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Posts posted by LoZnerdNO1

  1. Good question. Why did you have the bad taste to start the topic?

    I see power abusing.

    Oh, So I wasnt just seeing things.. Glad somebody else thinks so.

  2. He's referring to Near. Not you.


    Why is it that I seem to be the only one having this problem of confusing the focus of comments?

  3. Some cultures encourage kissing. In France, people (friends and family) kiss each other has a greeting and good bye. I kiss my niece and nephew on their heads, nothing wrong with that. I just think he's creepy for bringing up the topic of incest.

    I acknowledge that I'm creepy (i'm like that for fun). But Im confused as to how you think me bringing up the subject is creepy.

    Plus there is a difference between a kiss on the head and a deep enough kiss to get braces ensnared.

  4. I hate it when two of my best friends start making out in my drive way. I dunno why. They should do it somewhere else.

    Thats when you do one of two things..

    You back the car out, or you get the water hose.

  5. I guess I have a hard time distinguishing between playful and hurtful when it comes to you LL.

    Like what you just did with Kimmy.

    I made a thread for you smile.gif

    Really? Whats the name?

  6. well you see, if you kiss either if they have braces they can get tangled with yours and that would be hard to explain =P.gif

    Yes it would be, so do try and explain that to us.


  7. Lol. You lost when threatened me with sweet karate and you said "I have a girlfriend" and again when you posted your photo.

    You bringing up that you have a girlfriend also means that you have no social skills. You obviously don't understand how things work. You aren't better than anyone because you have a girlfriend. It's cute that you tried to bring it up unsolicited when we were arguing. It meant a lot to you, and you thought you could make me look stupid by asking me if I had a girlfriend. It's not a status thing for those of us who can easily get girlfriends, it's just a normal thing. You revealed to everyone that having a girlfriend is a huge deal to you. You're more insecure about girlfriends than me, bro. Also, I don't know if I can be impressed by a girl that is attracted to a 95 lb kid with a retarded haircut who hangs out in a kids' karate class. Sorry, bro.

    Okay, If your trying to say I'm pathetic because I care about other people and because unlike you I'm not so shallow that another human being means nothing to me. If you were trying to say that, then yeah maybe I am, But that would make you a lot more sad and pathetic then I am. So puppy Off. Oh, And How many times do I have to tell you things before you get them? Are you mentally retarded? I dont weigh 95 lbs. I TEACH the ADULTS weapon classes, And yeah my hair doesnt even normally look like that. Plus, I could probably get more women than you if I lowered my standards to your miserable level of existance as well.

    Wasn't Ganondorf made King of the Gerudos as soon as he was born because he was born male

    Also, I don't hate LOZnerd but I haven't actually been in any furoms where he is in alot sooo I do not know that well

    P.S. Kendo beats Karate

    Yes, the lore says every number of years a male is born and he is to be crowned king.

    Thank you for not automatically hating me.

    And Kendo is pretty awesome, but I dont have as much experience with it so I dont distinguish. Though I do teach some sword in my classes so while its not the same, its not far off.

  8. Wow, you won't thank Kimmy for that? How rude.

    I kind of was, actually. I was just being a smartass to you in the process.

    You're a nerd. Nothing else.

    I acknowledge your comment, accept it, appreciate the fact you noticed, and thank you for making sure everyone else knows it. :D

  9. I noticed the topic, I posted in the topic. I just didn't know that it was set off by using ellipses at the time.

    Well then I apologize to Linox for my being misinformed.

    As for LL, Make up your mind, in one post you say I have no social skills in another you bring up me saying that I have a girlfriend, wouldnt one imply that you were wrong about the other?

    "childrens karate class" You couldnt pass it.

    You havent won until I quite this arguement.

  10. Shut your motherpuppying faggot mouth.

    Im typing.suspicious.gif

    And Kimmy, I would love to point out how Im glad somebody finally asked that question, and that I would thank you for it. But I wont, because Im sure LL will find some flaw in that and start chastising me about it.

  11. Im not so narcicistic as to look for my name in places. Nor do I really look in threads other than ones made by my friends. Besides, I wasnt the only one who didnt notice it: "I remember that, I kept thinking that my posts in there were getting edited by Tappy."- Linox

    I knew somebody was screwing with me before PH told me, I knew that it did it when I typed in ellipses. All I didnt know, was who did it, or how.

  12. LoZnerdNO1, (very original name, by the way)

    Thank you.

    you just aren't wanted anymore (If you ever were).

