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Posts posted by ChewyChunx

  1. I live in Canada. Personally when I used to have a job ( I am now going to Animation School with the help of my parents) I used to have around (If I remember correctly) $400 dollars taken off my check for various things. Now I don't mind giving money to the government. If they would use it for what it was ment for I wouldnt have to be furstrated. For reals they spent around a billion dollars putting lights on a bridge in my city "So it would looks nicer" Which by the way is going to collapse any day now....Why didnt they put it into fixing the streets or putting in more tranist areas (bus) or helping the elderly. Just doesnt make any sense. Plus they give my money to people that are quite capable of working, the walfare people. I can undersand if you cannot work, or if there are no jobs and you need uninployment, or if you got hurt and can't work, you need money of course to live. However there are people that just sit around and get paid, which is dumb. Since I was young my parnets told me I have to go to college and get myself a good job. Even if I do I still have to pay for these people that do nothing.

    This is just me, and my opinion in the corner. I probably didn't make sense at all :)


  2. I really dont care if people do or not, because it isnt my body. So what if they shave, I have met tons of guys that do shave, their armpits and legs. However I really haven't met one that shaves their chest. I dont know why but they don't. It is really up to the person I am not going to go and tell guys that shave that they shouldn't, it isn't my bussiness.

    Me personally think waxing is the best way to go!

  3. I have nothing against them. Do whatever makes you happy!!!!

    For me personally there is no way possible my family is too crazy! They really dislike me talking to people they don't know. I don't see the harm, just don't be silly about it. What I mean by that is just be careful when you get into these things sometimes it's worse than breaking up with someone you knew in person.

    I don't see the problem at all with it though!


  4. I have never tried it but I am not against it. It is a lot better than alcohol from what I have seen. Though I am more willing to drink than I am to get high, not sure why though. :/

  5. what

    Also, I think he likes animation, so it'd make sense why he'd trace. Also, I like you already for not posting a DeviantArt link.

    I was on my ipod and it changes words that i wanted so something else I meant to say I could take some pictures of the rough if you like

  6. That mrs claus is an original if you look at the shotgun girl she is an original yes the room is orginal. Unless you mean just from my mind then the elf an mrs claus and the party girl( I can't remember which ones are on there) I usually don't like posting my orginal work cause they are usually for storyboards and are to smal. I hope I answered your question!

    Ps sorry I use my iPod to type!

  7. The top on is because you have to make a rough thenake a clean so technically I treated the prginalbonba sheet of paper I could take acoustics of the rouh if you'd like. The second one is me drawing them freehand I had picture reference for each one. So I copied but I like to practice the overlapping thing!

  8. wait so because you had to put in effort to get all the achievements, it was a bad game? Most games typically have an achievement that you got to work for. That really doesn't seem like a flaw

    No, no that isnt what I'm saying I do quite enjoy working for my cheevs, no problem, I just didnt like how they only put 26 in your own game then had to get people to give you the rest, all I am saying it is hard to get people to trust you and get them to trust you when they arent one of your friends. I am not saying it is a flaw to have it (sorry i sometimes word things wrong) it was just one of my dislikes of the game, it was a big pain in de bum. Everygame has its flaws :) I am truly happy they fixed quite a few things like the CO-OP. That alone made the game better!

    It would be called an achievement if it wasnt a bit hard. I am one of those people that hates to have a low gamerscore in a game, so I go out of my way to get them all. :) And I am sorry if I missunderstood you with this message! Just slap me and tell me to quiet down. :D

  9. I know how you feel. I spent the last 10 hours finishing up this Christmas-themed Rotoscoping project, where I had to film myself in front of a green screen and then draw over it all.

    The fruits of my effort:


    Not anything special. =\ But I should get a decent mark on it.

    *so tired*

    'Looking forward to seeing yours! :3

    Looks good! I have pics on my phone, Ill get em on here when I can There on this site well two of them anyway! hope you like them!

  10. I think I recognize your screen name. What did you say to anyone?

    Well I do use this tag for everything...

  11. Seriously, I really want to go to sleep right now, however I cannot because I am cleaning up my drawings for Character Design and it takes hours, hours to do it because I suck at it. I had to create a Elf that was in Cartoon Network style of drawing, Mrs. Claus in World of Warcraft style, and Santa in Disney. I just finally finished my Elf and my Mrs Claus! I havent been able to work on it because my other teachers loaded on homework, I never have time to do anything! it is frustrating! They say they talk to eah other about what they are assigning...anyway I better get back at my work this was my break from it! Ill post em when they are done! hopefully all this is going to pay off!

  12. Hello, I am obviously new! I have posted on fourms before but not in a long time. I also I am very sorry for my lack of skills in spelling and grammer. I am terrible at it, again sorry.

    My name is Bob (it is what I prefer to be called) or you can just call me Chewy!

    I am a fan of the Zelda series (of course!) I enjoy some gameing and anime.

    I am currently going to Animation School so I dont know how much I will be able to post!

    Nice to meet everyone and I hope I'll have fun here.

  13. Fable 3, I seriously had problems with. It was like we werent meant to be from the the time I opened it until I 100% it. I mean it isnt a bad game dont get me wrong, it was an alright game. There are so many flaws like all games I suppose. The only think that really upset me and took me the longest was the legendary weapons achievement. It was kind of stupid how I had to get people to give me weapons! It took me a solid four days to get them all, on the downside of this achievement that since you have to depend on others and TRUST them. I had people just leave my game once I gave them the weapons they needed! But alas! I will not have to play this game again, but if anyone needs help on getting the legendary weapons I will help I do have them all still.

    GT ChewyChunx

    Just send me a message!

  14. My GT is


    I play Halo Reach mostly as a multiplayer game anyway. So if you would like to play just add me!