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Posts posted by Hauptschwert

  1. Hey Gametap I need a good pic of the Master Sword for my avatar, the one I have is kinda cheeeeeeezy.. :unsure:

    .... is my sig better now?

  2. Random Voice, talking to Link:

    In Soviet Hyrule, Princess Zelda saves YOU!

    LOL nice one, lets see..

    Ganon: You know.. I never used to be evil.. I used to roam around daisy patches all day picking beautiful flowers for my dearest mommy.....

    Link: :huh:

    Ganon: And then *starts crying* one day... this mean boy... burned down the daisies...

  3. On top of missing the last part of the Naruto episode, it turns out that CN isn't showing a new episode next saturday, but 2 new episodes the saturday after, so 2 weeks of waiting i guess

  4. Did anyone catch the episode on Cartoon Network tonight?

    Towards the very end it just kinda stopped, and we missed like 4 minutes of it, including the preview for the next episode and Itachi showing up....

    Kinda dissapointing...

  5. Ding Ding Ding Ding!! Correct! Jeenvro is a name I made up! :D

    I will send you a PM, Zant, with a special something included!


    Next question:

    In the show Bobobo-bobo-bobo, what does Bobobo use as a weapon?

    LOL I hate this show but i'm pretty sure I know.

    it's his nose hair whips right?

  6. Ho.

    The Naruto fan is making fun of marmalade boy...

    This is what I meant when I said the fans were annoying.

    All the ever say is crap like


    Or.... they go around dissing animes/mangas that they've never read/seen, just because they love naruto so much.

    Sheesh I was just messing around, I never said any of that stuff you put in there, and Naruto isn't even my favorite anime/manga :wacko:

    Didn't mean to get you all riled up like that.. especially considering it's just a cartoon you know..

  7. Guild Wars.

    I havn't even played WoW yet and have been playing GW for almost 2 years but I like the way WoW looks and I hate that GW copied almost everything from WoW.

    And Runescape... blech I played that game for 5 minutes, yelled: WHAT THE F*** IS THIS CRAP!!, then got off.

  8. Eh?


    That show SUCKS!!

    The fans are REALLY annoying.

    But, I guess it can be okay SOMETIMES.

    I'd have to say it's a heck of a lot better than whatever you've got as your signature :D

  9. naruto is a sweet show i like Itachi because he kills people and Gaara same reasons

    Kinda creepy...

  10. Purple: I'M HUNGRY!

    Blue: (soft voice) b-but didn't y-you just eat?

    Red: Yes, he did about 10 minutes ago.

    Purple: NO I DIDNT!

    Green: (thinking) how did I get stuck with these guys..

    Red: I'm pretty sure you did...

    Purple: UP YOURS I SAID I DIDN'T!!!

    Blue: (soft kinda scared voice now) b-b-but you d-did, w-we all d-d-did...


    Green: (looks off the side of a cliff and thinks) I wonder if this fall would be high enough to kill me...

    Blue: (crying)

    Red: (throws bomb at purple)

    Green: (Jumps)

    How is it :D

  11. Maybe have Link on the Today show and he's going to talk with matt but everytime matt asks him something he doesnt say anything, cuz he can't talk or something.


  12. maybe have some other nintendo characters in it as well? but keep the main focus on link, I mean just in some.

    like maybe bowser in a trenchcoat in the background.

    Another thing I want to know is: How clean should these be?

  13. Yo i'm HauptSchwert, which is german for Master Sword. I'm 18 years old and I've been drawing for as long as I could hold a pencil. I just graduated High School and the last art course I took in it was Studio Art Honors.

    I prefer to do sketch art, in realism, but i've done quite a few comics... especially about boring teachers lol

    I know i've got some of my art on my mom's website, and i'll get the website from her 2morrow so you can check out some of it.

    However my Scanner is not working at the moment right now, so i can't upload pictures like that.

    but until i get it up and running i'd at least like to help with the story/words/plots. :D

    Nice meeting you all and I look forward to working/playing with you all, lol

  14. I'd like to have some kind of Jousting tournament :n_n:

    Maybe like different lvls of competition and everytime you win the prize gets bigger, up til you get a peice of heart :D

    I think something like this would be sweet on the Wii too :)

  15. I've had Guild Wars for about 2 years now, and it's pretty boring to me, but it's online play is free which is a nice thing.

    I'd love to Try WoW but I can't afford to pay for it monthly..

  16. Well, seeing as I don't have a Wii yet, I can't really compare the two... :cry: I want a Wii :cry:

    But I do absolutely LOVE the GC version, lol..

    I never realized that you couldn't do all this crud on the Wii though lol.

    *still isnt going to discourage me from getting the Wii and the Wii-version*

    And, Kels, if having the urge to ABSOLUTELY mow down every single blade of grass is a problem... then I've got it too lol. :D

  17. can't say I've ever heard about it...lol

    you sicken me :P