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Profile Replies posted by Knuckle

  1. gonna be internetless from tomorrow till wednesday night D:

  2. China Town, London...It's got some Japanese shops. lol.

    There's a Chinatown in London and I missed it when I was there? :(

  3. Anyone buy skullgirls yet besides kaffles

    welllll I was gonna get it but Steam told me it was free then told me it was fifteen bucks so I dunno :(


    I mean, Relean and Goron Merchant are in there.

    Wouldn't that make it 2008-09 or something?


    how old is this?

  6. So, if I started a thread about visual novels, where would that fall under?

    just put it somewhere silly and make cascade figure out where to put it :P

  7. I will post photos of Scotland meet up if you guys want when I can finally get to a computer that has an SD card slot

    I would like that :)

  8. oh yeah got a 3DS for my birthday along with tickets to see Eagles in Greensboro :D

    cascade's world has been rocked it seems :P

  9. Happy birthday to Hnet's favorite wizard

    awww, thank you :)

  10. Happy birthday suewalty62

    lol, thanks :P

  11. Happy birthday, knuckle

    thank you LL :D

  12. birthday knuckle happy

    thanks Cascade :)

  13. shut up knuckle

  14. literally cascade as a dog

    oh dear :(

  15. I'm pretty sure we're never going to find out who won Glee Mafia, but I know for a fact that Finn Hudson's actor was found dead in a hotel room today.

    yeah, it's sad that he died at such a young age though :(

  16. Knuckle: If you don't read my blog post all the way through/at all, I want you to know: Read A Wizard of Earthsea - you'd like it. It has a wizard.

    kk, I'll look at it :)

  17. I wanna find a group of anti-gay protestors and just stand in front of them with a sign that says "God hates baguettes"

    baguette hater :(


    dude screw that guy its James Franco's birthday

  19. Behold! I have returned!

    but how can you have a miniature of the forums without my input? :o

  20. What do you guys think about maybe making a Hnet best-of thread? All the memorable and funny posts we've had. I was reading through some old posts in the Drawing Game thread and thought of this lol

    I'd second it :)

  21. And now the rains, weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear....

    aw man I hope they didn't kill my bro Jaime :(

  22. LL I have a drawing request: Draw Exeggcute in little suits and ties, and caption it "Exeggcutives".

    nice B)

  23. I recently saw the film "Olympus has Fallen" in which terrorists take over and partially destroy the White House. This got me thinking about other movies where the President's home is demolished. so far I have:

    but... Channing Tatum is in it :o

  24. Hurry up with your night zero actions, gawl

    actually, now is a good time to mention that I won't be able to participate in Werewolf Thursday through Saturday.

  25. second time in like three days i've seen the dawn. it's cool.

    good, I was looking forward to that :)