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Posts posted by Cirt

  1. Okay, no more Padraig/GMP drama. Please.

    Also, I thought Shiz went back to being okay? ¿Qué pasó?

  2. Hmm well, that's high school for ya, assuming you're in high school. Junior year perhaps? If you're not there yet, it's pretty bad. Also it sounds like you're doing a bunch of busy work, which in my opinion, is both a waste of your time and your teacher's time to be making you do something so intellectually dulling. Unless it's math, busy work is a waste of energy. :/

    Though as a senior, I'm feeling more stressed than I did last year...4 AP classes, college applications, other random stuff... Senioritis sucks. I don't want to do shi* anymore :/

  3. Hmm, mine was twitching a couple days ago, though for me it was out of mere exhaustion. I went all of last week on about 20ish hours of sleep as opposed to the 35ish I try to get. x_x

    So um, I don't know. Muscle spasms just happen, come and go.

  4. My first name is Kelsey. I'm pretty sure it's Celtic, meaning 'of the ship island'....ironic because I'm half Cuban.

    I like my last name, it goes well with my first. It rolls off the tongue~

  5. Eh, sometimes us disappearers come back. Like me. I vanished for about 7 months, but hey, I'm back.

    But on a more serious note, I know something like that has happened before. An RP forum I used to post on had two administrators, and one of them died in a car crash. I didn't know her personally, but enough to be like, Whoa. It really brings you back down to earth.

  6. Get a betta, they're awesome. And give it a ridiculously awesome name. I pet sitted for my neighbor's betta once, and his name was Nebuchadnezzar. :D Neb, and Chad for short lol.

    They're pretty, and if you hold a mirror in front of them they puff up their fins and start charging at the tank wall... xD Also, they don't need filters in their tanks. Literally a fish you can keep in a bowl.

  7. Yeah, usually I'm a curser. But one time when my brother was playing Twilight Princess, he was being attacked by those skeletal fish things, and I was like, "DUDE! YOU GOTTA MOVE OR YOU'RE GONNA GET ATTACKED BY THE VICIOUS FISHES!"

    We were doubled over laughing for like ten minutes. xD

  8. At the moment I am eating a crunchy granola bar - oats & honey flavor.


    This has got to be one of my favorite foods~

  9. My best friend painted one of her walls in her room with chalkboard paint, and today, I drew this awesome picture on it. It was like this pretty sun with a few clouds, and it says "Good morning sunshine." I'll see if I can get pics. :))

  10. Eh, I would but I found that I like fanfics that aren't including OCs. I can visualize the story much easier with a familiar antagonist.

    But, I will check out the RP.

  11. Dark Link isn't bad enough :/

    Koume and Kotake I have considered, but I don't know if they would fit in the situation I've created in the story.

    Also, Rainy, I miss you on the chat. :(

  12. Vaati FTW.

    Also, join my RP that I have going and try and make it live?

    I'll think about it :) Right now I'm focused on this fanfic, and I hope to have it done by the end of the month.

  13. So I just started writing my first Zelda fanfic (you think it's sad, but I've been RPing Zelda for a while instead). And I'm about two chapters in, and well, I can't quite decide on a bad bad guy to bring into the picture. What I mean by that is think about the games, and the final boss at the end. Meaning Ganondorf/Ganon, Zant, Vaati...etc.

    If you could just throw out some names and why you like them, that'd be great. Also, I'm not too keen on using Ganondorf because he just gets boring. :/

    If you would like to read what I've written so far, it is right here. (on

    Thanks everyone :D

  14. Oh my Gosh that's one big trip (or should that be trips?)

    Yeah, trips.

    AND I'M BACK! And had a wonderful time :DD