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Posts posted by Neku

  1. *The random male chareacter for fangirls (Shiek, Shad, The king of Red lions.)

    But Sheik's Zelda, so Sheik's a girl.

    And Link x A Boat and/or an old (pretty much dead) king? I don't think that works, somehow... Ho hum. D:

  2. Australia just got more confusing.

    GAWD, I swear, it's worse than England. And I bloody live in England, so I'd know. XD

    Lulz, "It's not very respective..."

  3. emptydesktopisempty.png

    Like, yeah, empty desktop is empty. But it's only because I'd rather not ruin my view of good ol' Sho. x] (CRUNCH! I'll add you to the heap.)

    Why do I feel like the only one with Windows 7...?

    EDIT: Nah, it's okay, PHero's got it too. xD

  4. I always did find it weird how Master Quest turned out to be more glitchy than the original. sweat.gif

    However, whether it's glitch ridden or not, you have to agree - the Water Temple's a bitch. In the 'GRAWRR I WILL THROW MY CONTROLLER AT THE TV' kind of way. >:'(

  5. Nah, Blue Screen Of Death. But Bastard Sons Of Dial Up is a good one.

    Next time you get it, try pressing escape. It works... sometimes. Depends what Windows OS you're on, I guess.

  6. Okay, looking over my last post and it's a load of confusing bs. Ignore it.

    I understood it, I think... In a roundabout way... Nyah.

  7. This better not turn into a religious thread. For seriously. D:

    AVG sucks. When I used it, about 10-12 viruses went unoticed (spelling fail? :/), which lead to 2 reformattings. Nyah. Plus, it made my already crappy computer go all molasses-style when it did it's pointless Daily Scans.

    With Avast, it's protected my little metal box from all but one virus. And it was a pretty minor one at that, all it needed was a Safe Mode scan.

  8. But have you actually SEEN it in 3D yet? You can't knock it if you haven't. :)

    (Not that I have, but I'm looking forward to it.)