Otis McNutt

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Posts posted by Otis McNutt

  1. Wow, I can't believe I actually chose the right answer on that last one.

    Are you going to do another one of these?

    If people want me to sure.

    For more cool fun check out the NES game Deja Vu, you can download it for free just yahoo search for "Nintendo NES Emulator" download said emulator and the Deja Vu NES game rom.

  2. #2.

    You leap from the window to the water below, as you swim to the surface you see the place explode in a massive fireball, none inside survive.

    As you make it to shore a guy asks you what happened, as you catch your breath you explain the whole story.

    You moved to the big city in an attempt to make it big as a Private Investigator. You take over the office from a retired P.I. aqquaintance. Through a major case of mistaken identity you take down an entire crime syndicate, not bad for a first day on the job.

  3. #3.

    The Don gladly accepts and starts to smoke. As he sucks in some smoke you lay into him, with a one, two punch. The cigar goes flying from his hand and lands in paint thinner, the fire catches and races across the counter to some barrels of gasoline. Do you.

    1. Make for the exit

    2. Jump out the window and hope for the best

    3. Kiss your arse goodbye.

  4. #2.

    He falls to the ground in a heap. You turn your attention to the boss.

    The Don is very cross with you, He heard you were looking into his operation and wanted you dead. Do you

  5. D'oh!

    Okay, how about #2?

    The door opens slowly; you stick your gun right in the hoods face and suggest he be quiet for his own good. The guy behind the desk is caught off guard.

    As you enter the office, you close the door behind you. The guy behind the desk motions for a gun, you pull the hammer back as if to say

  6. 3,i think.. :wacko: ...or maybe 1?

    The door flies open, as you enter you are cut down by a guy sitting behind a desk...

    Try again...

  7. #3.

    The two men exit the office and find you on the other side of the door; you get a nice pair of cement shoes for your trouble.

    Try again

  8. Who is the Spirit?


    The Spirit was a comic book character that was created in the 1940's by Will Eisner, The Spirit chronicled the adventures of a masked vigilante who fought crime with the blessing of the city's police commissioner, an old friend. Despite the Spirit's origin as a detective named Denny Colt, his real identity was virtually unmentioned again and for all intents and purposes he was simply "The Spirit". The stories ranged through a wide variety of styles, from straightforward crime drama and film noir to lighthearted adventure, from mystery and horror to comedy and love stories, often with hybrid elements that twisted genre and expectations.

    An unfortunate staple of 1940's america was the appearence of The Spirits African American sidekick Ebony White(Below and left), is probably the most common criticism of the generally acclaimed strip. The character is cited as one of many examples of racist stereotypes in mainstream 20th century United States culture. His name is a racial pun, and his facial features - including large white eyes and thick pinkish lips - are typical of racial blackface caricatures popular throughout the "Jim Crow" era. As a loyal assistant to the white hero, he has been compared to the Uncle Tom stereotype. Eisner received some critical letters regarding the character.


    In the 2007 revival of the Spirit comics series, now produced by DC Comics, White is portrayed as a street kid, driving a taxi obviously not his(Above and right). In an early appearance, the script alludes critically to his historic racial portrayal, with a character asking if he "will be standing on the Spirit's lawn with a lantern". He is portrayed as putting his street experience and his daring attitude to work at the Spirit's service. His origins are now tied to Colt's, with White being the cabbie who brought Colt to the place in which apparently he met his demise. Knowing of his death, a guilt-stricken Ebony acknowledged that his previous prejudices on Denny, for him only an amateurish detective unable to dirt his hands, were harsh, and that he could have helped him more. Denny Colt, who had already awakened from his apparent death state, then asked White for help. The young boy gladly accepted, keeping himself always on the call for his new friend.

    So go to the local comic shop and pick up the all new Will Eisers "The Spirit" the art alone is worth the money!

  9. Thanks... :embarrassed:

    I made an actual Majora's mask modeled after my own face in school. But unfortunatly it broke when I moved!!!! :cry::cry::cry:

  10. 1,of course :unsure: maybe

    You blend into the shadows like Batman; carefully you sneak and make your way to the stairwell. You ascend and reach the office door.

    You crouch down and listen at the door, you hear two voices coming from inside. What do you do?

    1. Kick in the door, gun blazing

    2. Knock three times

    3. Wait and see what happens

  11. 2 I think.

    Correct, The foil wrapper confuses the circuit and you slip in unnoticed the pen cap would have set off the alarm.

    You slip inside and close the window behind you. You notice that there are people in an office on the second floor, if you want answers go to the boss. Do you

  12. 2.

    Sneaking around back you can see a bunch of guys standing just behind the door with Tommy Guns.

    You decide to sneak in the back. The door is locked but the window is loose, all you need is something to interrupt the circuit to the alarm. You fish around your pockets for something to use you find three things.

