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Tisk tisk tisk.... :unsure: I DUNNO!

As they walked on, the Mountains seemed to grow more dark, and more spooky. Lucas got a very, bad, feeling. "G-guys. I have a bad feeling..." Lucas stammered. Looking around uncertain.

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The ground became steeper and steeper, until at last, they reached the base mountains. "Okay guys, we're finally here. We just have to go through this cave and down to the chambers." Kaori announced. "M-more caves? B-but...usually bad things happen when we go into caves...." Lucas said, who now had developed a fear of caves.

Edited by Oh Noes (see edit history)

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AAHHH! D: Whats going on?

EDIT: SHOOT. Double post. >___> Sorry. Thats was my first double post ever! D:

Edited by Oh Noes (see edit history)

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The Banshee gave me nightmares too :(

They walked inside, Zelda lighting the way with Din's fire, while Kaori still lead. They walked for about an hour, navigating through tunnels, forks, and twists and bends. Untill finally they arrived in a large domelike room, with magma pools all over it. Darunia lay in the center, clearly wounded. "No!" Link shouted running to the edge. "We have to get him out!" Said Niel producing a rope from his pouch. "That'll just burn up!" Said Kaori, who thought she was pointing out the obvious. Then she noticed it was golden, not like a normal rope. "Yes it's a rope, and it's not MADE of gold." He made a hoop, and threw it out to Darunia, it snagged his wrist. "PULL!!" Shouted Kaori, everyone one leaned back with the rope, "PULL!!" Niel repeated. The leaned again, this time he moved. "PULL!!" Kaori said again, and this time Darunia moved even farther. They repeated this process, Niel yelling, Kaori yelling, until finally he was on the rock. Large gashes were all over his body. Whip gashes.

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Dang it!

When he got to the edge, Anna yelled "STOP!" They all looked at her. "He'll fall in. He can't survive that when he's wounded. Zelda." Anna turned to her. Zelda gasped as she remembered the old technique. She two put their hands together as if they were giving a hive five, but kept their arms up. The ran forward and jumped off the edge. They both spun and disappeared in Faeroe's Wind. They landed on the edge by Darunia. "You think it'll work?" Zelda asked Anna. "Trust me, I've teleported Link, Honey, Epona, and myself before." Anna said. They joined their hands in the same way, except they put their other hands on Darunia. Next thing the group knew, Darunia, Anna, and Zelda were back next to them. "There..." Anna panted.

Edited by Cat Girl (see edit history)

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Almost as soon as she said that, the Magma pools started to get higher, and higher. "RUN!!" Shouted Niel and Kaori simultaniously. Niel and Kaori drug Darunia, struggling to keep up with the others who were quickly leaving their sight. The magma seemed to be chasing them, through the tunnels, from every direction. The walls were glowing red, and the floor was no longer cool stone, but boiling rock. Darunia's feet dipped in the magma, Niel and Kaori stating to pick up space as Darunia drifted on the magma. A great roar shook the mountain, and everything grew hotter until they were soaked with presperation. Darunia's fingers twitched, and soon he was running along side them, slowly, but he was immune to heat, so it didn't matter. They entered a small dome room, and a giant rock was in them iddle. The magma was catching up too fast, the only thing they could do was climb on top of it. Darunia threw Niel and Kaori and slammed his fists into it to climb up. Soon the roar was getting louder, and closer, and more intense. Until a great flaming hand was reaching out of the tunnel they had came through. It was followed by a great ugly head, with sharp fangs and a misshapen head. It squirmmed until it's whole body was in the domed room. The magma at his feet didn't bother him a bit. A whip of shadow was in his right hand, glowing purple. He roared again, causing Niel and Kaori to cover their ears. Darunia flinched, his teeth shut tight.

Kaori and Niel KICK IT'S ARSE!!!! >:D

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Kaori saw the whip headed for Niel. She told herself For gloating privileges... and pulled him out of the way.

Kaori jumped on Darunia's back and used it as a springboard to try and slice through the monster's arm. It howled in pain as the arm fell. She smirked, before gaping at what was now happening. The magma was replacing it's arm! "Use the arrows Link gave you!" Niel shouted. She landed on the rock and aimed up at the monster's arm. It turned to ice and Niel took that chance to slice through before it melted.

