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Twilight Princess

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Hey, in 'Twilight Princess', does anyone else think that we should have seen more of Zelda. I mean the game is called 'The Legend of Zelda' and and she is one the Triforce beares. The only times that we saw her was a small part in the beginning of the game, about the same amount (if not less) in the middle and at the final battle and credits. I'm not sure about you guys, but it took me 60 hours to finish the game and I think that she was in about an hour of that. In Ocarina of Time she was more involved as both Sheik and Zelda.

Does anyone else share the same opinion as me?

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That never really bothered me, but you have a point. At least her appearances were important to the plot.

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I'm used to that by now. It's happened in about every Zelda game, in some games she is hardly even mentioned :) I think she plays the largest of her roles in Wind Waker.

But yeah I would have liked to see more of her, her character design was very nice. She was also a more 'darker' character this time. Like, she stood up for the people of Hyrule and is later depressed that she couldn't defend herself against Zant..

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The Legend of Zelda games center their plots around Zelda, usually. True, you play as Link and he saves the day, but who is the most important person here? Obviously, the gods care a lot less about Link's life than they do about Zelda's, seeing as how they constantly throw him against insurmountable odds and basically tell him to sink or swim. While Zelda may not make many appearances in the games, she is extremely important to the story and an irreplaceable character. Not to take away from what Link has done, though. He is a pure hearted hero who gives his all to help everyone he can, no matter what the problem is. If the game followed everything Zelda did, it would probably be boring, since her personality, social status, and responsibilities are much different than Link's. Because he is a poor orphan, Link has much more freedom to do what needs to be done. As a princess, Zelda cannot forsake her duties to her country, so she can't go wherever she wants like Link can.

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As Princess Zelda is one of the characters I really like alot I can also say that I was dissapointed with her role in TP. She deserves alot more!

But even tough it maybe wasn

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If the game followed everything Zelda did, it would probably be boring, since her personality, social status, and responsibilities are much different than Link's. Because he is a poor orphan, Link has much more freedom to do what needs to be done. As a princess, Zelda cannot forsake her duties to her country, so she can't go wherever she wants like Link can.

I agree that if the game followed everyting Zelda did it would be boring. It's just that she didn't have enough screentime so I was disapointed.

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No not enough Zelda she only appeared a few times throughout the game begging middle and end.

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