Final Hyrule Finale

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Posts posted by Final Hyrule Finale

  1. might i suggest a bltt n' r

    a bacon, lettuce, turkey, toasted, with ranch (dressing)

  2. there is a grandpa a dad and a boy

    the g is the dad of the d and the d is the dad of the b

    the b is the son of the d and the d is the son of the g

    d= dad

    g= grandpa

    b= boy

  3. 1. - it is sunny.


    1. the dog hears the car coming.


    1. the dog is in the middle so the car cannot turn in time to miss

  4. i just had the gratest idea evah, vatii is studying ancient hyrule and discovers ganondorf and they seek summening bellum. but the darkness over powers them when bellum is summend and combines bellum, gannondorf, and vatii, forming a dark mass of the three. :D i will post a pic later.

  5. But muffin is correct, it is whaever color the objet you're looking at reflects

    so are you saying it's the color of what it's reflecting?

    what if you put a frameless mirror in front of mirror?

    try answering that smart guy!

  6. this has kinda been bothering me for awhile but,

    what color is a mirror?

    (i am not talking about the frame of the mirror i am talking about themirror.)

  7. I had a record of like....a week, too. *sighs*

    rely? i had a record of 9 years.

  8. final hyrule: reference to link's final smash

    deku nut: i felt like changing my name

    POORU: i made a topic about changing my name and translated Paul into Japanese and back.

  9. ok, here are the rules

    1. Once you are told of the game, you start playing it.

    2. You never stop playing the game.

    3. You can never win the game.

    4. The only way to win is to get everybody to start playing it.

    5. If you think about the game, you must exclaim it, ("I LOST THE GAME") publicly, out loud, and in whatever other form of communication you might be in. (ie - Chat convo, texting, note writing, etc.)

    6. You have just lost the game.

    congratulations, by reading the rules you lose!

    ha ha ha

  10. Can't we just do the article above and suggest a new one. It sucks having to wait for five people each time.


  11. ok the instructions are:

    go to and select random article

    and see how many articles it takes to get to the selected article using the links in the articles.

    1+ people must compete in an article before another article can be


    I'll start, the article is: Daft Punk

  12. answer:Bathykolpian

    this is a fun forum game and i hope no one gets mine.

    if someone does they die or somthing.

    is this good?

    if it isn't please tell me.

    "you, answer my problem!"