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Profile Comments posted by Ivo-goji

  1. Ivo-goji

    is reading Despicable Me fanfiction on DeviantART (because FF.net is possessed by the Devil right now).
  2. Ivo-goji » peacexlovexbieber

    Nope. Can't say I have any idea who you are.
  3. Ivo-goji » Zelda Drottningu

    So it would seem...
  4. Ivo-goji

    I wonder if profile comments add to your post count...
  5. Ivo-goji » Jo-Bengt

    About getting caught up:P
    Okay, well, I guess either we can have Aros arrive in Hyrule and then just wander aimlessly until he finds the group/they find him, or perhaps have him discovered by the Deku, resulting in some odd feasco that somehow furthers the plot or just gets everybody together. Any (hopefully better) ideas?
  6. Ivo-goji » Kirani Nakajima

    Welcome to Hyrule.net!
  7. Ivo-goji » Rika Code

    Sounds interesting! I'll try looking it up.
  8. Ivo-goji » Rika Code

    No, what is it?
  9. Ivo-goji » Cascade

    Thank you<3
  10. Ivo-goji » Cascade

    I am beyond sorry for the trouble I caused in your thread. I had NO idea that much hubbub would start over a single comment...
    Again, please excuse me.
  11. Ivo-goji » Rika Code

    Thanks for the huge assist. I really owe you one. You didn't need to do that. Please tell me you weren't banned!
  12. Ivo-goji » Young Link Addict

    *sigh* Okay then... I'll just wait it out...
    I only fear that by the time Clans are restored, everyone will have given up on them entirely.
  13. Ivo-goji » Young Link Addict

    When did we talk about that? I must have been out at the time...
    I don't know. Spam can't be as bad as nothing at all. The List isn't going to grow any right now, that's for sure. I guess I'm just getting desparate to bring attention to the Clans. This upgrade has ended the party before it started.
  14. Ivo-goji

    Wait a minute, I DIED????O_O
  15. Ivo-goji » Young Link Addict

    Hay YLA. I'm thinking about bring the Power forum's Evil Overlord list to a public forum as a publicity stunt for the Clan. That okay with you?
  16. Ivo-goji » Stormsworder

    I'm back. How's it going?
  17. Ivo-goji » The Beguiling Bard

    Brilliant! The Hidden Village cats can double as an infiltration team, and the last line of defence should the village be attacked.
    I'm not sure if I know the moves...
  18. Ivo-goji

    Brilliant! The Hidden Village cats can double as an infiltration team, and the last line of defence should the village be attacked.
    I'm not sure if I know the moves...
  19. Ivo-goji » The Beguiling Bard

    The secret hand-shake can involve motions from the Caramel Dance, and the password can either be "Louise sent me", or the jingle that plays whenever you solve a puzzle. The latter might be difficult to spell.
    Well, Shad does use a knife as a bookmark...
  20. Ivo-goji » The Beguiling Bard

    Bard, your a genius.
    I wouldn't say that he 'inslaved' the Bokoblins, so much as 'pursuaded with the power of logic and reason'. You know, logic- dieing, reason- flaming arrows.
  21. Ivo-goji » Stormsworder

    I can be assured this pairing will not come up in the Guardians RP, right? I don't think I could carry out a coupling very wellXP I should probably get to reading you story though...
  22. Ivo-goji » Stormsworder

    I'm already registered there, under the same screen name (one story so far, in the Godzilla sectionXD). Much thanks for the guidance.^^
  23. Ivo-goji » Stormsworder

    Sonic the Hedgehog RP? I've been looking for good Sonic RP for an eternity! Who was it again?
  24. Ivo-goji » Stormsworder

    Ok then! I guess I should get started on makeing Shad's profile...