    Too bad you cant do anything about it right?

    Please stop this argument with the little (microscopic) dignity you have left.

    You think I've lost my dignity because of a bunch of assholes with computers?

    Way to be 100% wrong.

    Oh, And I acknowledge this its a pretty dick-move of me to say this, but you kind of puppying deserve it.

  13. Yeah, And if I quit I only prove your theory that nobody can stand their ground against LL.

    And really, did nobody catch the hint of joke in that message? Espescially with the very last sentance..?

    My point for doing it in the first place, was to point out that LL and Min were in the wrong, and shouldnt have said that.

  14. There was a forum-wide prank pulled on you minutes after you publicly threatened Largely Legendary with pretend Internet karate moves.

    Everyone saw you be an Internet tough guy and then look stupid. You were such a jackass that the owner of the forum himself descended from his throne to get in on round 2.

    Minutes? Im pretty sure it was atleast a day.

    Actually, LoZnerdNO1, a lot of us think of you that way. I can't speak to everyone, but when we bring up "stupid people" in our skype chats, you are usually the first to be named. After much talk, however, we want you to stay. It's fun picking on you. Your reactions are priceless.

    PH, I dont actually have a problem with you, you seem to be doing this purely for fun... But I dont get the same feeling from everybody else who is, to me, just being a dick.

  15. Lol. No one needs defending because no one is being attacked. You're the only one on this site that thinks people need protection from my text on the Internet. They're just words. Get over it. You aren't brave or noble when you threaten random guys with karate moves over the Internet, you just look like a jackass. You take this too seriously and you didn't actually defend anyone.

    Get over this. You're no one to me.

    This all started when you were being a dick to Mila.

    LL. I hope you get butt raped with a red-hot cattle prod...

    If you don't want to waste your time then why are you still responding?

    Because I wont quit. Im not the one in the wrong.

  16. Now you've got a problem with LL? Just stop it already. Yes he can be harsh, but he's truthful because he doesn't care what you think about him.

    Plus he can be cool when he wants to be. All we see from you is complaining about this and that and you trying to be an internet tough guy.

    What about Pheo? I've yet to see this "crap" he has said to you that gave you the right to be an ass.

    Chill out, stop complaining, stop acting like your above everyone else, and stop being a victim.

    I've had a problem with LL since I joined... Stop what?

    All this crap about being an internet toughguy, If trying to defend somebody makes everybody hate me, then puppy YOU ALL.

    I dont see anybody else trying to help others, Probably because nobody else has got the balls to stand up to another person. You're all pussys if you wouldnt help defend somebody who needed it.

    You're yet to see the "crap" because I procrastinate. And honestly, I feel no need to waste my time proving my self to you. But because I said I would, I'll do it eventually. On my own time.

  17. I hate it when people on the Internet try to joke around with me like they were my friend or something. There is only a handful of users on the forums that I would save from execution.

    You know what I hate most? How LL can be a douche to everybody and they still think he's amazing, whereas I try defending a person and Everybody hates me for it. suspicious.gif

  18. Nope, but I bet it's some word filter Tappy made for laughs or something idk.

    How did you get that right off the bat??? Does he do that often???

  19. LL. You dont even know why it says that do you? Quit being an ass.

  20. ???Was I being fought over???? dizzy.gif

    1. Raping a little girl/boy.

    I prefer older men. O.O

    2. Cutting off little girl/boy's (insert limb), roasting it and eating it.

    I like my children raw.

    3. Beating your children/spouse/dog because you had a bad dream where they were incompetent.

    Once I dreamed my dog was incompetent.. I woke up and he still was..

    4. Obeying your dog's orders to murder.

    He should have gave more specifics..

    5. Holding a Cult meeting worshiping the Beetles as gods.

    Beetles? I choose praying mantis'.. (You know, with the praying and all)

    6. Serial Arson.

    I do like a nice bowl of cereal as I watch the houses of my neighbors burn down with them still inside !!! :D

    7. Throwing small animals off high places.

    Splat! applause2.gif

    8. Self mutilation, see #4

    ??? wrist.gif

    9. Placing bets in an secret online chatroom on what day a political figure is going to be assassinated.

    That's why I have a bookie!!! :D

    10. Providing a guide for fellow pedophiles on how to protect your child loving' ass from the FBI, hide your stash, etc.

    HARD COPY!!! DUH!!!!
