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Posts posted by Mila

  1. I kinda don't because he blames me :cry: No, I joke. I never heard of him so how can I not like him. Guess I had to have seen it...still...:ouch:

  2. Yes, new topic indeed, but before I gotta say this. People, people. I'm 14 and I know to respect people's opinions. I'm not too fond of that movie just because the plot doesn't seem great to me, and black and white blurs everything together for me and I can't make things out that great. Maybe the same's with YLA for WW and that movie. He gave them a chance, he's not biased; he has his reasons, just like y'all have your reasons for hating him and me. Why, I don't know and/or agree with the little reasons I do have, but all I know is he's my friend and is there for me as I am for him, so just respect everyone's opnions, ok?

    Now, new topic!! LoN (legend of neil) is coming back!!! joy.gifjoy.gif

  3. Well over at Zelda Dungeon, I came across two interesting facts.

    #1 Legend of Neil has started shooting season 3 joy.gifjoy.gif

    #2 A video of the top 10 weirdest Zelda characters

    The list is rather accurate in my eyes except for a few misplacements.

    Postman shoulda been like 9 or 8, not 5. And the Hippie deserved a spot, but not so high, around the postman

    Are they right or need some changes like I put? Anyone need to be added? Here's who I think definatly deserves a spot but didn't even get honorable mention:

    The guy who runs the STAR game in TP, forgot his name...

    I just found it entertaining and wanted to share it with you guys wink.gif

  4. Good god no! Valentines day MM abridged :D

    So how do we celebrate? I hope not killing Jews cause I don't wanna :cry:

  5. Are you kidding P Hero? Wind Waker, OoT, and Majora's Mask Abridges are AMAZINGLY done by AdamWestSlapDog.

    Look him up.

    I love MM abridged. Now who wants to sing/ dance the song of healing as I play it on my massive organ?

  6. Yeah, the little jingle was much better. I understand, I'm not a hard gamer and want no hints what so ever like in LoZ; the only reason I refuse to play and enjoy that game as much as the others :ouch: Still, I want some challenge, you know.

  7. Starting at 3:30 is my question, submitted by dark_rose137, which is me :D

    Ok, so I asked The Curiosity Shop (a video series that answers veiwer submitted questions) if he (yes, it's only one guy) thought that Zelda games were becoming too easy. OoT use to make me wonder for hours "How do I kill this boss", "Where do I go now?", "How do I get there", and such. Now the newer games just say "Go here, collect this, defeat this boss, and come back here before fighting this guy". Even the final bosses have become a snore. Bosses are suppose to be the hardest monster in the dungeon, not the easiest. Finding clues are suppose to be tricky and to stretch the thought. PH and MC were majorly easy. I just wanted to know if anyone else agreed with me and hoped to see Zelda Wii improve with that.

  8. Well, I was just lookig through some sites when a title caught my eye: "Zelda Wii: November Release Date". Over at Zelda Dungeon, their news tends to be just about head on. Here's the itty bitty article:

    "According to the folks over at GameStop, our beloved Zelda Wii is set for release on November 1st, 2010. It surely just seems like a placeholder date as the 1st of the month is usually reserved for such games that have no official release date. However, it does seem very plausible as a November release will allow the game to become Nintendo’s top game come this holiday season. Last year Spirit Tracks released a bit late with a December release date, and while that is certainly possible for Zelda Wii, a release date in November makes more sense as it gives the game even more time on the shelves for the holiday season.There is also the possibility that the game doesn’t make the 2010 release date as we’ve been told that the game won’t be released into its perfect. The release date is important to them as a holiday release would give the game a huge bump in sales, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the game got pushed back just a bit in order to finish it up. We should be hearing more in a few short months when E3 2010 roles around."

    Could it be that it's coming out so soon when it's said to be one of the most epic Zelda titles? I just felt like I had to share the news with you guys :joy:

    P.S. Here's the URL:

  9. One thing I wondered, and maybe I'm misunderstanding, but why don't you change your major or what you're studing? I wish I could help more, but that's all I can think of sweat.gif

  10. This is a picture of me and my baby sister. I couldn't find any other good pictures where I didn't look like an idiot and I can't take one now because I probably look silly. post-9374-1270684507139233_thumb.jpg

  11. Meh, the phrases I used I'd been hearing down here a lot and that's why I posted them. Well, I really have only lived in one place and that's my family's plantation and it's simple for us here. I just like how cajuns know how to party ^_^ Anytime there's a gumbo festival or something, we go wild. And yes, our food is quite delicious and yummy and spicy....Now I want ettoufe (I know, I can't even spell my own cultures food correctly :cry:) DX

  12. Simple YLA say "laugh" "ee" "yet" and that's how we say it over here ;) Now you Jo, I like. Not only because of your hilarious avatar, but the fact that you seem like a person from around my culture. I words tend to be hard to pronounce, Cajun French baby :squint:

  13. whammy.gif THANK YOU!!! Everyone comes to OUR land and tells us how to pronouce OUR words. Like I heard some people came to Vermillinville and told the people there how to pronouce our words. I HATE people who do that. If I meet some one and they pronouced Lafayette like you do, I would say "Do you mean (say how I do)" "No I mean (say how you say it)" "Oh, well we say it differently over here" And drop it at that. You in the area of Mississippi where there are some cajuns?

    EDIT: Yeah we say laughiette, guilty as charged, but I don't tell others how to pronounce words. However if it's like a city person coming to town and says "Where's, uh, layfette?" I'd say "You mean Laughiette? Northeast of St. Martinville ^_^"

  14. I know not Lousiana people are Cajuns, not stupid. Cajun people live in Southern Louisana. And ok, what ever, just down here we have simple lives and when our team won we threw a fai-do-do. That's all I meant. We have simple lives and just because we don't have exciting lives doesn't mean we don't have good ones. Just wondering if I had any like me around otherwise, unless you are curious about Cajuns, buggar off

  15. suspicious.gif Well here in Cajun counrty our sports team the Saints did and we feel like we accomplished something, ok >.< we have simple lives

  16. I was talking to someone when I heard them ask 'What's cajun?" and I was all "O.O" do people really not know us that well? I mean sha, we Cajuns won dat superbowl :squint: (not a sportsfan though) Just curious if there were other Cajuns on here 'cause I feel singled out which, oddly, I don't mind.