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1984s' Room 101

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No thanks, Dustin, I'll read the story in paper pages XD

That picture did freak me out momentarily, as I'm alone in a room, but sounds interesting. I'd say that my greatest fears would be the non-self sacrifice, tied with some others. Coincidentally, I was just thinking, lying in bed awake how I would have saved my stepbrother's friend from drowning if I was there. (Knocked himself out on a diving board and went down. To this day I wonder if anyone went mad from the grief of not helping him before he snuffed it. I know I would have.)

I'd have to say my biggest fears are a tie between a couple things. Abstract horror like the twisted faces in the Ring or the above picture, being truly alone without companionship of any friends, and not being good enough to save or help someone who needs it. Psychologically, or physically. The last fear is the basis for one of my rules of Semi-Sanity.

I fear no being on the same level as I, or in other words, a person. One may fear what that person could do, but one must find the courage to retaliate. Maybe this is typical teen speak, but it's what I believe.

Fear is powerless against human will.


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i know wat it is now.... having my best friend die :cry: i wouldn't have a reason to live without him. i'de either kill myself or live my life never smiling again :cry:

I'll back that one. I would jump in front of a bullet for my best friend.

If I saw her die, I.... I don't know. I'd murder the person who killed her with my bare hands.

Nonetheless, my biggest fear is the dark. So it's childish. Bite me.

ESPECIALLY if I'm alone in the dark.

I hate it because you don't know what's there. Could be anything.

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A universal fear of humans is fear of the unknown.

This is why children are so often afraid of the dark - not because its dark, but because they don't know what is in the dark. Its not such a childish fear, afterall.

it was fear of the unknown that made tensions so thick in the cold war, and almost caused the destruction of the planet.

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A universal fear of humans is fear of the unknown.

This is why children are so often afraid of the dark - not because its dark, but because they don't know what is in the dark. Its not such a childish fear, afterall.

it was fear of the unknown that made tensions so thick in the cold war, and almost caused the destruction of the planet.

YAY! My theory was correct! I so rock at understanding the human mind! Hi-five!!! :D :D :D :D PS Zu Zu you're very smart, and so are a few other people in this site. ^_^

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I'll point out some things here...

Zuzu's post in the "What Scares You?" topic that has been long forgotten and is now dead:

A universal fear in (almost) all humans is fear of the unknown, which, as we cannot see in the dark well, makes quite a few of us afraid of the dark etc.

thats the reason the cold war was so tense, russians didnt know what the americans were capable of and what they were thinking, and vice versa.

And the post he just made here:

A universal fear of humans is fear of the unknown.

This is why children are so often afraid of the dark - not because its dark, but because they don't know what is in the dark. Its not such a childish fear, afterall.

it was fear of the unknown that made tensions so thick in the cold war, and almost caused the destruction of the planet.

...Similar... :wacko:

Now my post in the "What Scares You?" topic, because I can't write this over again:

The unknown is interesting. It makes you think.

I for one think some people fear the dark because they instantly think of what could be in it, instead of what couldn't be in it. For example, a child is sleeping and looks toward their closet, which is opened just only a little. They think they see something in it, and they spontaneously begin believing the worst- that something harmful, a monster, perhaps, lives in that closet. If they thought about how a monster couldn't possibly live in the closet, they would eventually no longer feel afraid, not because they know what's in the closet, but because they now know what's not in the closet.

Now mesa say that I don't really fear things until I'm confronted with them, then I have no idea what to do and I pretty much remain quiet and say small phrases instead of sentences. :unsure:

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Its because I am repeating a valid point? :embarrassed:

Kinda scary that you remembered my post from way way back..

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Well, I should of specified more with my post.

The common sense part of my brain knows there is actually nothing there.

It's my frickin' imagination that does the work.

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I'm reading 1984 right now. Its an amazing book. Probably my favorite.

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Never heard of 1984, but I fear the dark, as Zuzu said, and angered spirits. :cry:

Yes, I do believe in ghosts. And heres living

Okay...not really. xP

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