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mini story

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Three guys walked into a bar. It was the seventy-sixth time they had entered the bar and the barman knew what the wanted.

"The usual, lads?" He enquired.

"Cheers, mate." Said the first guy, who, for the sake of convenience, we shall call, subject a. The third guy, who again, we shall call for the sake of convenience subject c, began,

"Dijh'ou" (A local word for 'Did you'. Pronounced Dij-oo.) " see that bluhdee "(A local word for bloody, used as a mildly explicit adjective, pronounced 'Bl-uh-dy') " shockin' game lorst" (Local for 'Last', pronounced 'L-or-st') " night?"

"Nah,"(Local for 'No')"I was 'avin' a night with the missis."(Local for 'wife')

Meanwhile, the second guy, who, yet again for the sake of convenience, we shall call subject b, was contemplating whether to buy the O'Reilly or 'X' for dummies book on the subject of C#. Of course, he would look at the books online first and download it. He did a lot on things on the internet. He thought it interesting and bizzare. But, he would never, ever, tell his friends what books he downloaded. Not just because they were illegal, but because they might isolate him, after all, he always had to play dumb to be their friends.

But not anymore.


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Nice one. ^_^

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I agree. 'Tis very sexy indeed.

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Three guys walked into a bar. It was the seventy-sixth time they had entered the bar and the barman knew what the wanted.

"The usual, lads?" He enquired.

"Cheers, mate." Said the first guy, who, for the sake of convenience, we shall call, subject a. The third guy, who again, we shall call for the sake of convenience subject c, began,

"Dijh'ou" (A local word for 'Did you'. Pronounced Dij-oo.) " see that bluhdee "(A local word for bloody, used as a mildly explicit adjective, pronounced 'Bl-uh-dy') " shockin' game lorst" (Local for 'Last', pronounced 'L-or-st') " night?"

"Nah,"(Local for 'No')"I was 'avin' a night with the missis."(Local for 'wife')

Meanwhile, the second guy, who, yet again for the sake of convenience, we shall call subject b, was contemplating whether to buy the O'Reilly or 'X' for dummies book on the subject of C#. Of course, he would look at the books online first and download it. He did a lot on things on the internet. He thought it interesting and bizzare. But, he would never, ever, tell his friends what books he downloaded. Not just because they were illegal, but because they might isolate him, after all, he always had to play dumb to be their friends.

But not anymore.

Meanwhile, 704643.163265624 light years away, there were two orange flavoured pieces of carbon where discussing the stupidity of the universe.

"Tange, do you think there is three people, exactly 704643.163265624 light years away, discussing whether American football is just rugby for wimps?"

"Rine, ha, you're so crazy. 'Course there ain't."

And at that exact moment, deep underground, two hydrogen atoms, were fired at each other, creating a black hole, crushing Tange and Rine into the size of atoms, never to be seen again.

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How sexy can this get?

Not much more, that's for sure.

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by the way, you are allowed to contribute to this story, but please keep it at least SLIGHTLY related to the three guys.

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Posted (edited)

So the three English people walked out of the bar. "ay, mate, what say I drive you 'ome?" Said Subject A. "Nah way, mate. You've bloody drunk your arse off!"

"Ah, C'mon, mate. It can't be that bad.... *hic*

"Bloody 'ell. Suit yourself. I'm walkin' 'ome."

It was that night subject A died.


Meanwhile, subject C was at home doing his..."secret" thing....Looking at


. Apparently it was illgeal to have


where subject C was from. It was then that his mother walked in the door and caught him reading it. He was banned from his computer for a month.



Subjects B, and C walked into the bar again.

'Ay, mate," said subject C to subject A. "Why so glum?"

Subject B banged his head down on the counter. "Goddamn that George!" Which was subject A's name. "He got bloody boozed up lorst night and drove his car off a bridge."

"Gosh, mate, I'm sorry to 'ear that. My condolences."

"Let's change the subject. What 'appened to you lorst night?"

"My mum confiscated mah computah. "

"For what? Your "Illegal" thing?"

" 'owd you know about that?"

"I saw you on your computer lorst night.


, was it?"

"SHHHHH! Not so loud, mate!"

Little did they know, one of them was the next to die.


Edited by The Minish Link (see edit history)

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hentai? lolool

also, the british /never/ say gosh, they say christ.

also, hentai is legal.

everything else is good. :>

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