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A petition/poll

26 posts in this topic


So, I know I've had a sudden burst of "we need to talk more!" kind of topics lately(which, I'm speaking the truth in that, we do.), but this is different. One thing that Guy Fawkes mentioned that I agree with is how this site dropped like a rock after Hyrule 3.0. Doesn't that say something?

We just need the old site back. The old people, the old noobs, the old clans, the old forum skin. Hyrule 3.0 is what killed this place most of all.

And then we have issues like this:

Man, I'm so tired of this plain white IP board. What happened to the green and the blue and stuff like that? Is there no way to make some for updated forum? I think it'd be a lot better if we had the choices that we had before.

The coding changed a lot from the version we had and I'm waiting for a guide or something to guide me into making them back but I haven't seen one.

Yeah, sure, we gained things like status updates with Hyrule 3.0, but we lost a lot with it. Members, activity, forum skins, etc... This is, not Facebook.

I'm not asking for Hyrule 3.0 to be tweaked and changed. I'm asking for a straight downgrade. I'm asking for the old, familiar, and fun

Vote and/or let yourselves be known in the petition.











Young Link Addict

Hare Krishna

Corrupt One

Chef Nonsense


Guy Fawkes




Also, would a mod please edit this thread's subtitle, and ad the in! after Dust?


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I sign for the downgrade...Why'd they even update hyrule in the first place... No one asked for it... Most people liked it the way it was...

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Agreed, Umbreon. I'll sign the downgrade petition as well.

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I don't know which this would go under, but I want the blue theme back!

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The green theme = best.

What with the fancy header.

I appreciate the work put into 3.0, back when Dustin furiously worked to try to make Hnet better, but that brunette kid with the Cucco.

That's Link.

Appearance is half the presentation. We have the concept, give us our appearance [back].

Maybe we need to put out an ad on some kind of art site (I don't care where it's from, as long as it gets us back on track and is good) that requests free Zelda skins/themes that are original to us. Cut and Clean is coolio and all, but it's definitely not Zelda. Default is default. It gets under my skin.

Where is our old skin, that was remarkably easy on the eyes?

That is seriously one of its defining traits.

Easy on the eyes.

It practically coined the term, here.

The Zelda content is not quite out of our minds, since we discuss and reminisce and whatnot, but it's still incredibly lacking.

It's OK if we don't have a lot of user things based on Zelda, like usernames and avatars and whatnot.

But we need an atmosphere to breath in.

I'd prefer a downgrade, to this.

Or an upgrade which is retro.

Come ooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

I don't want this place to diiiiieeeee.


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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm trying to keep the petitions updated, but I'm also chatting on Zeldathon, so I'm sort of preoccupied with that, but I'm updating nonetheless.

Also, YLA, seeing as how there doesn't appear to be a way to bring your blue theme back with Hyrule 3.0, I put you under the downgrade petition. If you would like me to sign you under something else, let me know.

And Saha, I think I'll sign you under downgrade based on what you just said. I posted while you posted, so I didn't see your post until after I was done. I agree with you, though, and now I realize that I was harsh on Dustin in how hard I came down with this. He actually did try to work hard for us, and I really thank him for what he did. Sometimes, however, effort isn't everything. It was great that he wanted to please us, but this didn't do it. It was cute for a little bit, but now it's worn off.

Edited by Jo-Bengt (see edit history)

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sure whatever I suppose I will sign not to ruin any one's party

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If this happened I might actually post here.

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I guess you could sign me up.

I truly did prefer the green.

So I'm for both just downgrading or changing things.

Also Jo, apparently Hyrule 3.0 doesn't allow the renaming of subtitles for Mods; just the main title (unless there is some series of tunnels we now have to go through to merely change the subtitle). Though as far as I can tell we can't change it. :/

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Go ahead and sign me up. Frankly, I'd be satisfied with just a green theme, but a downgrading would be cool too. Whatever works.

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Posted (edited)

Also Jo, apparently Hyrule 3.0 doesn't allow the renaming of subtitles for Mods; just the main title (unless there is some series of tunnels we now have to go through to merely change the subtitle). Though as far as I can tell we can't change it. :/

I've also noticed this. I remember trying to get this account to 1,000 posts so I could get a subtitle, but not being able to.

And the clan system is also broken, but that's personally something that I'm partially against. This site went into a steeper decline after clans got their own forums.

Also, this has been amazing feedback, guys. Glad to have you here.

Edited by Jo-Bengt (see edit history)

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My personal preferance would to keep this software but make a new green skin. I like the format, and I agree that the white is boring. I can't say I'd mind if we did go back, though. It was classic.

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Hello. I am a person who is poor and miserable because of Hyrule 3.0. I crawl in the streets due to being mostly blind, having only a sliver of vision left. This happened because of Hyrule 3.0. I was once an ordinary member, like yourself, until I loaded up the new Hyrule and the white IP board flashed into my eyes, blinding me instantly. I fell out of my chair, got up and stumbled around screaming, knocking over many things in my living room, one of those things being a candle. And now, here I sit, homeless, sightless, and in ragged half-burnt clothing, all because of Hyrule 3.0.

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I hate the white bring back the green sign me up for downgrade!

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