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Posts posted by LDGM

  1. Not to go all TML on you all but he's a n00b. He dosn't get it, and he annoys the crap out of almost everyone.

    i completey aree with you, that is why ikana are against the twilightn00b army.

    i now wish for everyone in the twilight army to die (other than mr.pokefan)

  2. But swords beat guns.

    so that one is no correct either.

    hmm, when i looked at the smiley the guy holding the sword got pwned

    this one clearly expresses my point though :moderated:


    Don't doubble post.

    I have a spelling disorder.

    i say FreckleFart, i'm sick of that newbie starting his own army, typing in capslock, and being so selfcentered.

  4. 8) having to play the Ps3 and only that.

    I would die if i did.

    10) tazer her.

    p.s. the following smiley shows what i do to double/triple posters :pokepoke:

  5. Dare: I don't miss that sorry traitor Cat Girl at all.

    Truth: What is your favorite food?

    Dare: Hold a hot coal in your mouth for 5 minutes.

    dare: hot, must think of pie to take away burning feeling.

    truth: do you think i really did the dare

    dare: answer the dare on post 267

  6. ^ Games

    = My like games

    v Dost thou?

    ^i like games, especially game shows.

    = do not read

    \/ did read!

  7. Hey also try restarting it and if the problem continues check for virus.

    please don't double post on the forums, you may edit previous posts however which prevents double posting


    i see nothing wrong with them.

    the insensitive or those whodon't get out much see them as violent unusual people who stalk little children, but most of them are just misunderstood.

  9. Well ok here is the deal my computer is working fine and this this message comes up that says some video is causeing acroble flash 9 to run slowly contenue running this progam. So I click yes. Now at random times it becomes unresponceive and runs slow. For some strange reason it only happens on this site, and every time I look for a video I see none. The only thing close to a movie is that thing at the bottem, but that can't be it although ever since it was here it did that but I have no proof it's causing it.

    So if you what's up could you help me?

    Also it makes words big and it also makes ords in differnt fonts.

    what are ords?

  10. Wow Garo Master I didn't know you were self centered and VH you are self centered and pie addicted like Garo Master. Sorry if i'm being mean but i'm serious.

    OK how about

    Tingler lover

    The bro of Tingle

    or Knux.

    That's all I got. :embarrassed:

    i'm not self centered, just trying to make a point of humor since i'm out of suggestions.

  11. truth: not really.

    truth or dare?

    truth:you are a new poster

    dare:eat navi

    truth: no, posted here before

    truth: yes

    dare: no

  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I GOTS IT WRONG!!! :cry: ... or, be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be, be,... angry face man... i dunno', it'll take me a while to figure out a different name... :unsure:

    back on topic now, we should poll for the best title, pie related or not

    but i prefer pie related unless your choosing garo master's biggest fan.

  13. I think he was just loking.

    i'm not sure he was joking, 'tis too serious a thing tojoke about and hes mentioned this story in other threads.

  14. nooooooo, Alphonse is the best. you could call him Al

    I can see it now, "Al the leopard gecko"

    i stick with dodongo

    although diababa would fit, here's what he scene would be like if lizard was diababa

    ham: come here diababa

    diababa: eats ham and thinks he tastes just like ham chicken

    so prehaps we can cross out diababa

  15. ^ Eh, not too bad.

    = Cool Speedboats + 1700's = Awesome.

    v Agreed?

    ^sure, why not

    = an equals symbol

    \/ yes, i'm thalking directly to you, poster number 95434

  16. YOU BROUGHT BACK JIMETHY!!! and i didn't even know you had a sig shop... :unsure:

    that's because he's she shinyest slice of pie i know, and it isn't my sig shop, 'tis the dark one's

  17. isn't it?

    anyway, you put pie in your sig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me more happy than you could ever imagine

    or maybe it's just all the sugar i've been eating lol :D

    sugar or pie?

    let's ask the audience.

  18. That sounds pretty cool actually. Sadly, I'm not really online often enough :cry:

    it does sound good, i based it mostly of who wants to be a zeldillionaie, which also wnt well, but the price was too high.

  19. wow....i must really suck :unsure: not a single request in months......... :cry: im gonna cry now....

    hmm, i'm rather charitable around christmas and i can respect signiature makers so i'll fill an order.

    render: 6q3y1ja.jpg (but just the actual slice of pie)

    text: along top and in center "pieism, the way to enlightenment"

    background: 6omw3kj.png
