Agent Zako

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  1. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  2. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Just googled J-stars for the first time without knowing what it was. The one time I need Berserk to be a shonen and it's not.
  3. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Discuss Anime and Mang   





  4. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in The conclusion to my brother's murder   
    Today was the official sentencing for Marlon Fluker Jr., the guy who killed my stepbrother in a drive-by four years ago. To summarize for those who may have forgotten, around 10pm on the night after his 15th birthday, after having watched a movie at the theater with family and friends, he was walking through a neighborhood with his acquaintances. This part of the neighborhood was about a block away from the country jail; literally in view of it.
    Marlon Fluker and his son were driving down the road, ready to kill one of the people in this group for some dispute they had. I still don't know what it was about, but Marlon Fluker Jr. shot into the group of people with the intent to kill someone over something. After the first volley, everyone hit the ground, and then he fired again and shot Marquise in the head once. Marquise died there, July 11th, 2010. In a bout of bitter luck, he was the only one in the crowd to get injured, but he wasn't the intended target.
    The Flukers had a history of violence and crime, and I heard about it and got the sense it was typically incited by his dad. But ever since then, I believe, Marlon Jr. has been in jail awaiting proper sentencing. Yesterday my stepdad called me over to his house to tell me in person that the state attorney asked him if he would accept a second degree murder plea. I think the only distinction between first and second is that first degree is premeditated. The state attorney mentioned that the sentence is normally 20 years, but there were talks of reducing it in half, which would make the sentence 10 years, 4 of which he's already served, so he'd be in jail for only 6 more years. My stepdad wasn't very pleased about the idea.
    So he asked me if I would attend the sentencing, and I skipped out on a class today to go to the courthouse. Marquise's mom was there, leaking tears every once in awhile. When I attended middle school, she was the lunch lady, though we never knew each other very well. Marquise and I got along pretty well, more or less like the typical image of brothers, and we fought occasionally. I didn't know how I was going to feel looking at the guy who personally killed him over some petty dispute. My stepdad thought of killing the guy himself, but my mom told him that it wouldn't solve anything, and it would just launch some vengeance streak of pointless violence.
    Anyway, I was really sleepy for most of the prep time. There were a lot of people there I didn't recognize. I think the father got out of jail earlier than his son because he didn't personally kill anyone, so he was there too, occasionally glaring daggers at my stepdad. That's another reason I knew he had a screw loose; they'd never even met, and it was very much his own fault that his son was there receiving jail time through poor parenting and poor decisions. All the staff there had a really weirdly casual attitude the whole time, though all the people attending were solemn and grave.
    Just as I close my eyes to rest, the sentencing began. Marlon Jr. was brought in with chains and an orange jumpsuit. He looked like a sorry mess, as far as I could tell. He had hands clasped in prayer tattooed on his right arm, bags under his eyes, and a beard, though his hair was cleanly cut. He looked down most of the time stoically while his attorney whispered stuff to him. I found out that he's only 26. In a year I'll be as old as he was when he gunned down my stepbrother. It terrified me to imagine wasting that much of my youth with such a stupid action.
    Very casually, very quickly, the motions were followed through, simple questions were asked, a guilty plea, being fully informed about the charge etc. etc. It was almost comical that they noted that he was on the way to commit first-degree murder, but ended up committing second-degree murder. I think it's still pretty much first-degree murder either way. He resolved to kill a guy that day, and it happened to be an unintended target, Marquise. The attorney also said something about believing the opposing party to have a gun, prompting him to act in self-defense. That pretty much contradicts the claim that he was on the way to commit first-degree murder. It was a textbook drive-by. He got the drop on them. There was no "self-defense". It was ridiculous.
    I didn't want to get all indignant about it, nor did I feel any outward hostility at the guy. It was very clearly something his lawyer came up with to try to take years off his sentence, and Marlon Jr. didn't look too resolved in his claims that it was some weird self-defense thing. The judge, in a very offhanded manner, sentenced Marlon Jr. to 20 years in high-security prison. Marlon Jr. and his lawyer's facial expressions didn't change at all, I think the lawyer whispered something into his ear or something, then the judge stopped in midsentence to consult someone nearby about something else, and then asked Marlon Jr. if he had anything to say. In this really quick, small, pathetic way, he vocalized "I'm sorry". When he got up the lawyer whispered something to him, pat him on the back once, and he later finally glanced over us, the family of the uninvolved teenager he killed, and I made eye contact with him, and he walked away in police custody.
    I'm not going to be mad at Marlon Jr. I've never met him, talked to him, I don't know what his relationship with his father was, or how much he actually regrets his decisions. I don't want to get mad at something I can't change. I can only hope that Marlon Jr., when he gets out of prison at 42 years old, picks up his life and does something good with it.
    Here's a picture of Marquise after he graduated 8th grade. The last I ever saw of him was when he was laid to rest in a casket, and shortly thereafter, buried. I resolved to live enough for the both of us.
  5. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  6. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   

    silly french people
  7. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Kill la Kill:

  8. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by emsomniac in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  9. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Knuckle in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    I was gonna send you some berserk yaoi for your birthday but i forgot  
  10. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Agent Zako is also pleased Berserk is returning, despite being far behind on the manga.
  11. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Necropolis in Discuss Anime and Mang   
  12. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Okay but seriously I was hoping someone would respond to my berserk post a few pages ago because muffin sent me this yesterday. If you're too lazy to follow the jump, I'll just go ahead and say it anyways: Berserk is back! It resumes April 11th! Pretty much the best birthday gift I could have asked for.
  13. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Necropolis in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  14. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sayubie in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Are you on a mecha corruption spree? Should I be concerned? HOW MANY VICTIMS DO YOU HAVE, YOU FIENDS?!
    (Also, contemplating picking up Black Jack. Please advise.) 
  15. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Necropolis in Discuss Anime and Mang   

    Giant Robo. Watch Giant Robo. Are you watching it yet? Probably not because I haven't hit add reply.

    do it
  16. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sayubie in What is this...   
    ...creepy ass piece of mail?

    Why does this person know my katakana...?
    Why are there so many "fu"s?

    Guys, what do I do with this?

    Liking a post is not advice.
    I am legitimately scared of this package.
  17. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Ganny in I am receive envelope package   
    Hi Hyrule Forum! I order moons ago some helix and ticket charm from over-the-moon online shop and check mail to day ... and they are here!! They come in rectangle envelope package as detail below with helpful graphic:

    First-Class Mail Package! Just like I never get on plane! Over-the-Moon cat puts much priority on comfort of package.

    Now I turn envelope package over, and see.... special instruction for opening! very mission impossible!!

    It say: 
    1. cut along line that I see on front.... it's there!! "do not look in envelope package." is there something mysterious and scary? spider??
    2. press edge of package envleop intoward so contents pour.... maybe there is water also? a wet spider will come out?
    3 (it look also like 2, but we give hip-cat special benefit of a doubt). pour content onto stable surface, and go fast to do it! wow, exciting!! hope it isn't spider !
    4. here hip cat put many letter... I know not how it means, there are "e" and "i" and one "k" with many more too. It almost seem to say "enjoy" at end, but more like "ennnnnjjoooyy". But we give hip-cat another doubt benefit.
    I see arrow on both side of envelop, this is where hip-cat want me to push. I demonstrate with hand:

    With cat advice, I pour package quick onto bed and jump back soon in case of spider. But there is not one, it was silly of me to be scared of spider.

    Instead there is some baggies fall out, and many heart! Ten heart in total, I counted. In baggies are helix and ticket, but also there is third baggie with ... no, not spider ... but white poke-ball! white with red, I know this one from games.
    Oh? there is mysterious paper in ball baggie

    it is special "bananny" message with hip-cat signature.
    now,thank to over-the-moon purchase, i can enjoy new expert crafted charm on rope in solidarity of own home! here i am playing on three finger:

    thankyou, hip-cat! so mysterious, and not one spider! phew!
  18. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in All of Plays One Game of Pokémon Red   
    I haven't really been keeping up with TPP but I found this to be interesting.

  19. PrimaGaga liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in All of Plays One Game of Pokémon Red   
    I haven't really been keeping up with TPP but I found this to be interesting.

  20. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Fierce Muffin in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Basically, it's like a slice of life with space bounty hunters. I feel like you've watched Cowboy Bebop, but I also feel like you haven't. But it's by the same guy that made Cowboy Bebop as well as Samurai Champloo. It seems to be less story focused than those two and those were very not story-based to begin with. Yet, it still has quite the charm and fun to it that I still enjoy watching it every week.
    I'd definitely recommend it if you want some good animation(for a weekly, 26-episode anime that isn't Hyouka) and also a lot fun/entertainment. There are one or two weak episodes, but the rest are fantastic, especially the most recent ones.
    It's also one of the few anime in existence to air in America before Japan. It also airs with a dub, too. They even started running the Toonami block a half hour early to put Space Dandy in front of Bleach. They're banking hard on this doing well and it totally is.
  21. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Discuss Anime and Mang   





  22. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    I started Bubblegum Crisis ( we actually showed the first episode in anime club), but never finished. More so because of other things on my to-watch list than a lack of interest. I really liked all the Blade Runner references and general late 80's cyberpunk feel. Not sure that will keep me interested through the whole thing, though.
  23. Eka liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang
    my turn to post a new Jojo video :3
  24. T1g liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    I'm nowhere near as on top of things as it may seem v_v anyhow, mostly footage of Joseph but that's all I need to jump off my slow steam-powered hype train and onto a fancy new bullet one.
  25. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    it was well over 10 seconds of situps muffin
    also, i was thinking of waiting for zako to post it so i could make a joke about it, but i am too impatient for that