Shin Megami Akida

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Posts posted by Shin Megami Akida

  1. Already knew about this, and while it makes sense it's not canon.

    If you are actually a fan of the series, I suggest you go to

    I must admit that I'm quite surprised to see another Mother fan here.

    Heh. Me neither.

    Actually, I did get a couple of things wrong in this:

    The rape thing is from Itoi's childhood, then he mistankely stpped into a Adult Movie and saw a rape scene. So, he took the words Giygas has said.

    I never knew anybody else loved mother too.

    I have visit, btw. I normally don't go on there, and I am not a veteran motehr fan, the game makes me cry sometimes..

  2. As any Earthbound fan would know, Giygas was the last boss in the game. Truly, he was VERY scary. The way he talks..his setting, everything about him was terrifying.

    But everything he says, everything about him means something. Something that has importance. But no one ever knew that.

    Countless youtube videos show that Giygas was odd indeed. But, I want to sum this all up with a picture I just found:


    If you read the entire thing, compare the two pictures. You now know everything about Giygas. I am sorry I had to make this short, but I am sweating and need to get some sleep.

    This is an intresting find to anybody who cares.

  3. I actually have played a Test Demo of Brawl.

    I am just judging what I have experienced so far.

    I probably won't make a full review, but I will probably steal my friends Brawl and test it out. >_>

    So, yeah. >_>

  4. Well, here I am making a post about Super Smash Bros. Brawl, one of the best destructional game in the history of mankind. Featuring Zelda, Mario, Link and other video game characters you might remember! Time for the review!


    Well, just like any fighting game, this is side-view battles. The gameplay is fantastic, graphics will blow your mind, and the storyline is just to fun!

    1: Gameplay.

    From what I heard, this Super Smash Brothers game is going to be EPIC, all in friggin capitals. This game will leave you hypnotized for hours trying to unlock trophies, stickers, and much more characters! From Battle Royal mode, to classic mode where you go through a series of stages to fight the final boss to unlock new features! Sadly, this is repetitve sometimes, and it gets annoying trying to unlock every single character when you go through the same game mode every time with nothing changing but the music! I give this..

    8 of 10!


    2. Music Where the hell do I begin? Hmmm, lets start with the Start menu music.

    It's orchestrated and it sounds wonderful, perfect and flawless brawl material music! From battles in the skies with intense fast music, to calming music with insane battles in the background. Nintendo out done themselves again with musicial masterpieces of this game. I can't wait to get a copy of this game!! The score? Simple..

    10 of 10! :D


    3. Characters

    Yep, we all know this already. Mario, Link, Kirby, blah blah blah...but, the newcomers of this game? What are they?

    From Metaknight of the Kirby Series

    to Pit from a nintendo classic, Kid Icarus.

    The colorful characters are awesome, and I simply can't get enough of them.

    I won't spoil any secret characters for you, but just go to for the information, but you have been warned.

    Also, one of the newcomes is....


    Time for some kickass character to be put in a nintendo game!

    The score:

    Perfect 10 of 10!!


    Well, I gave my vote. This was a pretty short review, and I'll try to update it soon for more information, but check for all information for characters, stages, and everything about the game.


    10 for gameplay, characters and music!


  5. Listen, this may sound weird but...

    My friend asked me out earlier and then she changed her mind and sploded.

    She likes me not because of the way I look (Mind you I am really ugly. Note: THe pic on my profile isn't me, it's my friend, Jack.), but because of my personality and niceness/randomness.

    But, strange, she acts weird sometimes, which I don't mind really, and she is pretty cute. <3 I like her alot, but I don't want to rush things if I ever say "Do you want to go out?"

    I always hesitate on this, and my friends give me crappy answers like, "She's ugly, zomg. Go out with that hawt girl."

    So...will anyone help me?

    Btw, I have no experience in relationships, EVER!! So, i might need some advice on that too...

    Many thanks,

    Don Akida. <3

  6. Barrack Obama all the way. Why? Because Hiliary is very much gonna make our country worse, I bet she'll end up killing us.

    I don't have anything against woman at all, nor am I sexcist. I just think Obama because he will be our first EVER afrucan-american man to be president! This is a big change in our country, and now just for the troops in Iraq/Iran, but for the pride of all african americans world-wide.

  7. Note: This story gets very violent at some point, and curses may begin to rise. Please be aware of this if you are too young, and your country/state/city cannot read violent stories, etc. Thanks, and enjoy this fan fiction!


    Ever since the start of time, before the heavenly gods purified the lands, there were the Death Gods.

    They determined the death of the life around them, they were the true reapers of hell itself.

    In the year, 2000, a man named Kira founded a book known as the 'Death Note' and as the book said...:

    "The person holding this book shall not go to heaven or hell..."

    Then...the dark hour of mankind began.

    Kira knew this world was filled with greed, hate and selfish people.

    So...he decided to kill them.

    "The person who owns this book has the power to kill anyone at any given time."

    Thus, the darkhour grew...

    Many people had died...and the last only few know of Kira.

