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Profile Comments posted by Cascade

  1. Cascade

    playin' my brand new katamari forever, 'tis pretty cray-cray so far lol
  2. Cascade

    Merry Crimbo Hnet, merry happy... (o:
  3. Cascade

    so many users returning this week im please :3c
  4. Cascade

    I still think that idea of members doing IAMA threads that people threw around a while ago would be super neat
  5. Cascade

    EVERYONE LISTEN TO THE POKEMON PODCASTS IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY they are definitely worth 1 hour of your life:
  6. Cascade

    Since I'm going to be in Edinburgh from today til the 2nd of January for New Year's celebrations (aka drinking til I die) and won't be online, have a happy New Year's everyone (o:
  7. Cascade

    I found £10 on the way home from work just now, minted. nice surprise to cap off an annoying shift! :o)
  8. Cascade

    Day 6 start lol, this game is so longgggg
  9. Cascade

    sherlock how I have missed you so ;_;
  10. Cascade

    what's with all the spambot status update ads lately :S
  11. Cascade

    they should totes make an imprisoned cuddly toy like my avatar he's SO CUTE ;;
  12. Cascade

    where have aaaall the hnet members gooooooone~♪
  13. Cascade

    jeez the forums sure are lively atm :Z
  14. Cascade

    so I just got a package from Canada from a Josh person WHO COULD IT BE
  15. Cascade

    first friday in a while where I didn't get drunk. weird. at least hnet is safe for another week
  16. Cascade

    truth or dare
  17. Cascade

    woe woe wii woe
  18. Cascade

    the werewolf game is so cringe to look at
  19. Cascade

    hmMmMmM I'm going to post sign-ups for my werewolf game sometime tonight/tomorrow, look forward to it!!!
  20. Cascade

    12/13 Glee Mafia roles sent! necropolis where you at dawg
  21. Cascade

    Day One of Glee Mafia has been posted! Please check the thread for details...! heeheehee ;3
  22. Cascade

    Well, Night Two of Gleefia ended yesterday. Look forward to the day... the results are something.
  23. Cascade

    how does the teeniest forum in existence get so many spambots. i literally am flagging like 3-5 a day here. WHY ARE THEY EVERYWHERE.....
  24. Cascade

    well today is going to be hell on the internet
  25. Cascade

    Day 2 started in MLP Werewolf for anyone who would like to know!