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Profile Comments posted by Knuckle

  1. Knuckle

    Happy birthday Vivi, hope you're enjoying some Invader Zim/ HEath Ledger Joker wherever you are :(
  2. Knuckle

    Sometimes the status updates don't change for a long enough time and I get annoyed is that a bad thing to do?
  3. Knuckle

    Happy birthday to my brother Stormtroopeer #7! The coolest Stormtrooper, I assure you :)
  4. Knuckle

    Happy birthday Doktor Shrubbery :D
  5. Knuckle

    Anyone know any local magazine where you live that might be cool to work for? Advertising or writing is what I had in mind.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pheonix561

      Is writing something you're wanting to do for a living? Or are you thinking of just a side hussle?

    3. Knuckle

      It's a starting point, I want to work for a magazine for a while and get enough experience to get a better job at someplace else.

    4. Necropolis

      It can be pretty difficult to break into that kind of thing. You need to have some kind of experience with it if its an established magazine, and to do that you have to get in on the ground floor of a new one or when one is just starting, since, at that point, they need everyone they can get.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Knuckle

    Does anyone else see a person use the phrase "signal boost" on Tumblr and feel annoyed? Something about the phrase itself makes my blood pressure go up a bit.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LLmao ?✊?


    3. Sayubie

      The word "sexy" agitates me. This is a problem.

    4. SilverAlchemic

      i hate the word "husband." I have no idea why.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Knuckle

    Oh my gosh would Savergen1 just do something other than lurk, I won't bite :(
  8. Knuckle

    happy birthday Teto!
  9. Knuckle

    Happy birthday cirt!
  10. Knuckle

    oh yeah got a 3DS for my birthday along with tickets to see Eagles in Greensboro :D
    1. LLmao ?✊?

    2. Cascade

      I thought you already had a 3DS tho. my whole life's been a lie...

    3. Knuckle

      cascade's world has been rocked it seems :P

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Knuckle

    Happy birthday Duke Nukem and Hector Barbarossa! Lots of famous birthdays today it seems...
  12. Knuckle

    Happy Birthday Zippity! thanks again for the RP topic :D
  13. Knuckle

    so since today is the birthday of the yaoigami do I have to make some sort of sacrifice?
  14. Knuckle

    Playing through the Fire Temple in OoT with the original music for the first time. The Muslim chanting is actually pretty cool.
  15. Knuckle

    Rika is back on Skype :o
  16. Knuckle

    True facts: Eridan Ampora is an incredibly terrible person and I would never want to screw him because he probably smells like fish that's been out in the sun for too long.
  17. Knuckle

    I was gonna have the recent post in every form on here but then I got bored :(
    1. SilverAlchemic

      You're not a loser bro.

      You're a cool guy when you wanna be

    2. Knuckle

      Now I'm not cry :)

    3. SilverAlchemic

      Just ditch eridan and you'll be passable


    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Knuckle

    Oh hey Happy Birthday Dustin!
  19. Knuckle

    Ladies, do you ever see boys with their shirts off and wish you could walk around topless with no repercussions?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      Also "Hardcore Pro-Choice girls" lol wut the puppy?

    3. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Knuckle

    I think I just made an argument on tumblr for the first time. It was kinda fun :o
    1. Stylin' Scarecrow

      I probably already know of it. XD

    2. Knuckle

      haha, fair enough :P

      but in the interest of attracting more viewers and helping out ammonsa, I'll take a chance to advertise 68youowemeone as her porn blog.

    3. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Knuckle

    Just so you guys know, I got a mediafire account recently to upload some large audio files, but if anyone wants just say the word and I can upload "other things" for you guys sometime ;)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chimetals

      silver moon, im never getting over how youre so bloody witty.

    3. Knuckle

      It did because I joined ;D

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  22. Knuckle

    I... think I want to start making jokes with more variety again :o
  23. Knuckle

    99% of these Black Friday commercials might be awful, but the LEGO commercial makes it alllllll worth it :)
  24. Knuckle

    A Pokemon World Tournament finale with Steven Stone Sempai... It's all I ever wanted in a pokemon game. *w*
  25. Knuckle

    All I have are Google, Google Mobile, and MSN/Bing to keep me company. My only friends :,(