    In 2004, a boy named Light Yagami finds another 'Death Note' and begins to purify the world of hate, just as Kira did.

    More and more died, and an investigation formed...Light was now the suspected Kira, and his life got worse. His father, a man named Ryuzaki and even the world is against him. Finally...after all ends.

    Light Yagami dies...and it becomes peaceful...

    Until...the next Death Note is dropped.


    Chapter 1::Death Note


    Tokyo, Japan. 04:13 (PM), June 16 2012.

    The bell rang...just as I knew it would. School ended at 4 pm, due to an early release because of a murder in Kyoto. Oh...I forgot.

    My name is Yashiki Yomike, and I am 21 years old. I go to college half the time, and get out to go home and study. I love my life. I cherish it everyday, and it makes me a prime 'suspect' to get bullied on. It's annoying more than ever, as these jocks and preps keeping f*cking with me. It get's more and more stressful.

    Yashiki began to walk home, with his bag in one hand, dragging it onto the ground. He was tired than ever, his entire mind starts rumbling. Damn, what to study first...the test? No, wait. I have 3 of them, Biology, Geography and Calculus! UGH! This is irritating! I can't deal with this, I need to study, but what to do first...okay. I got it. I'll do Biology first, then --- He stopped thinking, since he got hit on the head with a rock.

    "OW!" Yoshiki exclaimed.

    Behind him were those jocks with the girls standing beside them like little dolls, cuddling up to them. Yashiki turned around in anger and yelled, "What the hell do you asses' want!?"

    "Money, we want it for drugs, kid." one of them replied.

    That one, is Rodellius, he is from Europe. In fact, most of the students are from Rome or Europe.

    "You want money, huh? Go make it yourself! Like I should deal with a bunch of lousy idiots like you!" Yashiki yelled.

    They smirked and looked at him as if he were nothing, then they stopped bugging him. As they saw something fly through the sky quickly, like a jetplane up-close.

    "WHOA! What was that!?" the jocks exclaimed, "Did you see that thing? It was huge, and way to close! So fast..." they began to ramble on.

    I don't have time to deal with idiots that are to tied up looking at a bird. This is depressing, I almost feel sorry for them.

    "Well, whatever. See ya, guys." Yashiki took off immediately after the 'whatever' flew pass them.

    They didn't even notice or bother to complain that he was gone.

    I got home quicker than usual, I felt like I was being pushed to get home. I was eager to get studying anyway.

    "Mom? Are you home? It's Yashiki!"

    Yashiki's mom came out of the kitchen, "Oh, dear! How're today?"

    This is my mother, she's very very kind. I never really talk to her much, since I am tied up with school and stuff. But I promised her I would spend all my time as soon as school was over.

    "Heh. I am fine, mom. I am going upstairs to study, okay?" he replyed.

    "Oh sure dear. Just please don't make too much confusion like last time, okay?"

    "Yeah, ma'. I promise!" he walked upstairs and dropped onto his bed.

    "Oh tired, I just want to sleep. Maybe I should rest, I am over pushing it a bit."

    He took of his bag and lyed it on his bed, and out slid a small black book. It was tore on the sides and it looked like a 3 year old was chewing on it, it even had burns on it.

    "Huh..? What's this?"

    He looked at the back of the book, examining it then turning it over to the front.

    Desu Nōto The book read. He translated it into english and it said, "Death Note."

    "Death Note? I think I heard of this in an old news article....but, what does it do?"

    He felt something where'd about the book, like his soul and the book connected together. Strange, but a somewhat relaxing feeling.

    He turned around to search his bag and saw something terrifying. He looked into the face of doll-like figure, with blood shot eyes and violent teeth. What he stared at, was a nightmare.

    He didn't say anything, in facr he couldn't move a muscle within any inch of his body. His brain was going nuts saying, WHAT IS THAT!? WHAT IS THAT!? WHAT IS THAT!? WHATS HAPPENING!? WHATS HAPPENING!? His mind dropped and he just stared into the eyes, and said one word, "D-Death..."

    _______DEATH NOTE : END OF CHAPTER 1__________

  8. Welcome to my new game, "What do you do?"! It's basically a game where someone puts you in a situtation where you have to think of something smart (or stupid.) to do.

    The game is simple:

    Someone will put you in a situtation, for example:

    You got a beer, a TV, your too lazy to move and your wife is nagging to you, what do you do?

    And you might answer like this...

    Drink the beer, throw to beer at the wifes head knocking her out. And watch I am Legend.

    Of course, these are examples!

    Now, begin by posting your "What do you do?" situtation and have fun! ^__^




  9. Alright, people. I just created a game, remember those interactive story books where you turn the page and stuff? Yeah, neither did we, but heres an interactive story!!

    Basically, what your doing is that I am describing an area and stuff, and you pick answers on what the character in the story should do, simple enough right?

    Ok, here's the beggining!


    You wake up from the sound of a yell and open your eyes to find yourself a big field thats nearly empty. You have a bag, a stick, a fishbowl and there's a trail of blood leading somewhere backwards (Didn't you come from there or something?) What do you do?


    Now, reply with an answer and I'll choose the one that is best!


