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sentence game

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Posted there a game on this forum like this aleady???

imao try to see if it works.

so i ll start off with a sentence and another user will end it or open another sentencce.

okay simple right? well heres the catch..

since its a hyrule forum...we are gnna have to relate our sentence to zelda-world.

got it? :embarrassed:

okay i ll TRY to start it off with:

Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there...<--okay copy and paste that and finish it or start another sentence.

you guys got it..?

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies.

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As the cresent moon set in the night sky, the Skull Kids...

-is this how it's suppose to go..>?-

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As the cresent moon set in the night sky, the Skull Kids...

-is this how it's suppose to go..>?-

nope. sorry kaitou_wind its not like that. you gtta connectc the sentence.


Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said..

okay finish it!

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Posted it's like that huh..ohs..I get it now..cause I used to play one..'cept it was a five word story =P


Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression.

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to...

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week.

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii.

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to .. The Sewer! where she was attacked by

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to .. The Sewer! where she was attacked by shadow link, who that if she wants to live she better give him the wii and all her games for it.

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to .. The Sewer! where she was attacked by shadow link, who that if she wants to live she better give him the wii and all her games for it. Malon was stubborn and didnt want to hand over the Wii easily, so she whipped out an Ocarina and called for....

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to.. The game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to .. The Sewer! where she was attacked by shadow link, who that if she wants to live she better give him the wii and all her games for it. Malon was stubborn and didnt want to hand over the Wii easily, so she whipped out an Ocarina and called for.... Devvo, he was buzzin like a bee.

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to the game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her, the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to the Sewer, where she was attacked by Shadow Link, who that if she wants to live she better give him the wii and all her games for it. Malon was stubborn and didnt want to hand over the Wii easily, so she whipped out an Ocarina and called for Devvo, he was buzzin like a bee. Annoyed, Shadow Link smacked Devvo aside, rendering him unconscious, and resume his

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Cremia was delivering milk to Anju but on the way there the big bad wolf stole the milk for his choclate chip cookies. So then Cremia started to freak out and drove her cart back to Lon Lon Ranch, and then Malon said nothing but continuing to do her chores with a crestfallen expression. Because Malon ignored Cremia, Cremia got pissed off and told her to go to Hyrule Market, but Malon instead went to the game store where she spent all the ranchs' profits for that week. After her trip to the game store she decided to go home to try out her new Wii. So while she was driving the cart back home, unknown to her, the Five Bomber's Brother stop her midway because she didnt want to talk to them, she took a shortcut and went to the Sewer, where she was attacked by Shadow Link, who that if she wants to live she better give him the wii and all her games for it. Malon was stubborn and didnt want to hand over the Wii easily, so she whipped out an Ocarina and called for Devvo, he was buzzin like a bee. Annoyed, Shadow Link smacked Devvo aside, rendering his unconscious, and resume his bullying of Malon to giving up her Wii, but luckily while she ran, she saw a way out, and out of no where, she was lost - in the LOST WOODS! Panicking, remebering that Cremia heard from Anju that if anyone goes into Lost Wood they would be...

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