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Profile Comments posted by PrimaGaga

  1. PrimaGaga

    will you knuckle me?
    1. Gilded Grace

      Because rape jokes are TOTALLY funny. Totally.

    2. Knuckle

      you could say that made me...

      LLol B)

    3. LLmao ?✊?

      Stop joke shaming

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  2. PrimaGaga

    FYI- I got married
  3. PrimaGaga

    Q- Wuts the point of life?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chimetals

      A: the mochi that was too beautiful.

    3. PrimaGaga

      there is no point. I'm just being sad. I didn't expect anyone to comment on it.

    4. Sayubie

      The mochi that was too beautiful wasn't that bad somehow :/

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  4. PrimaGaga

    Starting a new job in an hour and I wanna throw up, but I cant. Ugh.
  5. PrimaGaga

    Are the blogs gone?
  6. PrimaGaga

    Your planet is calling, Teto.
  7. PrimaGaga

    Haps Birthday, Cirt :>
  8. PrimaGaga

    How is everyone doing today?
  9. PrimaGaga

    BC WW day 2 starts now!
  10. PrimaGaga

    I need night actions from Saha, LL, Emma, and Teto, please
  11. PrimaGaga

    After many complications and set-backs, Battle Critters Werewolf has begun!
  12. PrimaGaga

    so Dolphin621 is supposed to be in my WW game but due to the roll back, that user no longer exists. Can somebody get a hold of them so I can start the game?
  13. PrimaGaga

    In case you haven't heard, Pheo's mother has a fan blog!
  14. PrimaGaga

    guys i have a new phone so um, i lost all of your numbers? text me please my number is the same.
  15. PrimaGaga

    Cube World came out today
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      and i keep telling you, not "if" but "when he makes a mac version." It says on his site that it's in his plans.

    3. pheonix561

      oh cool. I wonder how long it will take?

    4. PrimaGaga

      donno. Check out my new thread though. That game looks cute too.

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  16. PrimaGaga

    So i havent mentioned this in a few years cause i dont like talking about it but...
  17. PrimaGaga

    @Teto, Renard is getting sent to court and shit and he says this could potentially ruin the rest of his life. Don't know the DETS, but you like him right? I figured you should know in case you didn't know.
  18. PrimaGaga

    I'm gonna start hosting treasure hunts in my New Leaf town. Maybe once a week? I'll bury a couple of items that I think are neat and invite people in to find them. Maybe with a time limit? (in case more than 3 people wanna hunt at once)
    1. PrimaGaga

      Yeah I have. You can also make about 200-300k in bells by fishing, bug catching, and collecting fruit there. That's for each trip.

    2. LLmao ?✊?

      Yeah it's ridiculous

    3. Eka

      Awesome! My friend code's 4124-5104-9184

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  19. PrimaGaga

    Went to buy gas and pick up New Leaf today. Card declined at the pump. Went to another gas station, declined again. Went home without gas or New Leaf. Checked my account. Plenty of money. Wut the puppy?
    1. PrimaGaga

      Yes, physical copies please. Also, LL raises a good point.

    2. Cirt

      Did you check the expiration of your debit card? I forget about that sometimes and it will decline if it is expired

    3. PrimaGaga

      Yeah it's good til October. My bank has been a bitch lately. Last week I put in 70$ and they held it for a few days. Holding deposits normally only happen for checks around 10,000$, according to the bank teller. We were all confused and I was pissed.

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  20. PrimaGaga

    Dan Harmon is back on Community? AWESOME!
  21. PrimaGaga

    I really wanna buy The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion on Steam but im broke until this new job starts in like, 2 weeks. Woe is me.
  22. PrimaGaga

    Got a Marvel Heroes Online beta key a few days ago. Time to try this puppy out!
  23. PrimaGaga

    Pheo? More like PheNO!
    1. PrimaGaga

      That doesnt even make sense. I've never been more disappointed in you, EDA.

    2. PrimaGaga

      EDA? More like EH-NO-WAY.

    3. pheonix561


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