    1. A toothpick

    2. A gum wrapper

    3. A pen cap

  13. It's a trick question.

    If you help, you die. And we know if you call the police, you die. If you walk, they'll notice you and shoot you. Or you'll have to run.

    Anyway, I choose this:

    Hide behind the wall and hope they don't see me.

    Nope it's one of the three choices.

    As you approach the thugs, a small warning bell goes of in your mind, you turn and make a hasty retreat.

    You arrive at the warehouse as night falls, you can see lights on and sounds coming from within. You wonder why someone here would want you dead. What do you do?

    1. Kick in the door, and start shooting

    2. Go around back and peek through a window

    3. Forget it and go home.

  14. i choose the other one. keep walking

    As you approach the thugs, a small warning bell goes of in your mind, you turn and make a hasty retreat.

    You arrive at the warehouse as night falls, you can see lights on and sounds coming from within. You wonder why someone here would want you dead. What do you do?

    1. Kick in the door, and start shooting

    2. Go around back and peek through a window

    3. Forget it and go home.

  15. I'd call the police

    As you shout for help the thugs disperse, as they beat a hasty retreat one gets off a lucky shot. You feel hot lead enter your gut. By the time help arrives your dead....

    Try again.

  16. 3? or 1? i don't know

    You run to the bum's aid.

    when suddenly three guys including the bum jump you, as you bleed to death on the cold pavement you feel them emptying your pockets, one thought races through your mind.

  17. Ben franklins - even if the information is confidential, chances are his mind would easily be changed as he doesnt know the client personally. plus using fists and breaking in are more punishable crimes.

    Correct, the mailman is addicted to playing the ponies down at the local track, as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    He gives you the info, which points you to a warehouse downtown. The cab has gone so you decide to take the trip on foot. You approach an alley and see a homeless man being assaulted, do you....

    1. keep on walking

    2. call the police

    3. run and help the bum.

  18. Use the fist to persuade him to talk?

    You look up at the mailman as you slip in and out of conscientious, you didn't realise that the "bronzed booties" were actually golden gloves given to navy boxing champs.

    Try again.

  19. the pen, it doesnt conduct electricity

    Correct, the plastic pen will not complete the circuit, you are saved.

    The bomb has been defused, you look at the package and discover the postmark is local with no return address. You exit your office just in time to see the mail truck speed away. You hail a cab and are in hot pursuit. you arrive at the post office and watch the mailman enter. you go over to his truck and look for a delivery schedule, strewn on the floor are coffee cups, race track betting slips and a pair of bronzed kids booties hanging from the dash. You decide to wait for the carrier to return to the vehicle. Sometime later he exits, you ask him to tell you where he picked up the package, he refuses saying that it's confedental information.

    Do you.

    1. Use your fists to persuade him to talk.

    2. slip him a couple of Ben Franklins.

    3. Break into the post office.

  20. well for one you are correct it is from zreomusic and

    2. that's like saying any image you take from google images you MUST give credit which I don't see anyone doing most of the time...

    3. it probably wouldn't of happened if only people would actually make one for halloween to enter the banner contest all images had = fail because they were done in MS Paint no offense to anyone but if you were the only one making a banner and you still had a summer banner up there in october then what do you expect.

    4. It's temporary not permanent lol... people think that the world is going to die if you take something from a website...

    5. ZREOMUSIC's website is NOT EVEN stated copyrighted. There is NO Legal information page.

    6. The ZREOMUSIC logo on the wall paper is simply a resemblance of where it's from... anyone can change it... it's not copyrighted... I don't need to give credit...

    here I will give an example...


    there... posted a picture without permission... what are they going to do about it... NOTHING... People do this everyday take rendering for an example the take a picture probably from a copyrighted website and erase everything else except what they are focusing on rendering... owners of the image don't cry about... people take the images from the games and don't give credit most of the time.

    I think that zreo music is an awesome project. If you listen to the hyrule.net radio you will listen to it. It's also a fact that zreomusic hasn't even gotten permission from nintendo to redo the songs... the songs are copyrighted... but they haven't done anything...

    Exactly, copyright law has no bearing on things posted on the internet (except music) images are free reign. You don't see Nintendo going after ZREO for ripping off their intellectual property. Give a guy a break!

  21. That's simple enough.

    I wanted something that sounded cool and Zelda(ish) so what's cool or cold? Ice is cold but IceTriforce sounds lame! Ice is a slang term for Diamonds so Diamonds and Triforce.... Diamondtriforce and 1982 is my birth year, so DT82 was born.

  22. You recieve a package with a card, the card reads simply "A Gift" you open the box and are shocked to find a bomb. The lead wire attached to the batteries is lose and dangling precariously close to the battery coil. You look for something handy to nudge the wire away. on your desk are three objects...

    1. a paper clip

    2. a pen

    3. lucky pocket knife

    which do you use?

  23. Torture, according to international law, is "any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity."

    What was done at Abu Ghraib was harsh and nowhere near acceptable but it's certinly not torture.