Edited by Cat Girl (see edit history)

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Just as he did so, the monster grabbed him, slamming him into walls. The heat was burnng it's way through Niel's cloak and he didn't have much time before he was burned to death. Kaori fired several arrows, until his arm holding Niel was frozen over the rock. Niel slashed through it, sending it toppling into the magma. The creature roared in pain, swiping at them with his remaining arm. Nile jumped over it with ease, as did Kaori, but Darunia got swept into the magma. "He's okay, better actually. He's a goron!" Niel smiled at kaori, who nodded unsurely and went back to shooting at the creature. An arrow pierced it's head, freezing it momentarily. Darunia launched out of the magma, smashing his fists into it's frozen skull. It roared with such ferocity the magma started to bubble, and make waves that licked at the rock. A deep rumbling went through the entire mountain, making the beast fallover, Kaori took the chance and shot it, pinning it o the lava. She pinned it with several more arrows, until it couldn't move. Darunia launced into the air again, forming a ball and smahsing into the creature's chest. it exploded! sending pieces of magma, ice, and bones in all directions. Darunia winced as one flicked across his shoulder. He climbed back on the rock, panting. "Nice work!" Kaori and Niel high-fived him at the same time. Just then the mountain stated shaking again, so violently Kaori and Niel had to hug together, and the floor, to keep from falling into the magma below. The rock lurched, and rocketed into the air. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Niel and Kaori cryed, gripping eachother tighter. The rock blasted throughh the cieling, that turned out to be layer upon layer of fog. Niel got woozy, and quit yelling for a moment, then resumed. Darunia had his fists buried into the rock, gripping the inside tightly. The rocketed even higher, until they were in the night sky, the stars winking at them. It was only then did they notice the rock was being held up by a jet of lava. It wasn't a mountain, it was a volcanoe! Their stomachs werei n their throats as they started going down, it was like an insane theme park ride out of control. Niel thought about barfing, but it would just ran on his head later, the thought made him turn green. The rock was nearing the ground very quickly, and when it hit they would be blasted into millions of pieces. Like the magma monster. Niel heard a familiar screech, and looked up from the rock for a moment. Athena! A greta white Owl was diving beneath them. "WE HAVE TO JUMP!!!" Niel quit yelling as he shouted his. "WHAT!?" Kaori looked at him like he was a lunatic. Darunia let go without hesitation, jumping to the side Niel pointed to. Kaori looked, then back at Niel, then the sky where Darunia disappeared. "TRUST ME!!" He shouted. Kaori looked VERY uncertain. But she nodded and jumped. Followed by Niel. They landed with a soft thud, on the back of a great owl. There was a screech, and they glided gracefully to the gound. Niel gave Kaori a wide grin, then blushed and looked away.

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WHOLY-! No wonder it took you so long to post!

They spotted the group a little away from the volcano, looking around they all heard a screech and looked up to see Daruina, Niel, and Kaori jump off of an owl. Darunia landed first with a thud before catching Niel and Kaori in his arms and setting them down. "We were worried about you!" Zelda said, inspecting their injuries. Anna healed Kaori while Zelda took Niel. Anna and Zelda had to heal Darunia together. "Let's set up camp for tonight." Marth said. "Please..." Lucas added, looking around, waiting for something else. "I'll watch first." Link said. Anna, Zelda, and Kaori shared a tent. Niel, Marth, and Lucas did the same. Darunia slept outside and Link was watching. Darunia had second watch.

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XD I had to finish the volcanoe thing so you wouldn't stray from the plan, i forgot to tell you again! DX

Late in then ight a deep rumbling started coming from the volcanoe. They fled in a blind panic, it was erupting now. Niel and Kaori were far behind, making sure Lucas kept up. "I TOLD YOU CAVES WERE BAD!!" He shouted, struggling to keep up. Lava oozed down the side, scorching the trees. When it reached the camp, everything caught fire, and burned into nothing. Finally they stopped to see the lava hit a slant and start toward the river. After a few minutes it was all solid rock. "Whew!" Lucas wiped the sweat off his forehead, collapsing from the tiring run.