  10. The Sacred Mirage. A story created by Alexander 'Akida' Nathaniel. (Original story created by me, all characters are owned by me.)

    It was midnight...the dimily lit cavern was empty, but with just creatures sitting down, nearby a cackling fire. The first one looked at the fire blankly, and began,

    " long?" he asked.

    His brother turned his head, "I dunno. Maybe it will be like this forever."

    "The world ended too soon, brother...I mean. We're only 12..."

    He bit his lip, "Yeah...b-but that means no rules, right?"

    He didn't answer him, instead he shivered and put his hand over the fire, rubbing his hands together to become warmer.

    Who knows how long this will last? It's quiet, the end of the like this from now on.

    "Damn...he could've left. But now those marksman are after us, we're so screwed. What a drag." the brother turned to the other one.

    "Xion...we need to go."

    "Right...Arku, we need to rebel. We cannot live like this much longer, brother!" he shouted.

    They picked up the swords they had brung with them, and had sheathe them in their sockets. The outside was loud, screams of pain and misery we're spreading all over the place. You could even hear them in your soul, no matter how far you were. The cackling fire grew louder, and louder...danger approached.

    Arku and Xion both stumbled as the ground shaked, and they looked amongst the cave walls, "It's gonna collapse! GO!" yelled Arku.

    The fire went out, and Arku couldn't wait, he pushed his brother out of harms way but Arku, as a result, was crushed under the weight of the giant boulders.

    "NO! BROTHER!!!" Xion yelled, and began to mourn his brothers death, but was soon cut short by his confidence. He couldn't sit here and cry like a kid anymore, this was the end, and now he needed to live it out...

    This all happened too fast, though...

    A young child with long, blonde hair closed the book she was reading, "Xion of the Marksmen."

    "Hmm...intresting. Maybe that's the way our world should've end as well..." the girl shrugged.

    She stroked her hair and looked out into her window, up in the attic. "It's been long now...maybe it's over for us, too?" She soon fitted herself in a long white shirt, which she had cut so that it was long. It seemed like an elegant dress for her, and she proudly spun around in a circle and giggled.

    "This is the way the world ends." she chanted.

    This is the way the world ends.

    This is the way the world ends.

    This is the way the world ends.

    It will end foreveer~!

    She sung this tune as she walked down stairs, stroking her hair and laughing.

    "Divaaa..." a eerie voice pronounced, "How are you this fine day...?"

    A form appeared before her and she smiled, "Oh, dear. I am fine...and you?"

    The form had no face, as he was a shadowy, gas like sprit. "Heh. I am fine, I just seem a little bit out of shape today."

    The young girl, now known as Diva smiled at the form, "Oh, how nice you is wonderful. The sky is blood red, the ground is broke, people scream in fear. So wonderful!" she laughed more and more.

    "Don't laugh to much, dear, you may crack open like an egg." he soon laughed, too.

    The year was 2012, in England. The streets were empty, the darkness had consumed the sky, and turned it into blood...rain never comes. Darkness always plays. The young girl is known as the Diva of Fates, she predicted the world to like this, in 2007. No one dare believed a young 8 year old, but that changed. The last remaining people are her, her servant, Arsme, the gas-like sprit and her pet bird, Twan.

    This is the way the world ends.

    This is the way the world ends.

    This is the way the world ends.

    It will end foreveer~!

    And thats how I love it!

  11. Wow, of all the the stick RPG games I have seen, this is by far the best...

    Check it out for yourselves, download and play. It's addictive and fun.

  12. Uh, hey. I had 3 tetnis shots coz I had a serious virus. Well, on top of that . No, Tetnis shots do NOT hurt that much, if you had ever had a flu shot or blood test/shot, it feels just like that. A quick pinch, sore arm, lolipop go home. If you dont believe me, just calm down. Its not like your dying, ok?

  13. Oh, man. This day sucked, I never know how this happened but...

    I was walking down the stairs, our school has about 20 floors with 2 elevators.

    I tripped...and feel down 12 flights of friggin stairs, my head was spinning and I was rolling like a frickin ball like a nut. My hand was jammed under my foot and I looked like I was in a knot.

    I have a broken leg, a 7 broken fingers, (5 on one hand, 2 on other.) Ihad a hard tiem righting this.

    Ow. It hruts like hell.

  14. Oh, man. This day sucked, I never know how this happened but...

    I was walking down the stairs, our school has about 20 floors with 2 elevators.

    I tripped...and feel down 12 flights of friggin stairs, my head was spinning and I was rolling like a frickin ball like a nut. My hand was jammed under my foot and I looked like I was in a knot.

    I have a broken leg, a 7 broken fingers, (5 on one hand, 2 on other.) Ihad a hard tiem righting this.

    Ow. It hruts like hell.

  15. I HATE NARUTO! I used to love this show but whats with all the fillers? I watched every single episode since it's North America release, and I have to listen to 'Sas-kaaay kun!!' cry about his family. How many times is 'Ooh, death of uchihah HARHJSAHDASDASD' gonna be mentioned, if you agree with me, post.