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Posts posted by Umbreon

  1. The mistake of assuming I could see people's actions.

    a)You wouldn't I just couldn't think of a better starter sentence

    b)because I'm a cruel sadistic person... I wouldn't be causing them pain or anything, just make them possibly worry...

  2. Fine don't take my word... Honestly. I'd've been offering some input if I was told anything. It's only lame when other people know about it cause I can screw around with your minds, which was part of my debate for whether or not to tell, and I probably would've worked around telling you if I see anything going on, as to avoid becoming the next target.

    Reasonable logic no? The reason I went back and corrected the mistake was to reduce how threatening I seemed to wolves...

    Just my two cents.

    Lynch me knowing you'll be lowering the town count, I've had fun.

  3. No... I don't get told anything, just the person I watch gets informed... I had no clue what you did last summer night, just that you'd be told you felt like you were being watched.

    Waiting to vote again till we get something out of shadow, or something interesting happens

  4. Who said willingly... I had to go to bed (note I actually did get a post in at the beginning of the day. Most of what happened went on in the wee hours of the night and morning. I'm 14, I need to sleep.

    I'm town, I used my action on you last night, I was watching you. I don't get any info though. Just screw around with people... At least that's how I've interpreted what I'm doing.

    I'll retract my vote if I can. If that'll make any difference. Up until now I had figured it was just one vote and I'd wait to see how things fell into place before I changed it.

    And there's my argument for my life for now. Any questions, details you'd like me to elaborate on?

  5. Okay, watch me not get more then a word in this day like yesterday because most of the play takes place after I have to leave.

    If I'm going to go on the twilight conversation from day/level 3 Pheonix is a person of interest. So that's where my vote lands for now.

  6. Man I'm gonna have fun with exams... At least I can come in late to school one day during exams week cause I'm in a high school course, and am not taking he exam at the same time as the lower level math...

  7. Also I believe that's supposed to be read

    a right enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich.

    which kinda makes it different...

    Anyways, I don't think this would be restricting their rights at all, you may have freedom of speech, but you can't go into a crowded theater and yell fire... That kinda philosophy.

  8. But the trope in the link... I wouldn't call them cast herds if it weren't for TV tropes... It counts.

    As you can see Hetalia's gotten grips on me too, it's a really good show, and I can't wait for more, but it makes it so hard to keep a straight face at international sport events.

    I really need to get to wacthing Rozen Maiden. It was a friends recomendation... Know anything about it?

  9. No I didn't miss anything I'm just trying to say that the plot and it's execution don't appeal to me, and that the art and music aren't going to draw me to a show who's plot just doesn't appeal to me. I mean they certainly were good, but I've never been one for gangs, and when dealing with a bunch of characters I like them organized in "Herds" if you will

    But Anyways... drop the subject and make Pasta not War? (youcanshootmenowplease)

  10. And yet you miss my point again... I'm not denying it's a work or art of anything like that, it's that what interests me in an anime is not the art or the music, however when that's good too then it's not a bad thing. I'm drawn to a show by the plot and the Intellectual Property. Durarara, and baccano just didn't interest me as much as the series that you feel are a dime a dozen. And then it's not like all of those interest me there are some I hate, and Shonen isn't the only thing I like, I like some magical girl stuff, more so the stuff that doesn't quite entirely follow the sailor moon mold. And then there's the Shoujo-ai/yuri series I've fallen in love with, because of the story telling and general plot.

  11. Shudder of terrible memories... And the concept, and characters of soul eater appeal to me, because I know memebers of the fanbase who aren't at my neck for no real reason, like not watching and/or liking Durarara

    Okat Saha let me ask you why Do you like Baccano, or Durarara? It's something similar to that you like the plot or the concept right? Now consider that your tasted are not standard and some people enjoy other things. D'ya think you could see why I don't like it. It just doesn't appeal to me.

  12. . . . I'm going to be smitten and labeled as an anime hater if I mention that I still shudder every time I read Baccano! right?

    Soul Eater might be getting a "brotherhood" series. I also finally got to see Castle of Cagaligistro...

    It was okay, but I think some of the later specials were better... Red Jacket's kinda the better series if you ask me...

  13. 50 to 70 pounds from that is how much a 2nd-5th grader, I think, should weigh... time to get some people to help you stage an anorexia intervention?

  14. ... I'm hit and miss with just about any entertainment media, for example; I like Shugo Chara, could never really get into Sailor moon, and hated Tokyo mew mew... Okay not the best example, but. For the most part you can't run a string through most of what I watch. Kinda just gotta sift through a couple series until I find something that holds my interest.

  15. Which is exactly why I don't want to watch it. I'm not fond of a story that makes little to no sense at the beginning, but it all comes together in the end. (Really hate it when it never comes together, but we're not talking about Green vs Red.) I mean the first episode is exposition, use that to set up something n a bit more detail.

  16. I think I just don't like it... I can hardly remember who's who with all the characters, and the ones I can remember drove me crazy (those thief guys who's name's I'm trying not to remember) I thought Lupin was the extreme for an idiot thief. Never thought I could be so wrong. I got lost in the first 2 episodes. Not a good sign. However I did last longer then in Green vs Red... I guess that's something.

  17. Eh no... Gangs overall are a no go for me. The outsiders killed that genre for me. I guess I see how I'm being YLA... I'm reacting, and I'm going to stop. Anyways. First episode not very fond of the Vice-director/President guy he seems like an evil Sherlock Holmes. Dun' think I'm really gonna be fond of this show...

  18. Oh I thought there was a thievery aspect to Baccano! That's were that comment came from...

  19. I can't win here can I? I point out that I don't feel that shows about gentlemen thieves then I'm Yla, I don't and I've lost all potency to my arguement... I couldn't have just left it where it was and watched Lupin III. How far should I watch to get an idea if I like it or not?

  20. One show. and I'm not even saying it's bad. I'm saying it's not my cup of tea... currently other plot concepts hold my interest. Primarily Gentlemen thieves. And after reading the outsiders I don't think i could enjoy a gang story if I tried for a while.

  21. I'm just saying I don't see the point to even one. It's just weird in my opinion. Seems pointless to me... I mean it's a title not like it's really gonna tell you anything about the series or episode or whatever. Detective Conan Vs Lupin III for example.

    Well at lest you didn't kill me for not liking DRRR. I would have bet money that you would.