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" Well that is the worst volcano I've ever been in." Stated Darunia looking in it's direction. " We've missed you since the first war." Said Anna speaking for herself and Link. " Yea I missed you guys too. Just because I'm a sage doesn't mean I don't get lonely." He replied " So what's goin on?" He asked of Niel " We don't quite know ourselves. All we know is that we are supposed to get Zelda and you to Zues and then go to the shadow realm to help Ness and maybe the others." Niel replied honestly. " At least I don't have to deal with Spidey this time!" Said Darunia with a smile on his face." Oh my god," Darunia said as he noticed Midna, " She's in worse shape then when I found her!"

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"Heh...I'll live." She said. "I'm sure the Gods can do something." Kaori said. Anna helped Lucas up. "I don't know about anyone else, but I'd personally like to get the hell away from that volcano." Anna said, pointing behind herself at the thing in question. "Yeah..." Zelda was fine with fire, she could control fire, but lava had always scared her. She didn't know why. "Let's at least get closer to water." Link said. Everyone nodded and Niel had them stop at a point. "It might be dangerous to go farther." They had to sleep under the stars. Link and Anna had no problem, being able to keep their tradition of stargazing. Marth used his cape as a blanket. Zelda had her cloak. Niel, Kaori, Anna, and Link were well used to it. Lucas shivered slightly as a cold wind blew from the water. Anna saw. She sat up and rummaged through her bag before finding a cloak. Lucas jumped, looking to see who it was that put a cloak on him. He relaxed when he saw it was only Anna. "Don't you-?" "No, I'm fine," Anna said. Lucas smiled before laying back down. He still had friends who would look out for him...

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No one can replace Ness though ^_^

That night Kaori had the same dream again, only. Niel wasn't the attacker. It was a tall, dark man. With dark armor and a red blade. This time when she lunged, he smashed her aside, drawing blood from where he had hit her. He stomped out her lights, and that's when she woke up. Breathing hard and in a cold sweat, she sat up among the sleeping bodies. She looked over to see a rock, splattered with blood. Faded, and worn into it. But it was there, and it belonged to her.

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"Kaori?" Anna asked softly, so as not to wake everyone. She hadn't been sleeping well, so she decided to watch all night. "Are you ok?" She asked. Kaori just looked at her, unable to say anything. "Here, just have a drink." Anna said, handing her a bottle with water in it. Anna looked at the sky to determine the time. "We'll wake everyone up, soon. I've got to find something to cook. Do you know if there are any fish?" Anna asked as Kaori handed back an empty bottle. "Don't go by the river." She said quickly. "Something can be down there." Anna sighed. " food then..." Anna said, sitting down. "Do you want to talk about-?" Anna was cut off by Link's yawn. "If Link's up, everyone's going to be up soon." Kaori said. "Might as well just wait..."

Once everyone was up, they set off. "No breakfast?" Link asked. "You've went weeks without food, live with it." Zelda said. Anna suppressed a snicker as Link gave Zelda an 'Aw, come on...' look. The group had to admit that the group from Hyrule did put on some funny shows at times. "So, we have to find that wormhole thing again, right?" Lucas asked Niel. Niel nodded. "That's impossible, how are going to find in it all of this. Anna cleared her throat. "Remember my powers at ALL, Marth?" Anna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Blue was around her, meaning the people around her were allies. Her mind went across the vast field, until she found a dot of green. "Found it." She told the others. This time, she opened her eyes, still using this ability. They were an extremely light gray, and her pupils were...purple. It was an odd sight, to say the least. They let Anna lead the way, since she knew exactly where it was. he could see the green from here. "Stop!" She said. Red. It was coming. Fast. "Everyone move!" She yelled, diving on the ground. Everyone did the same and saw a large blade fly where their heads were moments before.

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" Alright who did that?!" Yelled Darunia already getting tired of attacks " Night!" said a strange voice as Darunia was thrown to the ground.

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