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Yes. It was a pretty beautiful episode.

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'Forgot to ask: Saha, did you finish E7? If so, thoughts?

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It was good.

Ending was sort of 'wat' though.

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Everywhere. XD

Basically after Renton proved his love to her in front of the Scubs saying, 'I'd be willing to give up my humanity for you', they were like, 'Alright, now everything's engraved in Nirvash's compac drive data so we's can take a look at it for the next bunch of years. Nirvash, you can replace Eureka as the Command Cluster, half of us will lead to seek other means of evolution, and Renton and Eureka can live happily together in their original and current forms. And they must make babehs.'

The end. :thumbup: xD

I got all teary-eyed the first time I watched the final episode because of how beautiful it was. XD Despite its immensy rainbow corniness. <3

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I watched episode 1 of Panty & Stocking and it scared the living daylights out of me. It took Powerpuff girls and made it 18+.

And scarred me.

now that you mention it, i think someone at anime club mentioned this show at the first meeting.

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It can't be too bad, being made by GAINAX.

Still, since it's made by GAINAX, I am wondering how it will end.

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Its not really bad per se. Its just... the sexual references and the gross use of fanservice are just horribly ridiculous.

GAINAX is taking a very big step with this. I know loads of people who think its brilliant, and others who have my perspective on it.

Either way, I'd rather stick with mecha GAINAIX, kthnx. =\

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But they have things that aren't mecha that are good.

Like Mahoromatic.

Is Air Gear mecha? idk

Plus, Eva is technically its own thing.


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. . . I'm going to be smitten and labeled as an anime hater if I mention that I still shudder every time I read Baccano! right?

Soul Eater might be getting a "brotherhood" series. I also finally got to see Castle of Cagaligistro...

It was okay, but I think some of the later specials were better... Red Jacket's kinda the better series if you ask me...

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Depends on what kind of shudder you mean, and why you think Soul Eater is any better.

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Shudder of terrible memories... And the concept, and characters of soul eater appeal to me, because I know memebers of the fanbase who aren't at my neck for no real reason, like not watching and/or liking Durarara

Okat Saha let me ask you why Do you like Baccano, or Durarara? It's something similar to that you like the plot or the concept right? Now consider that your tasted are not standard and some people enjoy other things. D'ya think you could see why I don't like it. It just doesn't appeal to me.

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I don't see why you'd be "smitten" if you've now at least tried Baccano and didn't like it.

If you've read content thats past episode 2 or 3, then I'd say you could stop anytime you wanted. I'm sure no one would hate on you if you didn't like it. =\

We just didn't want you to hate it after only watching episode 1, like you did before. At least you gave it a shot. *shrugs*

I haven't even seen it yet! xD Going to eventually.

Star Driver this Sunday with a friend! -excited-

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Shudder of terrible memories... And the concept, and characters of soul eater appeal to me, because I know memebers of the fanbase who aren't at my neck for no real reason, like not watching and/or liking Durarara

Okat Saha let me ask you why Do you like Baccano, or Durarara? It's something similar to that you like the plot or the concept right? Now consider that your tasted are not standard and some people enjoy other things. D'ya think you could see why I don't like it. It just doesn't appeal to me.

I like Baccano! and Durarara!! because they are different, complex and interesting.

They're a lot different from shounen like Soul Eater, though Soul Eater is pretty much one of the best shounen available at the moment.

Baccano! and Durarara!! don't have the simple beat-em-up plot of shounen titles, and they are respectable enough to not have gratuitous fanservice. In fact, the only fanservice I remember is when Miria's dress gets ripped completely off, but no one is too 'well endowed' in the series, (another plus; no freakishly large breasts that defy gravity) and it doesn't matter because she's too innocent and hilarious to care, so it's not even really fanservice. Just comedic relief, I'd say. Cleavage isn't even displayed. In Durarara!!, large breasts that defy gravity are actually a rarity, and mostly used as a joke towards the character who has them. She's always fully clothed, though. I actually don't really mind fanservice, but it's nice to have it kept to a low when it's more plot oriented.

The stories are presented in a unique way that does what a story should do. Introduce elements bit by bit, have a steady story flow, reach a climax, then tie together into a neat little knot right at the end. Loose ends are swept away and left to the imagination without being too important. Also, and it doesn't hurt, but they have actually unique stories. They were originally light novels, and their stories are complex, then simplified, which is always a really cool feeling.

American gangsters in the 1920's? In ANIME? Holy dicks.

American gangsters in the 1920's? Plus rogue alchemists from hundreds of years ago who still live in society and live unrelated lives that tie into each other and influence a bunch of people that become just as important later? HOLY DICKS!

Which leads me to my next point. Both series have a huge amount of important characters, that are all attached to the opener. However, they're not spread too thin and each are fleshed out about the same amount. If the character wasn't fleshed out all the way, they probably weren't that important to begin with, and it goes by unnoticed. The only exception being Kinnosuke during the latter half of DRRR!!. That guy could have been much more fleshed out seeing as he is the coolest cop and a perfect antagonist to Celty, but DRRR!! was more focused on a set amount of characters.

As for the surface of the skin, the animation is done impressively. Beautiful, even. Durarara!! ? It's set in Ikebukuro, which is an actual division of Tokyo, Japan. Every single background scene? A real place in Ikebukuro, done in beautiful brushwork(?). There are actually

on YouTube. The gray clouds of New York, and the city lights contrasting the dark Ikebukuro atmosphere give Baccano! and Durarara!! a moody and involving feel. The characters' shadings all have a distinct style, a sort of 'flat' style that fits these super beautiful and realistic backgrounds where they do things, and everything is natural in motion, despite contrasting it. The musical scores are original and made for the sole purpose of the series. It tends to be jazzy and laid back when the plot is going on, but brassy and violent during action oriented scenes. It never disappoints an atmosphere.

So this is why it's kind of lame that you don't like such works of art like these series, in favor of detective shows and supernatural-things-fight-supernatural-things shounen anime to me. It's OK if you don't like the series or whatever, but if it's in favor of these mass produced genres, that's kind of lame to me.


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Got Paprika from Amazon.

Inspired to get it by (spoilers)

This was what I saw the first time I saw anything about Paprika. And then I saw a guy jump out of a window.

I watched it later that week. It was p. cool/good. It's really creative and original. The end-boss was awesome, though.

And really puppyed up(but still really cool).

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