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Midna's Ancestry. Long read, spoilers, etc. (The Sheikah Theory.)

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Yeah, we have similar, but not as specific theories to that one about the Shiekah being the Twili.

yeah, we haven't made a theory like this about it, but i'm sure alot of it has been mentioned.

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so, am i able to get an answer to my question

Is it CONFIRMED anywhere in a zelda game, that the eye is the symbol of the sheikah? Because all i remember is assuming that, but it doesn't necessarily mean its the case just because its on sheik's clothes.

Also, although I think this might've been mentioned in the fourth piece topic at some point, the eye of truth looks almost identical to that symbol.

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What? NO. If you look clearly, TP CLEARLY is after OoT. It Even SAYS so in the game, if I remember correctly.

Were did you get THAT idea?

Don't start going into a whole theory, just answer my question.

You may have misunderstood what I typed. I know that TP takes place after OoT. What I meant is that the Twili were banished before either OoT or TP began.

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You may have misunderstood what I typed. I know that TP takes place after OoT. What I meant is that the Twili were banished before either OoT or TP began.


I wish people could be more clear on this. >_> First I missunderstand what Goron Merchant was trying to say in the "yes, HYRULE flooded" topic, now I missunderstand this.

Why can't people be more clear on this and say what they mean like Lozfan1989 (muahaha, now I know something special happened to you on that date :evil:) did the FIRST time?

Oiyayiy. >_>

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I stated that I thought some may have escaped. They DID have to physically find and capture every one, right? They had to get the person, drag them to the big mirror in the sky, and banish them. Sheikah such as the fortune teller lady, (Magical O_O) Ashei(?) and Impa may have been skipped because of the pact their race made. Most of the other Sheikah may have been tortured to death or something, in something like OoT, (I still have no idea why it isn't T rated! >_<) where there were torture devices and countless corpses in the Well of Three Features, and the Shadow Temple.

But don't flame me or something. I have had a lot of pompous jerks try to scold me for a theory, and dismissed it as loosely based fan fiction. ( The Black Knight, I'm looking at you.) I worked hard to gather evidence for this. MY mom got angry at me for picture messaging. I had to beat the game and hang on to every letter and even take some notes. DON'T say this is 100% untrue, because I know it holds sense.


. . .We also talked about the Shiekah being tortured in the Well and Shadow Temple. :mellow:

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I guess not all of the Sheikah were banished to the Twilight Realm. Midna said in Twilight Princess, " What do you think happened to those who tried to rule the Sacred Realm?" In the cut scene after you revive Lanayru, it shows the player the three Dark Links who are suppose to represent the Twili who tried to use the Fused Sahdows to take over the Sacred Realm.

Maybe, the goddesses only banished those three along with their followers, and they became the Twili. I'm starting to see the possibility how not all of the Sheikah became Twili.

What if, those three were part of a tribe, the name of which we don't know, that had split into two, the Sheikah and the Twili, when they were banished to the Twilight Realm? :huh::huh::huh: Hope I didn't confuse anyone.

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Umm... Well, I don't know about the three Links or whatever taking over anything. I think that they were jus there to symbolize the darkness of their deeds. I doubt there were only three...

I'm just saying that some Sheikah, or one, was involvd with the interlopers, and that Sheikah was the ancestor of Midna.


P.S. - [Why can't I edit my pots? O_o]

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Majora's mask sort of is split into four.There's the physical mask that possesses those who wear it,then theres the mask floating around and shooting lasers at you,then theres the part were it does some ballet crap all over the room,then theres the tentacaly thing that is really big and challenging and throws you all over the room and completely PWNed me the first 4 times I tried to beat it[i havent fought it in awhile and my memory of it is scarce].Put all of these together,and you have an uncontrollable rampant monster that is going to kill everyone and drop a moon on you and no one can possibly control it in any way whatsoever.The fused shadow can be controlled.

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Thats true, it is uncontrollable.

MM pwns.

If any of you are up to the challenge, by far the hardest battle in any Zelda game is fighting Majora as only a Deku Shrub. It is possible, just extremely hard. Make sure you have Chateau Romani, and a few red potions. It'll still be hell.

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i did it as young link.It was hard.

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It's impossible that ALL sheikah became Twili purely down to the fact of the existance of Impaz

and noone has answered my question yet :unsure:

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Yes, it's my theory that the Sheikah symbol has something to do with the symbol on Midna's helm. One; because it's her clan's magic, and two: there's a "Twili-ized" Sheikah Symbol everywhere in the Palace of Twilight. If the helm was made before all the negative events, then it wasn't influenced by it, therefore it could be that the Sheikah added the teardrop to their clan's symbol to express the grief of their loss/betrayal. I never said ALL the Sheikah were banished. I said either one, or a few, if I recall, but never all the Sheikah. There's Impa, Impaz, Fanadi, Ashei(?), etc.

This is a theory. Get used to it =P


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I think in Lanayru's explanation The normal Link represented the one Sheikah that turned on the others,and the dark links represented the interlopers.Just wanted to share that with everyone.

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Sheik talks about the Sheikah symbol in the Manga.. Here's the link:

It should explain stuff. Even though the manga isn't 100% accurate, it's awesome for theorizing.

I've seen it before, you can't really trust it...

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