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Posts posted by .::TheLonelyShadow::.

  1. *searches* now you mention it, I haven't seen mine either. Ah, they have been stolen or something?

    Or ... maybe Dustin did some adjustments again?

  2. <_< we know that much, thank you very much!

    It is not a blade, nor a bottle.

    It is not a shot of any length

    It instead is used on a lake."

    Ohhhh!I bet I know this one!It has to be a canoe. It just screams canoe all over it!

  3. Nooo I was talking about Daedric Lord. Good grief ....

    AW, GL, I wanted to make the new one. Fine, I want to close this!*closes and kicks it back to the 'old idea, new story line'* HEH

  4. It would be nice to hear him speak something for once in a game. Anything but screaming or yelling 'Hiya!' or something other then that. It's starting to get really boing now

  5. Vivi, did I hear you say what I think you said?Who died today?

    *stares at DL* I think he did!*points in DL's direction*

  6. Uh ... That's what every one knows so why tell us?Why?

  7. Tael's with the skull kid though, even though he's doing evil stuff, how you gonna answer for that?

    Uh... That's a good question. I'd beat the hell out of the skull kid then give Tael a cookie? *pauses to think for a moment* Well, maybe that's a really bad idea. So, I dont have an answer for that. *cries*

  8. Hmmm...Volvagia eh?

    well, if someone else wants to be link then I'll be Darunia, keeping on the fire temple theme....

    and Zelda pretty much hit the nail on the head there...

    Pretty much, yeah

  9. :blink: That actually made alot more sense then what other people are thinking ... (No offense, but thats what I think!)

    And they are both black and ... and ... Uh ... Well, what kind of powers does Midna use?Dark perhaps?And both Midna and Vaati both are mysterious, and we don't know much about their pasts. Oh wait, we do know that Vaati (In Minish Cap) is a apprentice mage and all that but we dont know where he comes from and why he decide to be an apprentice

  10. Havent you knoticed that everyone is complaining that you are bringing this story off topic almost every single time that you make a post?I'm on GL's side and I don't think that you are ... mature (is that the right word?) enough to handle the part of Link's part. If you do show some on the next story and if we have a third story, Im sure GL will let you become Link!

    Just as long as you dont bring the story off topic and stick to the rules!

    ... Did that sound right? :blink:

  11. :blink: It's just you cause I only can see one eye.

  12. :blink: Thats a good question. Maybe Dustin had to change them?

    Anyways, here's another theory:

    What if Midna is somehow related (or a reincarnation) of Vaati?I mean think of about it, they both shown shown on;y one of their eyes.

  13. But what if you couldnt swim and the next island was miles away?Eventually, you would die from exhaustion!

  14. (Im only joking, well, Im not joking at the fact that no one is allowed to take MY character unless I say they can!)