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Posts posted by Ammonsa

  1. Ok, how about we divide it like so:


    Lannisters: Necropolis

    Tyrion Lannister

    Cersei Lannister

    Jaime Lannister

    Tywin Lannister


    Northerners + Baratheon: Ammonsa

    Jon Snow

    Roose Bolton


    Stannis Baratheon



    Edmure Tully

    Walder Frey



    Lord Varys
    Petyr Baelish
    Guy Targaryen


    The 3 mystery characters are also in 3 different categories.

    At least this way you can claim a certain category without giving away potential powers.

  2. I bought a Wii U because it's the only place I'm going to be able to play Zelda and other Nintendo games, so the lack of third party content doesn't bother me because most of it will be on PC anyway. But yeah, they need some new IP, Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, etc, just isn't enough when they're the primary draws to the console.

  3. I'm going to buy a Wii U soon, along with Mario Kart 8. The argument about specs is really dumb to me anyway, because the Wii U looks and feels great, and the real draw for me is all the exclusive games that I will never get on computer. I can get just about every PS4/Xbone game on PC, I can't get Mario Kart 8 or Wind Waker HD.

  4. I would have preferred if you had only deleted my post and not the entire exchange, regardless of your motivations I was the only one breaking any actual rules there.

    PrimaGaga likes this

  5. Deleting posts is a bad way of enforcing stuff, just probate us or something or warn us instead of deleting posts. I literally can't think of any reason why posts would need to be deleted unless we posted something illegal.

    It just sets a shitty precedent.

    PrimaGaga likes this

  6. I bought a Wii U and mario kart 8 today and then realised i didnt have enough money for when friends are visiting next week so i got a refund lmao


    gonna buy it again next payday

    PrimaGaga likes this

  7. Maybe, and this is a shocking thought, films don't need to alternate between being pandering trash and having a grand thematic undertone you agree with. MAYBE, having a strong female lead, regardless of the reasoning behind why they have one, is a good thing! This is a terrible argument, you can make it for any movie that has ever been released by a major studio, we all know that they do the things that they think will appeal with the greatest number of their target demographics. But I don't see you trashing the artistic integrity of all the other films that came out, so why this one?

  8. Yeah but that doesn't exist

    Also, this is a bad thread. Do you want to discuss the movie or do you want to make a tired argument about tumblr yet again? I don't think anyone actually cares what you think about tumblr, no one gives a shit about your pet war.

    PrimaGaga and Cascade like this

  9. Statuses weren't being used for their more limited purpose, that is, just a short sentence similar to a twitter post mentioning something, with little to no replies. Instead we'd just hold entire discussions on there. I think statuses could be a good thing still if it wasn't possible to respond to them, only to maybe like them like we can like posts currently. That'd be more in keeping with what I imagine their original purpose was.

    I think we're better off without it as it was. And it shouldn't be regarded as removing functionality or downgrading, but more as "We tried this out, it didn't make the site any better and indeed made it probably worse in several ways, let's remove it and try other stuff."

    pheonix561 likes this