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What is the funnest thing you've ever done

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it might not seem funny to you,but when I drew my best comics ever,the Quest 4 The Master Sword series,when Link got the Fairy Slingshot he used his in-gameshark and got the Fairy AK-47.When Link got the kokiri sword,he imagined a great,heroic blade,but only got a cheap dagger.When he tried to stab Gohma[i think that was her name]in the eye with the kokiri sword,he found out it was really made of rubber :D .

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Today I went to a mall with some friends. We were just walking around, doing nothing really.

Then, one of them said that she wanted to buy some anim

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My whole life is the funnest thing I've ever done :D

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Aw :( you hated it? I use to live in st. louis and I considered applying to work there, it seemed like it might be fun, but I could see where it could get a little unenjoyable

Standing there for 8 hours every day and making people play in games realy sucked... and they only payed me 64 pesos... that's like 6 dollars per day >_>

Here's the pic of the Sylvester I promised


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the funniest and most embaressing thing i ever did

theres a girl at the school i used to go to and she waved at me and i waved back but i wasnt looking where i was going and i ran into a swing and fell on my stomache and flipped forward and slammed my face into the gravel and when i got up i had rockes stuck in my mouth :D .everyone laghed but she blushed and walked away,it was really funny lol

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Standing there for 8 hours every day and making people play in games realy sucked... and they only payed me 64 pesos... that's like 6 dollars per day >_>

ok you are right... that is def. not worth it.

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i've done alot of random things

i went to a the theater and i asked the person who gives u the tickets if they worked there and then asked for Alice in Wonderland but if you dont have that i guess ill get a 2 tickets to premonishion then we went in and sat on the front row and sang along with the music and anytime somthing funny happend we would go BUMMM BUMMM BUMMMM!!! and then be quiet and then throw are shoes up in so you'd be watching and then a shoe would fly acrossed the screen and every time they almost would cuss we would say no profanity!!! and then @ this one intence part she pulls back the shower curtain and my friend was like OMG HES NAKED!!!!! suprisingly though we did not get thrown out but alot of ppl left :D:embarrassed:

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