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Fallout 3

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Anybody got this game or played it its way cool

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It definitely looks cool.I think It'll be on my list after I get Gears 2 and Mirror's Edge,though.

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It definitely looks cool.I think It'll be on my list after I get Gears 2 and Mirror's Edge,though.

yeah lol Gears2 comes out tomorrow and Mirrors Edge is sick Fallout is awesome CoD5 is cool to they definitely made it their job to make it more violent lol i played the beta and its blowing off body parts now

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Fallout 3 is brilliant it! Get it! Now! It's just... Brilliant. I wont reveal any spoilers for you. It just has so much to do, and everything you do, you can do it another way. You'll need lots of save games to experience everything this game has to offer.

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I'm debating weather or not I should get Fallout 3 or Mass Effect, I just don't want to get FO3 and discover it has Oblivion's flaws (no character development, no multi pathed mainquest, rediculous voice acting and lifeless npcs, etc). And I don't have the cash for both, so don't bother saying get both.

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Yawn. Fallout 3 bored me to death, too much to do. I guess I've grown out of RPGs and It doesn't have the same feel to Oblivion or Morrowind

I did the main storyline and got bored ****less. Obviously I didn't do everything because when I complete a game It loses Its appeal to me.

Same thing as Oblivion, just a load of fluff except Oblivion Is better.

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No. It wasn't liked I hoped it would be either. Too empty. I haven't played Morrowind yet, but when I get my own laptop, I'm getting it.

Oh well. I still have LittleBigPlanet. That's far more entertaining than Fallout 3. It's a good game though. I just like going around killing things. Yeah, I know it takes ages to even find something, but it's fun when you do find something. Like Oasis in the north centre area of the map. It's the only place in the game with trees. I just like it for that. It has a guy with a tree growing out of his head. It's pretty funny.

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No. It wasn't liked I hoped it would be either. Too empty. I haven't played Morrowind yet, but when I get my own laptop, I'm getting it.

Oh well. I still have LittleBigPlanet. That's far more entertaining than Fallout 3. It's a good game though. I just like going around killing things. Yeah, I know it takes ages to even find something, but it's fun when you do find something. Like Oasis in the north centre area of the map. It's the only place in the game with trees. I just like it for that. It has a guy with a tree growing out of his head. It's pretty funny.

I've got Fallout 3 now,and it's awesome.I've got an evil guy who blew up megaton,but he killed a good bit of it's population before he blew it up.Then I just kill mostly everyone I see.I tried to kill the kid from Grayditch,but it didn't let me :(

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Fallout 3 is one of the best games ever made. If you haven't gotten it yet, get it! You wont be disappointed.

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No, it isn't. I was disappointed, you don't even get to play after the end. A "The best game ever" lets you play after the end. The way they tied the TES system with guns, didn't work well. The lack of ammo and stuff to "repair" your items with seems to be lacking greatly. In the whole game, i was only able to repair three of my guns.

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I was a bit disappointed too. I was expecting more enemies. But... It's just so empty and the enemies take ages to re-spawn.

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