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The Mysteries of Snowpeak

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Lets face it, not a lot about Snowpeak makes sense. To begin, its located at the edge of a cliff tucked away from the rest of Hyrule. It has evidently been long abandoned, and Yeto and Yeta seem to be the only ones with knowledge of it in the entire game.

Upon my adventures through the temple and surrounding areas, I think of old colonies.

There is a crest with two crossed Spanish swords found on everything in the mansion. It couldn't belong to the Yeti family, because of the small doorways, humanoid suits of armor, and paintings of people found throughout the structure. The cannons, weapons, and armor suggest that it was a stronghold of sorts. Whoever owned the mansion must of had contact with Ordon and Castle Town, as suggested by the Ordonian items and pictures of Hyrule Castle. They were no strangers.

Ashei tells us that she was raised in the Snowpeak mountains. There are other visible, inaccessible mountains, but the only house we find is this mysterious abandoned mansion. Did it belong to settlers, Ashei's father, maybe both? Something entirely different?

Feel free to discuss this mystic corner of Hyrule here. I'd like to here your theories and opinions.

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Well MAYBE it is the last surviving stronghold from the great Hyrulian Mideival war.....

That's the first thing that came to mind when you mentioned the canons.

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hmmm... i kinda agree it probably is hyrules last stronghold

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Against who, though?

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Against who, though?

probably the MM aliens, who have mistaken yeti's for cows once again.

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Oh, LDGM. Always looking on the random side of things.


All those who think I'm yelling BY TYPING KILE THIS, no. If I was, I would go LIKE THIS!!!! and there might be cussing, too.

I type LIKE THIS for emphasis.

Whereas I type LIKE THIS!!!!! For anger.

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probably the MM aliens, who have mistaken yeti's for cows once again.

........I Agree.... It's the only thing that makes sence...

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i'm basing this on the "termina is a seperate universe" theory. So, end of OoT, link goes to termina through the lost woods, majora's mask comes along, then link saves termina, link somehow loses memory of his life, and returns to a warped hyrule, twilight princess hyrule, in other words. Time is sorta wacky because of either a) the fact that he's in a diferent universe or b ) overuse of the ocarina of time (all those days and nights you bypassed have got to go somewhere) and link is taken in by the ordanians. But, an unfortunate event occured when link stepped into termina, the portal was uncovered for all beings (evil ones, to be particular) and they seeped through to the hyrule link once knew, causing a war during majora's mask. This war ended around the middle of MM, and since the time in hyrule goes faster than in termina, things recovered quickly. this is a theory, and is yet to be further investigated and built upon, so enjoy it.

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I've found a similar area in a cave near the top of northern Hyrule. Its got a bunch of ice block puzzles, but the walls resemble Snowhead's, or more likely, Gerudo Valley's.

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i'll have to check that out

and of course you ignore the very large paragraph above you :unsure:

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i'll have to check that out

and of course you ignore the very large paragraph above you :unsure:

aye, your theory isn't the only neglected one.

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aye, someone agreed, did they not?

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Possibly Majora's Mask's Hyrule and Twilight Princess's Hyrule, since when you talked about the cliff and Snowpeak, I thought you were talking about Snowhead(lolconfusion) so, possibly, one of the mountains in the distance of Snowpeak is in fact Snowhead!? That would change a lot, even though Link from Majora's Mask... WAIT A SECOND, it does make sense, for the Twilight Princess could've come after or before Majora's Mask Link, so the two games' Hyrules can be the same Hyrule, just two seperate parts of it, connected by Snowpeak and Snowhead. Possible theory, not saying it's true. And maybe, possibly the two, Snowpeak and Snowhead battled, but Snowhead lost against Snowpeak, the reason for no cannons and stuff and for nothing like a castle being in there, but then after invaders took over Snowhead, and after they realised the Gorons lived there(The invaders weren't the Gorons, apparently) they soon left to go back to Snowpeak and cut the connection between Snowpeak and Snowhead. >___> Long paragraph is long.

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Against who, though?

Meh. They were probably just collectors of stuff. Or Yeto and Yeta were attacked by the Hyrule Army, and they sucked the bodies out of the armor. Then they collected the armor. The rest is followed by an epicly nostalgic battle between Toilet Guy and Yeto. Yeto, of course, sends Toilet Guy spiraling through dimensions, until he ultimately gets stuck in the rift between Hyrule and Termina: the Stock Pot Inn's toilet.

probably the MM aliens, who have mistaken yeti's for cows once again

Ah. No, can't be. For that is the fifty-second step of my comprehension of the soon-to-be-planned conspiracy of why shrimp aren't poisonous. I made a documentary of it. I wanted to put it on public television, but they told me it was stupid and grossly inaccurate. :D

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