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I was in the hospital last Thursday...

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Okay, on Thursday I was getting ready for school. Well, I had been having a very fast heart rate. It got so bad that I ended up in the hospital that morning. They did about four tests on me. They even had to take my blood. It was awful. I could feel the blood pouring down my arm (they had put an I.V. in my arm instead of taking my blood through a needle). Here's the sad part: the only thing that is wrong with me is stress. That's all they could find! They also said it was panic attacks. Now, when I get stressed about something, my heart races, I feel sick and I shake. It's awful.

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smoke weed e'ry day

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smoke weed e'ry day

aye, it helps me relax at the end of my day

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smoke weed e'ry day

aye, it helps me relax at the end of my day

First of all, dont listen to them. They are both rather stupid.

Second of all, about the stress thing, it happens to me too. Only its different. Its like someone is hitting my chest with a giant hammer.

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Posted (edited)

That's called a heart attack. Quit the burgers fat boy.

Anyway, that sucks. I have that too sometimes. But that's usually adrenaline. I'm not stressed as much. Mainly calm for me. But gaming is what gets my blood racing. Playing online in Metal Gear Solid is what does it for me. Anyway, what calms me down is listening to calm music. Or sad music, which I love. Also, you could play Wind Waker and sail. That calms me down. And just going around and taking pictures. Wind Waker cures everything. ;)

Sorry Doubleagent. That was uncalled for. But I'm leaving it in. I just thought you'd like to know that I do feel guilt. I just don't do anything about it.

Edited by Bathykolpian (see edit history)

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Posted (edited)

That's called a heart attack. Quit the burgers fat boy.

Anyway, that sucks. I have that too sometimes. But that's usually adrenaline. I'm not stressed as much. Mainly calm for me. But gaming is what gets my blood racing. Playing online in Metal Gear Solid is what does it for me. Anyway, what calms me down is listening to calm music. Or sad music, which I love. Also, you could play Wind Waker and sail. That calms me down. And just going around and taking pictures. Wind Waker cures everything. ;)

Sorry Doubleagent. That was uncalled for. But I'm leaving it in. I just thought you'd like to know that I do feel guilt. I just don't do anything about it.

Are you still having gender confuson? Margot is a girl.

I don't know what to say. Hope you feel better though.

I'm sorry, Bathy. I took the whole thing out. Don't get mad at me if you read what I put.

Edited by Young Link Addict (see edit history)

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I was talking about Doubleagent, and I'm guessing it was about Wind Waker? Lol. I couldn't care less about what you think about Wind Waker anymore. I like it, you don't. That's all that matters. Anyway, Morgot, I hope you get over your stress thing. It sounds annoying.

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I was talking about Doubleagent, and I'm guessing it was about Wind Waker? Lol. I couldn't care less about what you think about Wind Waker anymore. I like it, you don't. That's all that matters. Anyway, Morgot, I hope you get over your stress thing. It sounds annoying.

It was not about WW. I used all caps lock to say she was a she, and it looked like I was mad.

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I've lived with panic attacks for years. They can be scary but are rarely serious. You just have to tell yourself that you're fine, safe and cared for. Don't keep feelings bottled up, talk to someone, a parent, teacher, doctor, (or in my case) a psychiatrist. If your lucky they'll give you help you need.

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Lol, people having panic attacks. I used to have them, now I don't.

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They aren't heart attacks, but they can drop me, a 6 foot tall 14 year old to the floor in screaming pain.

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Stress has you screaming in pain? Lol. I'm sure. I do believe that you're 6 ft tall though. My friend has just turned 15 and he's 6 ft 3. I would be about 5 ft 7 or something. And I'm 15. 16 on the 31st of August. I still think it's weird that I joined this site on my birthday.

Anyway, I don't have panic attacks. Never have had them in fact. Being permanently paranoid keeps everything level for me. I don't have asthma either. Or allergies. I guess I'm pretty lucky. Except that I may have Glandular Fever or Tonsillitis. :D

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You don't know what its like until you really have one, bathy.

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The best solution WOULD be the wind waker sailing thing. NICE IDEA!

always calms me down.


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