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Videogames Addiction

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Hi there!

Well... first, as an introduction, I have to say that I'm taking psychology as a school subjet this year.

There, I was asigned to investigate about the videogames addiction (well, I chose the topic between others). In class we reached to the conclusion that the videogames are not an addiction, only an obsession to some people.

Even with that, in my reseach I found about a lot of different opinions. One of them, was that "A kid playing videogames all day will be an adult gambling all day", that could be true, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

I wanted to open this topic, to see what you guys think. We all play videogames, even if it's only a little. We live in different countries and in different ways, so we all have different ways to see this topic. So I ask you guys to discuss this. I'm not saying that any of us is addict or something, but maybe we know someone who looks like and addict or anything... I don't know, just, let the discussion begin!

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good for you. In taking psycology, i mean. . .

i wouldn't group video games in one section. That's like saying that a general in the army is the same as a master chess player. Same is with a shoot-em-up game and a puzzle game, both are video games but are completely different. . . Usualy what makes me play video games for a very long time is the feeling of victory, that feeling you get when you see something that could never happen in real life (sort of a feeling of power) sometimes it's the wanting to continue the story line, especialy if you are really into it, or, sometimes i just. . . play.

i'm gonna take ninth grade math this year. . . YAAAY!!!

i like math

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I really don't know. Some people (adults :unsure: ) who I know say that video games are lowering the creativity in those who play them, because they're forcing those people who play them to see the world through the eyes of that one creator of the game (regardless of the fact that it's actually teams of people who make a game, yes. :unsure: ). But then, wouldn't books do that too? Especially so, since a vast majority of books are entirely composed by one person. But I don't believe those people, as my creativity has skyrocketed in recent years, even from extremely high levels. :unsure: Either that or it's stayed the same, but it certainly has not lowered. It's probably not even been influenced by them. It's almost like saying solving a complicated puzzle decreases your intelligence. For it takes intelligence to create a puzzle, as it takes creativity to create a video game.

Also, the reason I, and others, I hope, play them is for an entertaining activity to take up time and have fun with. So if they are interfearing with something more important, say family or studies, then they aren't really being to constructive either, are they? :embarrassed:

Furthermore, they may be better than some extracurricular activities under certain circumstances, as I'm sure parents would rather have their kids staying at home doing nothing than trying out drugs after football practice. :unsure:

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an interesting (though perhaps harder) topic would be if violent games make people violent.

I played heaps of videogames as a kid, probably too much for my own good.. but i dont gamble at all! :huh:

and about G333s point of seeing the game through the creators eyes - do you all remember Farores Winds' topic from way way back? a personality quiz, she asked people to interpret what they thought Link was like, and everyone had different answers cos everyone interpretted him differently and sometimes our personalities were reflected in the character we saw in Link.

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my family hates when i know the name of a gun :( they're worried i'll turn out a killer or somthing.

video games don't make you violent it's you who makes you violent.and i wouldn't say i m addicted to video games(even though i have a sweater that says it)but i am obsessed for sure.

and to VH thats wat keeps me playing longer if i beat the first temple on MP2 then i just want to keep playing more more more!!!! and if i find a cheat that will help me beat your score on power throws :evil: then i'll keep playing trying to beat it. so far i've only gotten to 603 :cry:

and ever since i got my wii my playing time has increased by like......0 minutes.actually it's decreased.

my grandma keeps saying stuff like"im starting to think the wii was a bad idea :angry: " and stuff like that.

but i ignore her and play anyway :joy:

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I play video games to escape life.

My life is extremely boring, and to fill this void I play video games.

That's why I play fantasy games such as the Legend of Zelda. They are the most far out, and hence, the least boring. Which is the exact thing in my life I am trying to escape from.

I'm far from an addict though. In fact, I just checked my Wii registry and I haven't played a single game for about 15 days. But that's year 11 for you.

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Sorry for the late reply :embarrassed:

my family hates when i know the name of a gun :( they're worried i'll turn out a killer or somthing.

My mom says I scare her when I know the name of a gun :embarrassed:

So no one here has met a videogame addict?

I think we all agree it's a reacreative activity, to help us escape from reality for a moment, to entretainment, etc.

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I saw a news report where they were talking about kids from Japan that were actually addicted to video games, or maybe it was computer..... yeah, that was it. they were addicted to the computer. So never mind that.

In my opinion anything can be addictive. It all depends on who you are and what you like.

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yeah, that was it. they were addicted to the computer.

My best friends says I'm addicted to my computer...

I... I... :embarrassed: I actually spend 3 or 4 hours every day in my computer... Though I can live without it, maybe I get bored sometimes, but I can live without it. No, really, I'm not joking. :biggrin:

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