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Posts posted by Arachne

  1. Just updated to add everyone here. Great to see more people have added their friend codes. I've changed my Mii name so you'll recognise me, since I have no 3DS friends here :<

  2. I've been meaning to try that one out.

    Playing Mario Kart 7. The return of the coins was a nice surprise for me. Got first with star ranking on all the regular Grand Prix, but now they're really getting vicious in Mirror Mode. I'm loving the hang-gliding parts, but suck at the underwater.

  3. Wow, Berlioz, nice job with those costumes. I think the fact that you actually resemble Johnny Depp really sells it, and the girl you're with looks a bit like Helena Bonham Carter.

    Not sure if I've seen you around, CaptinBenny, but both hairstyles look good. That's the problem with red hair dye; no matter how wonderful it looks, the dye fades very quickly.

  4. I've been sick for the past week. I caught something at a New Year's party, probably the flu. Lots of fever and chills and coughing and dizziness. Anyways, almost back on my feet in time for work.

  5. Well put, Saha. I don't read a lot of fanfiction myself, but my fiancé does and he's shown me a few that are really well done. It's a way of continuing the story, thinking about the what-ifs and all that. Some of the doujinshi comics are really well done, and a way for artists to break into the market and hopefully start selling their own original works.

    Thanks for posting the WW comics btw, FM. I've read through them before, but they're still hilarious.

  6. Absolutely, EDA.

    Btw, I somehow scored a 37. Weird.

    Agree: 2,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,16,18,19,20,22,23,26,33,39,41,42,45,46: 1 point

    Disagree: 1,10,11,14,15,25,27,28,31,32,36,37,38,40,48,50: 1 point

    Score: 37

  7. I've played Eternal Darkness. It has its moments, but overall not as scary as I expected. When your sanity meter runs down and you hear your character start gibbering and you're seeing stuff it gets pretty freaky, but it would be moreso if you didn't have a status bar telling you when your character is losing his/her mind.

    Bioshock scared the crap out of me, partly because I'm not experiences in FPS games. When a splicer comes at me out of nowhere I get a bit trigger-happy even though bullets aren't that plentiful.

    I've been hearing about Amnesia, but have yet to play it.

  8. I'd be fine with this, just as long as it's a temporary thing to see what Retro can do with the franchise. The games of theirs I've played showed a good understanding of what made a series great in the first place, plus some pretty creative additions of their own.

  9. Doing a half-shift at work before my bf's Dad comes into town. Then he'll drag me to Walmart so I can help him find a present for Jay. Then I'll need to tidy up at home.

    Also still making beaded stuff, this time a beaded fuchsia for my mom that's taking forever to finish.

  10. I'm pretty frustrated with the shipping company at work today. Someone did a really crappy job of loading up the truck and stuck frozen salmon on top of the rice, and there was some major leakage. Long story short, five 20 kg bags of rice and one 18.1 kg bag of tempura batter are totally ruined >_> .

  11. I don't know what to say, Jared. *hug* My condolences. If you ever need to talk, we're all here.

  12. Agreed, LL. It's cool to see some characters from LotR and what they were up to at the time, but it depends on whether it's necessary. I have no problem with Legolas showing up briefly because,well, he's Thanduil's son and it would make sense for him to be there. Still not sure how Galadriel fits into this, unless she's one of the reasons Gandalf leaves the dwarves for a while. I haven't read any of the appendices in awhile, but I might do that later just to guess what's going to be put in the film(s).

    I think Teto meant Ian Holm, Pheo. Before now they mentioned that Ian Holm might be reprising his role as Bilbo, which would be hard to do convincingly since he's getting older. Maybe what they meant was that you see him as an older Bilbo at some point.

  13. The timeline where Link messes up.

    And DIES!

    Essentially, all the collective game overs made by every single person who's ever played Zelda accumulated enough to be canon.

    Well, that explains Adventure of Link being at the end of one of the timelines.

    For the most part I don't worry too much about the timelines, since most of the earlier games are only here through some sort of retcon. It's nice that they released this though, and I look forward to reading the book when it comes out in NA.

  14. I watched the trailer last night. It looks pretty cool. The rendition of "Over the Misty Mountains Cold" is hauntingly beautiful. Really not surprised Ian Holm won't be playing Bilbo in this one, since he had to have his face taped for those brief shots in LotR and that was over 10 years ago. He's had a good run of it though, getting to play both Bilbo and Frodo on separate occasions (Frodo in the BBC radio version of the book), and I hope Martin Freeman will do a good job.

    I'm wondering how much will be changed from the book(s), since The Hobbit was much lighter and more geared towards children than The Lord of the Rings was (a fact Tolkien later regretted since he thought the book talked down to its readers a bit).

  15. Yes, finally. I've been waiting for years to see if the movies would ever see the light of day. Also, I've been hoping they'd be finished before the cast got too old; they're adding stuff from the appendices to fill out the story, and I want Christopher Lee back as Saruman

    I'll watch the trailer later tonight.

  16. I'm not sure if I can make Link, but the artist who made it released the Bulbasaur pattern, which I might try after getting the right bead colours. A lot of that's going to be put on hold though. My boyfriend's having back problems (some kind of horrible muscle sprain), so he'll have to take time off work and let the industrial-strength painkiller/muscle relaxants kick in.