. Her character started hitting on mine firs,t and none of the romance would have happened if she hadn't been looking for it. I have literal proof that she started it, as well:

    "Callipo smiled and winked at Zeran. Firestorm looked at the five dragons and ushered them into a nearby hut. Callipo went to stand beside zeran What was it like in there?"

    ^^^This post started it all, and after I asked if she was hitting on my character, she asked if my character was a guy or girl. I replied guy. She replied this in an OOC comment her next post:"((ok then she is hitting on you XD))" Sounds like I've done nothing but go along with it, and it could've been easily avoided if she knew her parents didn't want her involved in romance in RPs. >_> To add insult to injury, I read the topic posts on the Prep board about the locking, and NOBODY KNOWS I'VE BEEN BANNED. Which seems to suggest that Ararne doesn't even know about her parents' involvement. Not to be all WTF about that, but WTF?! To add even more insult... NOBODY EVEN THOUGHT IT WAS US THAT GOT IT LOCKED, EVEN AFTER ARARNE POSTED SO!! So nobody thought it was that bad. Now that is fubar'd, but again, my opinion comes into play, and that probably doesn't even matter.

    In short, the Ararne's parents could have done SOOOOOOOO much more in order to prevent this from happening (which it WAS easily avoidable, as indicated by the posts I quoted above) and they should work with Ararne, not behind her. They should've told her to make her status as a younger member more apparent, and because of this I ask that I be un-banned and given a second chance.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Mable's problem, and also sorry to hear that surgery is the answer - Surgery never sounds fun. She has my wishes to return to good health quickly. But going back to the litter box sounds like she's getting better. X3 Which is, of course, always good.

    edit: LOL it managed to copy itself three times without me doing anything xDDDDDDDD