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Everything posted by Cassandra

  1. Cassandra added a post in a topic Starbound   

    I've been looking for people to play it with again. I can't really explain why I enjoy it so much, but I'm just so fond of it. I've been playing with neato mods like FrackinUniverse and the Hylian Weapons mods, since they add a gross amount of content (FrackinUniverse nearly adds an entirely new game to it.)
  2. Cassandra added a topic in Video Games   

    starebound reviow
    Review: Starbound for the PC.
    The original game was a surprise hit when it first blasted its way onto screens a while back.
    Screw the establishment, man! Oversized publishers that don't move with the times are so old hat. The cool way to publish games is to be a lean operation of a couple of guys who haven't been able to afford a YCMA shower in a week who release games like Starbound for almost free and grow beards and hang out at coffee shops and have documentaries made about them. Fight the power, unless they don't give me a freebie review code, in which case they're a bunch of pompous asses.

    You already know what to expect from Starbound after the last game in the series, and Indie doesn't disappoint. There's some new stuff, some irratiting bugs have been ironed out, and a new storyline bolted on to make everything look welcoming for newcomers.
    Pew! Pew! Pew! The aliens are back to cause havok for you and everyone you love. So it's time for you to get your spaceship and blast 'em all out of the sky. Do you have what it takes to zap the high scores and joystick all the video game nasties.
    Starbound tries to seperate itself from the pack with interesting features. Everything moves so super fast with the technical miracle that is Blast Processing! It's so super cool and bodacious, man! It got so crazy that my PC exploded which means it's good, right?

    Co-op features heavily in the game, but it's a shame there's no support for 64 players at once on the same couch.

    The graphics are a mixed bag. Some things look really nice and the frame rate is a solid 54 frames per second. 
    With a bit more time, or if the game came out a year ago, it would have been easy to forgive the retro style's faultings.
    Being a 2D game, the hardware capabilities of your PC aren't exactly being pushed to the limit.Purists may point out that the 16-bit games Starbound is trying to emulate didn't look this good, but it's a minor problem.
    Performance is best on a ATI system, and you'll need at least a 8800 card to be able to run the game at the now-standard 512 by 1782 resolution with full AA and trilinear mimap interpolation. It's another feather in the PC gaming's cap. Being a PC exclusive game, no compromises were made in making this game with full support for all the latest keyboards and pedals and Oculus Rifts and such and such.
    Highly recommended for Adventure fans and anyone who's after a good time.
    Overall Score: 6 / 10
    Review by Cassandra Delacreaux
    • 0 replies
  3. Cassandra added a post in a topic Starbound   

    I only started relatively recently on the Glad Giraffe update, so I'm not sure what would have been changed.
  4. Cassandra added a topic in Video Games   

    Has anyone here played Starbound? It came out in 2013, and has been in Early Access on Steam for a bit. I guess the best way to sum it up is this:
    Space Terraria.
    • 4 replies
  5. Cassandra added a topic in Original User Content   

    Lady Cassandra's Sweets Shoppe
    So i make graphics. I made some tourney banners for Pokemon Online. They're shit. Whatever.

    • 28 replies
  6. Cassandra added a topic in Original User Content   

  7. Cassandra added a post in a topic Talk   

    I dunno. There's just too much about XY that feels all wrong. The boring, repetitive, bland, unmemorable, and oftentimes unfitting music, linear routes that lack any obstacles and easily avoidable trainers, really terrible and uninteresting lore, boring rivals (as well as too many rivals), gimmicks that added nothing to the game (Trainer PR videos being a good example), features that WOULD have added a LOT to the game but were cut or abridged for whatever reason (riding Pokemon was limited to only certain areas and didn't really do anything but make you move slow), features from previous games that should have been kept missing (the extra bag slot for BW/2 that you could put ANY ITEM into that functioned as a nice place to put often used items, and even though BW made this mistake first, taking out the Running Shoes toggle was annnoying, the camera angle that allows you to see the entirety of an area as soon as you enter it, making it too easy to navigate (Previous games were more top-down, allowing you to get lost in caves or forests), cities that are TOO easy to get lost in  (LUMIOSE CITY IS SO POORLY DESIGNED, GETTING LOST IN A CITY IS FINE, BUT THIS IS A MONSTROSITY MAN).
    One of the things I hate the most is the routes. Nearly every route in the early game is the same exact thing: A single, linear road with maybe a handful of trainers on it, with the tall grass being out of the way and not obstructing you at all. THE FIRST ROUTE ON THE GAME IS A STRAIGHT LINE. YOU LEAVE VANIVILLE TOWN AND THE DOOR SWINGS OPEN AND YOU CAN JUST SEE THE NEXT TOWN. It's just asinine that they would design it that way, it's like the game is telling you it was streamlined.
    Another annoying thing is how Mewtwo was introduced. One of the most powerful Pokemon in the entire series, this bio-engineered psychic killing machine was given no buildup, presence, nothing. He was just in a cave in a flower field for.... reasons? He was presented so poorly, it's just infuriating, like they didn't even try.
    XY was just such a disappointment for me. It took all the adventure feel that the previous games had to offer and took them away from you, took the challenge away from you, took the FUN away from you. There's just so little love put into XY, and it feels like nobody really cared about this game. What a letdown.
  8. Cassandra added a post in a topic Talk   

