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So yes....Music

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Right then, Music, I would consider myself pretty much a MUSIC WHORE! I can't get enough of it, and I'm constantly looking for new stuff to listen to. So what would be really awesome, oh benevolent people of, is if you would tell me some of your favorite bands/groups/strange man with an accordion so I can expand my musical horizons.


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Go listen to Eagles, then Boston and Kansas. Assuming you haven't already, of course.

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Surprisingly I have not listened to a lot of them. I shall, might I recommend some Mercyful Fate? I tend to listen to older metal from before all the kids started using really low tunings.

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old metal I am no good at

But the few seconds of Mercyful Fate I listened to reminded me of Blind Guardian.

And now I'm going to do this thing where I recommend something different? That being God Is An Astronaut, which is post-rock

And then suddenly Les Discrets

But Maybeshewill snuck in?

65daysofstatic managed to sneak in behind them but I guess they can stay if they like

Okay seriously who let Swans in?

Oh here come some folk metal, hello Equilibrium!

Why are Moonbabies here? What

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Thanks a lot! I have an annoying paper to write, and all this different music will most likely help me get motivated.

Have you ever heard of Alestorm? They're a metal band with a gimmick, their gimmick is that they're all pirates.

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Hey now, who put this here??? Oh wait....I did.

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Thanks a lot! I have an annoying paper to write, and all this different music will most likely help me get motivated.

Have you ever heard of Alestorm? They're a metal band with a gimmick, their gimmick is that they're all pirates.

Also they're Scottish. Yup I've heard of them.

They're pretty cool

Now here's something from South Africa

Also Israel

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Hmmm..... Anyway, here, like, one song by Aphex Twin, he does techno and is awesome.....but some people find his music and music video's creepy, and that's what I like about him.

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Aphex Twin is pretty cool, but I've never really listened to him all that much.

And so I started linking you to even more music

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And while I listen to that, give this group a listen if you haven't already.

This is one of the few albums I actually have with me as I lost quite a few during the moving process...oh well, anyway, I flat out enjoy the entire album this song is from.

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I tend to listen to older metal from before all the kids started using really low tunings.

Black Sabbath, widely considered the first metal band, was also the first to detune their guitars. So what you're saying is that you listen to metal from before metal existed?

I feel like such a snob.

Anyway, give The Shaggs a whirl. You'll like them.

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Black Sabbath, widely considered the first metal band, was also the first to detune their guitars. So what you're saying is that you listen to metal from before metal existed?

Actually, Judas Priest also started the metal noise the same year as Black Sabbath, and they don't drop tune their guitars. But I will give that band a listen.

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Thats not very friendly >.<

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There's just a few different bands to listen to.

All are recommended greatly.

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Wow, why do people keep calling me a Christian when I'm soooooo obviously a Pastafarian???

While I have someone's attention, this is rather pure awesome.

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