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Posts posted by Relean

  1. Okay, so I'm re-playing OoT and at the begining Zelda says something like:

    He will destroy Hyrule! No, the entire world!

    Finally, I found a fact that supported my theory about Hyrule being a small part of a much larger world.

  2. And the Giant Tree, and the horde of enemies in the sunset...

    Man, this is really old...

  3. Don't you think that dreams symbolize something that's happening in your life, or hidden feelings?

    It has happened to me, but the dream is no a good thing to tell here...

  4. I read somewhere that he was wandering around the forest, fell into a cave and started exploring it with a lantern.

    Maybe that inspired him to create Zelda.

  5. I've only found all heart pieces in TP.

    Guess what? I beat Super Paper Mario today! Yayz! Great ending... Kind of sad, though.

    I also got my Collectors Edtion disk back and started a new file in OoT.

  6. There are some Spanish dialects, too.

    South American Spanish.

    Spanish Spanish. (lol)

    Caribbean Spanish...

    And different dialects even exist within the same country.

    There are like... 3 different dialects in my country. ^_^

    For example, in the coastal region, people turn the s into an h when saying some words. That way, libros (books) turns into libroh or esperanza (hope) turns into ehperanza. (They sill write the words in the right way, though. :lol:)

    This can also be seen in the Caribbean Spanish. Countries like Puerto Rico, Cuba and Republica Dominicana have similar dialects.

    In Puerto Rico and Rep

  7. Yeah, so...

    Zelda Halo looks cool.

    I wonder if they'll ever release it for download.