    I have an almost obsessive hatred for Pokemon XY. Every time I take a shower, go for a walk, get ready for bed, all I can think about is how much it let me down. Sned hepl.
  9. Cassandra added a topic in Casual Discussion   

    Happy Birthday
    I'm so cool i get my own birthday thread yo
    • 1 reply
  10. Cassandra added a post in a topic Talk   

    Yo this store is sick. It's built into a really nice shopping mall, and it's got a really nice cafe, a great deli and produce section where everything is locally grown and the meat is sliced fresh daily.
  11. Cassandra added a post in a topic Talk   

    I am happy to say I've finally gotten a job at a grocery store deli. I should be working by Friday.
  12. Cassandra added a topic in Video Games   

    RPG Classes
    Yo, what's your favourite class or class archetype to play as in an RPG?
    I tend to play either healers or support, like clerics, minstrels, bards, things like that.
    • 2 replies
  13. Cassandra added a post in a topic General Gaming Discussion   

    Nintendo Direct was alright. FE x SMT looks... weird, I don't know what to think of that. I like the new Paper Mario game, but apparently people aren't giving it much love, I'm assuming that's because Sticker Star wasn't good. Metroid Prime Federation appeals none. Splatoon is getting a huge rebalancing update, which is interesting to hear. I'm curious to see how they'll shake up the current meta. Twilight Princess HD is out, and my flatmate will be picking that up. No news on the new Zelda game, which proves that it was a fever dream this whole time. The new Kirby game naturally looks like a whole lot of fun, I can't think of a bad Kirby game, so I can't wait to play this next one.
    Also, Bravely Second. I never played Bravely Default, can anyone here tell me if it's good or not? Quality JRPGs haven't been coming out too often it feels, so I'm wondering if Bravely Default will fill in that hole in my heart of hearts.
  14. Cassandra added a post in a topic Discuss Anime and Mang   

    Pokemon is the actual best tiddy anime
  15. Cassandra added a post in a topic Discuss Anime and Mang   

    So me and a few of my mates watched an anime called Dagashi Kashi. So, from the context I was given based on certain imagery, I assumed this was just another one of those tiddy animes. You know the ones.
    This is not just one of them tiddy animes. It's actually a pretty decent comedy anime about a snack shop. A lot of things about the anime are misleading, such as the odd contrast between Hotaru's appearance and her design, and the fact that yes, this could easily come off as one of them tiddy animes.
    Overall I actually enjoyed this. I think I may have enjoyed it more for the sheer fact that it just kinda surprised me by not being what I thought it was.
  16. Cassandra added a post in a topic MARCH, WHO UP?!?!   

    I mean I could post threads but it'd just be about Pokemon or something. I mean, we could all like, coax friends into coming here and stuff, but apparently a lot of errors occur when people try to sign up now.
  17. Cassandra added a post in a topic The World in Blue Spectrum   

    Eheh, thanks. I post here every once in a while when I'm in the mood. Nothing I write is edited or changed in any way, as I write them from start to finish in one go. I'm glad you enjoy them.
  18. Cassandra added a post in a topic MARCH, WHO UP?!?!   

    I mainly come here to post poetry I write so it's all in one place and all you guys can see it if you care at all. I always wanna just post here, but I don't bother because nobody comes around. Plus I don't think I'm too popular here anyways. Plus it's dead. So I don't come.
  19. Cassandra added a post in a topic The World in Blue Spectrum   

    Bring Me Down
  20. Cassandra added a post in a topic Red Lobster   

    Any recommendations? I'm very fond of seafood that isn't cod, so I'm accepting any recommendations to places (preferably chain ones) you might know about.