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Meh. I'm going to get it, but I just don't like G/S. They were just bad. Well the Pokemon were. Though they weren't as bad as D/P. I hate 3/4 of the pokemon in D/P as where I only hate 1/2 of the pokemon in Gold. >_<

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Trust me. You'll love Heart Gold!

It even has a Game Boy Player to listen to the old games music!

I need to get my last badge in Diamond.

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I actually only want it for the Pokewalker though. It looks awesome. :) That and I can train a Pokemon to be level 100 without wasting my DSi battery.

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I liked crystal alot better even though I never got to finish it

(someone stole my original GBA when it was in it AT MY HOUSE WITH EVERYONE HOME AND ME UPSTAIRS)

my mom said it was the people who were taking refuge and making a mess at our house now but I don't remember them being there (but what else could have been? Me unknowingly using magic to send the game I loved and was currently playing to another deminsion?) If only my mom told me where the battery charger was then mybe I wouldn't put it openly on the coffee table and we wouldn't of wasted weeks looking for it.

That happened when I was 5 or 4 and I still remeber exactly where I placed it that night

and it wasn't missplaced we moved out of that house and put every item we had in boxes and I eyied eached of thier contents

I miss my SuicuneT_T.gif (shoot did I misspell that well sorry and don't burn me for it for I suck at remembering how to spell names)

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Five Guys burgers are as great as always. (:

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hey guys! has anyone ever heard the song called the real slim shady???

so how u guys doin?

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I don't like Eminem.

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do u like 50cent?

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so wuts up guys? anything interesting?

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Me either.

Did I mention my Pokemon Yellow almost got stolen today?

I brought in Yellow, Silver, Emerald, and Diamond. I brought my GBA SP and my connection wire. Me and my friend battled in Emerald before school started. In my first class, I let my friend play Yellow with my GBA. He gave me the GBA back and he said Yellow was lost. The whole class, we did an experiment (We were in Physics) and I was with my crush btw. The whole time, everyone pretended to have it. Then the kid that I let play it started crying.

THIS is the OUTRAGEOUS PART. I am still angry!

The bell rang, and I was leaving. The teacher called me to his desk and ask me what happened. I told him, and he told everyone to sit back down.

Then I was standing next to him, thinking he would help me get it back.

And then he started yelling at ME! He blamed me for bringing it in class (which I knew already) and said it was MY fault and everyone started to laugh at me :cry:

We got to leave and I stormed out and everyone said i cried even though I didn't.

Then 2 of my friends walked up to me at lunch, one of them was the kid I let play it. They gave it back and said another kid in my class took it.

And the weird thing is that yesterday I was play Pokemon Red for that same friend and it was stolen by some kid in the class. He got it back though...



I AM SUCH A GOOD KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Y-You didn't have to repost that whole thing. D: Didn't you JUST make a topic saying that same exact stuff?

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No, I made the topic from this post!

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D: Dammit, I knew I should've looked at the times of posting.

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Today was bad D=

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