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Recent Chat Complications

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[quote name='ZuZu The Magic Cow' post='96888' date='Dec 16 2007, 09:17 AM']what next?
'Isnt communism great?'[/quote]

yes, I would feel much better living in the dictatorship of a great man like Mao or Stalin, rather then living in the dictatorship of the majority (so called democracy). Well democracy is based on the thought that the majority is smart and on an educated population, but the situation in Norway is rather the opposite. Inhabited by ignorant farmers.

comrade Eot

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One last thing:

[quote name='Sahaqiel']If you don't accept different people, get the f*ck out or learn to accept them.[/quote]

Your words contradict yourself.

If you don't accept people who like gays, aren't you just being the biggest damn hypocrite in existance?

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The thing I find most interesting is the high number of 'homophobes/gay haters/dislike gay talk' that are gay or bi themselves.... It's sad that people are afraid of an aspect of themselves or hate a part of who they are... especially when they take that out on others.

Also, instantly banning someone who says 'no, I dont like gays' after you ask them it too harsh. The demographic of chatters tends to be younger people and they often have skewed feelings about these types of things from parents, their church, etc. Kids often base dislike of a group they are unfamiliar with based on what their parents tell them or other authority figures. While it is wrong for them to blindly accept hate or dislike of one group based on this, it does happen. Help them change their opinion by educating them so they won't be ignorant.

Our history (as a human race) is full of people unreasonably hating/disliking/abusing others for many many reasons: African Americans, Women, Homosexuals, 'Witches', Jews, Muslims in the USA (omg a terrorist!), etc. People are often ignorant, and especially fear that which they don't understand. Yes, it's stupid, but often times people do very stupid things, especially when they are kids. Teach them the truth.

If they want to stay ignorant or be assholes, it's their loss though.

Banning people who come in yelling "faggot! I hate fags!" or continually bashing people for any reason is certainly acceptable though. While the chat is not perfect, I would like to see it as a place where people can come in an feel safe. I don't want gay kids being harrassed or feeling threatened. Same for other groups of people. While opinions are yours to hold, hate is not welcome in the chat. You can discuss why you feel the way you do, although reasons like "I hate gay people just because they are gay and I have no logical reason!" is not a real reason.

*end of rambling...*

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I wouldn't call myself a homophobe... I just had a real bad memory. I once had a boyfriend, and well... he later told me that he was bisexual, and... yeah. My heart was pretty broken that Christmas Eve night... When I went to church that evening, it was hard not to cry, but I managed. We soon broke up, but the memory still grieves me. So, yeah, I just have a bad memory that makes me not really like homosexuals and bisexuals. I don't HATE them, I just... I'm just kind of afraid of them in a way...

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@Chocobo - I think most everyone can relate to something like that. People, when they're trying to date, are trying to find that great person that fits them well enough to spend their life with each other. But to find that person, you have to date around, and dating can be a really heart-wrenching experience because you "invest" things in a relationship and put your feelings on the line, and it's hard to take pain when you cared so much about someone and end the relationship.

I really can understand why you're feeling the way you do - I would probably react the same if that happened to me. I recently broke up with my girlfriend, so I know how hard it is to not carry some sort of grieving.

Hopefully people will understand my previous post and not feel that I do not condone acceptance of everyone. I just believe that some people react and feel certain ways because of previous bad experiences and the like. If the issue is ignorance, I think a nice session of chat to educate wouldn't be bad - provided all parties agree. However, if the person is recovering from a bad experience, it's probably best to respect their opinion for the time being (or find a way to help them without making them feel their feelings are wrong and stupid).

@Dustin - I think a lot of people are afraid of aspects of themselves because they're made to feel that way - people don't accept certain groups and types of people, and if they admit to themselves and others who they really are, they might be put through things no one deserves to go through.

Look at the whole concept of beauty - if you think about it, beauty is just an arrangement of a face. In some tribes in Africa, beauty is big ears and stuff like that. Here, it's all about being skinny and fit, and so many people become so ashamed of who they are. My best friend, for example, was a beautiful and amazing person. But she felt fat, so she used to do things like throw up. And it got to the point where recently, she didn't eat much (paired with her stress, that wasn't good), and she lost weight she didn't need to lose. Society does that to people, and it's the stupidest thing ever. A lot of people are beautiful the way they are, but they feel they have to change or hide, and they shouldn't.

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@Nathan: Very good points all around!

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[color="#FF0000"]I don't have problems with gays it's just that i'm sick of being called one under false pretenses. That's the only problem I have with gays because if they weren't around i'd wouldn't be called one.[/color]

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[quote name='Y. Link adict' post='97345' date='Dec 17 2007, 01:45 PM'][color="#FF0000"]I don't have problems with gays it's just that i'm sick of being called one under false pretenses. That's the only problem I have with gays because if they weren't around i'd wouldn't be called one.[/color][/quote]

Same here. I wish people would understand how mean it is to say that. Mean kids are going to call us something...right?

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Wow. I thought we got rid of Malon a [i]looooong[/i] time ago. I guess she's still as much of a jerk as ever. There's nothing wrong with gays and lesbians, they're just misunderstood. There just different. Funny how the human race is always seeking new things to explore, but hate everything that's different. :unsure:

I mean take us werewolves for exampl- I mean.... [i]those[/i] werewolves. :unsure:

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