Vadarth X

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Posts posted by Vadarth X

  1. Wow, that's weird. I wonder why they put it there?

    To freak us out and make us go ape-crazy trying to figure out what it means. Then tell us, years later, that the scratch was made by an innocent cow (the hole near there with the cow in it). A water-breathing cow.

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!(Except for the toon Link part)

    "Also, as a special bonus if you pre-order now, we will give you a life-size talking statue of Navi!!!! Your welcome and enjoy!!!!!!"

  3. A lot :embarrassed: . I'm planning to go to Neverland and over-throw a dbdescqxaqewxaczewvdxtbcnbunmygiumjijunm,.ppo89078t6rv45ec3x1q3czsv65b7b8gn9k87y


    Are you hyper or something?

  4. That's your thing. Now I'm gonna go help a gjvhjnjkbkjbfhfbyrdrtswezxaqweawcvrbijhiu,io.p!

    What happened there?

  5. Why would you want it in a pie then?

    Wish granted, but then you discover that you were cooked instead. And now the chicken eats you.

  6. Can't remember what those are (used to watch that show).

    ^ friendship with magical creatures

    v A weapon.

  7. "Hit me baby one more time."

    Oh and this topic is getting sooooooooooooooooooooooooo worng it's not funny, it's a perverted topic and...I made it that way!!!! Yeah for me!!!!!

    I think I'll be leaving soon.

  8. So you and LDGM like my idea because that would be cool.

    @LDGM's idea: What if insted of carts they ride horse's?

    @TBZFE's idea: Ok that would be fun but who would be in it besides Link and Zelda?

    Zelda Kart:

    Navi: Why do I lose every race!?! Why, goddesses, why did you give me no limbs!?!?!?!?! WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Zelda Party:

    And Tingle wins with 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    99999999999999999999999999999 rupees and 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Triforces!!!!!!!

    Tingle: Kooloo-Limpah!!!!!!!!

  9. I HATE Navi!!!!!!!! Midna is much better. Though I do miss Navi's info. Hey, I just had an interesting thought. What if Nintendo decided to make a Navi game (like that Tingle game)?:

    "We are now revealing the new Zelda game that was codenamed "Zelda Revolution": "Navi's Quest of Utter Annoyance and Unimportance"!!!! In this new game, you will use the Wii remote and Nunchuck in all new ways!! Your mission is to become a Great Fairy! To do this, you will have to defeat many enemies along the way, including Ganon, using your super Annoyance abilities!!!!!! And she will get helpers too: Tingle, that Owl that said a lot of unimportant things, Tatl, and a new enemy: "Dark Navi"!!!! Also, because of Navi's new-found popularity, we decided to add Navi and Tingle as playable characters in Brawl in place of those two nobody likes anymore, Link and Toon Link!!!! And that's not all! The Owl is here in place of Zelda/Shiek and Dark Navi will take Ganon's place!!!!!! If Navi's new adventure does well, we'll make "The Owl's Quest for Knowledge and Insanity"!!!!!! In that game, you will drive your enemies "cuck-oo" with your endless amount of wisdom and breath!!!!! This is indeed a revolution!!!!!!!!!!"

  10. Link: ...*Gasps and stares and dies*...

    Tingle (naked): What? What is it? Do you not like my maps?...Oh, look! A bag of rupees! I'll just be taking those! I should do this more often!