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Profile Comments posted by Zeldafan

  1. Zeldafan » Teto

    Hi best friend !:D
  2. Zeldafan

    Hmm... looking back at all of my older posts I can now see that I used to be the most sarcastic person on this forum :O
    Note to self: I should should probably lighten up on the sarcasm.
  3. Zeldafan » Teto

    Hey howcome I'm not on your friend list (>_>)?
    And better yet howcome you have like a million channel comments and I only have one page of comments ?:-(
  4. Zeldafan

    Okay to answer an ancient year old question which Silves wants me to answer ( which is the only reason I'm answering it TooTs ;) ): I asked if you were a moderator simply because I was new to the site at the time, I didn't know, and you gave off a moderator vibe. Ancient question solved I hope you're happy now kids :linkblink:
  5. Zeldafan

    Dude I got another ten percent for just saying "I do :wave:"! Are you serious!!!
  6. Zeldafan

    Well it would about fit my warning level :nervouslink:
  7. Zeldafan

    Yay thats a perfect reason for ratings (-_-)